Be Careful!

“No one tests the depths of a river with both feet.” (Ashanti Proverb)


Knowing life could be dangerous and being concerned for our welfare, our parents advised us to be careful. From God’s omniscient perspective, aware that invisible forces are ready to attack when our guard is down, our Heavenly Father warns us to be careful.


Drifting on life’s sea can lead to moral shipwreck. A tumbleweed in circumstantial winds entangles in embarrassing ethical barbed wire. Therefore we should prayerfully listen to our Lord’s  wise and loving counsel.


A common public sign cautions us of possible danger—WATCH YOUR STEP! Sadly, we sometimes pay closer attention to human words than to heaven’s. When we’re inattentive or tired, we’re more likely to trip. We wouldn’t play volleyball in a minefield, so why run helter-skelter through life?


We should be careful to pray only to the one true God. We should avoid bending the knee to ego, status, money, possessions, technology, power, or sensuality. Under no circumstances should be climb on Satan’s bandwagon—he would take us on a wild ride ending in catastrophe.


If we have the courage and desire to follow the marks of Jesus’ wounded feet, we will watch our step while we walk in His.


“Be careful to do everything I have said to you.” (Exodus 23:13 NIV)


Johnny R. Almond

Christian preacher and writer

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

[This devotion based on Day 50 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity]

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