Spiritual life and experiences are deeper than the human can comprehend. That's why the Lord sent the Holy Spirit who will guide us in everything, including interpreating and understanding dreams. I do have all manner of dreams--in most cases, evidence of malaria attack. They cease on visiting the doctor. At times, a dream gives me an insight, but not a doctrine. Where the dream contradicts the basic Christian doctrine, I take caution.
While we see God speaking t people in dreams in the BIble, it is not an every person, every night occurrence. The Holy Spirit is fully capable of letting a person know when a dream is meant to be interpreted for the cause of the Gospel.
Spiritual life and experiences are deeper than the human can comprehend. That's why the Lord sent the Holy Spirit who will guide us in everything, including interpreating and understanding dreams. I do have all manner of dreams--in most cases, evidence of malaria attack. They cease on visiting the doctor. At times, a dream gives me an insight, but not a doctrine. Where the dream contradicts the basic Christian doctrine, I take caution.
Celestine S. Ikwuamaesi
In my opinion, no.
While we see God speaking t people in dreams in the BIble, it is not an every person, every night occurrence. The Holy Spirit is fully capable of letting a person know when a dream is meant to be interpreted for the cause of the Gospel.