Posted by Dan Crawford on November 28, 2015 at 8:58
A recent survey showed Psalm 103 to be the second most favorite Psalm in the Bible (following Psalm 23). Few Psalms are more beautiful; few anticipate the New Testament more. There is no mention in this Psalm of war, illness, calamity, sadness, as in other Psalms. Perhaps there is no purer outburst of praise in scripture than Psalm 103. It is a Psalm for the season. One definition of Thanksgiving is “a holiday set aside to remember with gratitude the blessings God has given us” – even with those things that have become synonymous with the day – family in the house, turkey on the table, football on the TV, leftovers in the fridge, etc. But what about gratitude, the attitude of being thankful? Will you find a place in your Thanksgiving schedule for gratitude, Psalm 103 encourages us to be grateful not only for God, but for the benefits we enjoy because of God. I challenge you to read Psalm 103, then, do as I do every Thanksgiving, express your gratitude to a few people who have blessed you this past year. God is giving you 86,400 seconds each day this week. Surely you can use a few of them to express gratitude to someone. I promise it will make your Thanksgiving more meaningful.