reimagine-prayer (1)


Deep thanks for everyone's concern and prayers ...

We hope to return home Saturday.

Extremely grateful our house appears to be intact, especially after seeing so many who have endured loss of property, many now homeless and without the huge sums of money needed to rebuild.

This has really messed up my praying.

I am not doubting God nor losing faith in prayer.

Just having trouble knowing how to thank God in a way that would not make me distrust or hate God if I heard that prayer while my house were not spared.

If I credit god for diverting the storm in an unexpected direction to bless me, does that mean God overlooked my cousin (damage to his home) or our friends (lifelong missionaries of the Church) in Fort Myers?

I am remembering afresh that faith, prayer, and life with God are rooted in both truth (there are some things we can know for certain) and mystery (there are some things we will never fully comprehend in this life).

I know the Spirit is leading me on is to expose blind spots, weak areas, and incorrect applications of biblical truths that infect my faith.

Recognizing answers, as well intentioned as they might be, that are simplistic is a part of that journey. I know Jesus wants to strip away the explanations I have created and replace them with the simple but radical truth of Scripture.

The Spirit is stirring up good-trouble.

#ItSeemsToMe...That's good.

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