I'm the world's worst at New Year's Resolutions. When I make them at all (which after years of guilt-filled feelings of disappointment for my inability to keep my resolutions) which isn't often, I tend to look at the things in my life that I don't like and try to fix them . . . weight gain, lack of exercise . . . Sound familiar?
This year, I met two adorable children on a senior adult trip to see the Christmas lights north of Atlanta. The children serenaded me all the way back after the light display with a variety of Christmas songs. My favorite was their personalized rendition of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." They ended the song with "We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New YOU." That grabbed my attention and I've continued to think about it since this. I mean, really, can we create "happiness"? What is "happiness" anyway? A fleeting emotion? The ability to laugh and giggle? Or is it "learning to be content in all circumstances"? (Phil. 4:11)
Our family had a really tough year in 2009. As my husband told someone, "We wrecked two cars and sunk our boat, and that was just the beginning." We were so happy to see 2009 end. Then, 2010 turned out to be even worse and included the death of Bob's dad. I've talked to so many people who have experienced a tough couple of years. That helps me understand "a Happy New YOU". I cannot control what the New Year will be like, but I can control how I respond to it.
So this year, I'm going to make New Year's Resolutions that are keeping with the things that matter most to me:
(1) I pray for contentment this year, not happiness, as I seek to depend upon the peace of Christ in my life to see me through whatever 2011 has to offer.
(2) I pray for wisdom this year, not knowledge, as I seek to demonstrate the impact of Christ's peace on those whose lives I touch.
(3) I pray for patience this year, not endurance, as I seek to distinguish the opportunities that come from God from the frustrations of life.
May the new year bring you the peace and job that comes from Christ!
Margie Williamson
Community Manager