God Expects More Than Just A Prayer

Most of us have now heard (perhaps too many times) the old joke about the guy on the roof of his house as the flood waters rise. A motor boat comes to save him but he refuses stating that he has prayed and knows that God will rescue him. Then a helicopter comes and hovers overhead and he responds the same way.

Soon of course he dies and meets the Lord in Heaven. He is clearly perturbed and questions God about why He didn't save him after his passionate prayers. And God says, "What do you mean? I sent you a boat and a helicopter."

Well, a similar type of story is actually found in the book of Nehemiah that reminds us that we too must do more than just pray. Nehemiah has been called to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. And unfortunately not everyone in leadership is happy with him. In chapter 4, verse 7 we read, "But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the men of Ashdod heart that the repairs  to Jerusalem's walls had gone ahead and that the gaps were being closed they were very angry."

In fact this wasn't the first conflict Nehemiah encountered. Chapter two says they had been mocked and ridiculed.

But then verse eight adds that his detractors were actually going to come and fight against Jerusalem. But notice what verse nine says . . . . "But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat."

We prayed to our God AND posted a guard. What a helpful model for the praying Christian today. Yes, pray like crazy as my boss likes to say but do everything you can do to be wise. This verse speaks volumes for why we should find the best doctors when we're sick, have our cars checked out before a long trip and count the cost before we start a building project. "Posting a guard" isn't a lack of faith, it's just smart and what many have modeled throughout Scripture. God put these examples in the Word for a reason.

Faith still challenges us to believe God for a miracle, to do beyond what we could ask and think, to be confident that God can provide and protect even in the middle of the worst. Sometimes there is nothing else we can do and God has to accomplish it totally without our involvement.

But maybe today you're wondering what to do next after you've prayed passionately about a need in your life or an initiative you believe God is leading you to pursue.

You might try posting a guard, doing the next wise thing. And when the boat and the helicopter show up, you'll recognize from whence they came!



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