Here’s some of what the body of Christ is doing through Love Fox Valley (Illinois):
April 25, 2010 was the 10th annual Motorcycle Sunday, held at Phillips Park in Aurora IL. This is an event made possible by volunteers from dozens of local churches.
Even with a less than perfect forecast, over three hundred bikers were in attendance, about 500 guests total. The day is designed as a mainstream motorcycle rally, with a festival stage, rock and blues bands, motorcycle shops and merchandise and food vendors.
The centerpiece of the day is the bike blessing, where guests are invited to go to their bike, where they are joined by friends of Motorcycle Sunday. Pastor Randy Schoof leads a prayer from the stage, thanking God for His blessings, asking for His protection, and inviting His presence to be knowing in each person’s life. It’s amazing to see bikers be visibly moved, as they are led in an expression of faith in Jesus – many of them for the first time in their lives.