Shifting Florida in 2015The Reason As a forerunner state, Florida plays a significant role for modeling change. To affect change we can take a look back at the model for God's established order of priesthood throughout Israel's journey into possessing territory that did indeed affect change. Darkness and unholy nations were affected as they kept God the focus of their lives. As priests serviced the altars, God's Presence remained among them bringing favor, protection and blessing. In our present society we can easily draw the conclusion that unholy altars are having considerable impact and the level of Godly priesthood must be heightened to bring the influence needed to affect change as well as sustaining God's people. If we continue to ask, "What will it take to shift our nation," yet fail to extrapolate an answer based on the Word, we will continue to experience a downward spiral. A set apart life as priests unto the Lord WILL bring a response from God.
The Consideration So, let's consider what could happen if Florida built a state altar before the Lord CRYing out consistently - in unity - to draw God's Presence across our peninsula? Well, for one thing Psalms 133 says a blessing is commanded when unity shows up! How about the thought that darkness has no effect when light is turned on. Armed with these 2 impacting thoughts and a LOT of the Word, the Awakening Florida Prayer Army has partnered with several Florida Houses of Prayer, to experience the effect of that consideration....WE ARE BUILDING A STATE ALTAR. Together, we will begin lifting up a CRY over the state of the church. The church needs encouragement and a unified heart to draw God's Presence. WE AGREE WE WANT THAT!!!!
The Plan Already in the making, is the establishing of prayer EVERY Friday at some location in Florida, which will cover 24 hours of prayer beginning the first Friday in March; 6:00 PM Friday to 6:00 PM Saturday - through the entire year. The focus will be CRYing out over the state of the church for affecting Cities, Reconciliation, Youth. We are looking for the church to awaken to the SOS for Shifting Our State in 2015! For now, you will receive continued emails such as this one, posting the locations for the Friday prayer along with the prayer focus and scriptures provided for praying into each Friday evening. The month of March is already covered and most of April. Soon we will have a CRY driven presence on the web that we will send you to for all the info and updates.
The Need Would you forward this information on to intercessors, churches/pastors, marketplace ministries, youth ministries, home churches,etc., you feel may be interested in this news? We are continuing to seek out host locations that would participate in covering a 24 Hour Friday evening prayer. If this is to continue to have life and succeed, it will take many hands. We need YOU!
The Questions While all questions cannot be addressed, following are just a few that may come to mind.
Q: Do we have to be in one location to host a 24 Hour CRY A: No. However, it is necessary to have a lead person who will take responsibility for contacting those willing to take an hour or two hour slot.
Q: What is required to host? A: Email: There will also be a form sent for completing once the 24 hour prayer time is completed. We want to know any words, scriptures or insight that may have been received.
Q: Can I volunteer to help? A: PLEASE!!!!! Email:
Q: What if I have further questions? A: Email: Please share this information with others and get the word out across the state. REMEMBER: THIS IS A "BODY" EVENT! No one is looking to take credit or be highlighted. Yes, there will be leaders and host locations, but this effort is FOR the BODY and BY the BODY so we all make a difference together.