gift of salvation inside

Christmas was a day that i once dreaded,in my life i`ve seen hurts and pains but the day they celebrated Christmas was always painful,and dark for me see that was the day that the savest woman i knew died a shell of her.beautiful self with the death stinch of cancer,i would here others talk about family,friends,love ,hope and peace on earth goodwill towards men,those sounds mock & tormented my soul because,Sara E Alexander was dead( my mom) died at 57 yrs young,a women that was saved and filled with the Spirit of GOD, servant,prayer warrior,church mother, a minister of the Gospel,my mom,my friend,my wise council,i was a babe in the LORD, newly married with kids and a pass that was so evil i could still smell sometime brimstones i could`nt fathom in my mind and heart for a longtime peace on earth and goodwill towards men;then one day i told GOD i was tired,AND SAID PLEASE forgive me ,and visit me with your saving,healing,delivering power,i declared JESUS IS MY LORD,one of the first things the HolyGhost brought back to my rememberance  was my mommy praying 4 me:O`LORD fill up my son tony with JESUS and drive out every evil thats in him fill him with Your love,save i look at Christmas with salvation on the inside 2 Corinthians 9:15 thank you FATHER GOD 4 JESUS our gift amen....!!!!

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