#ItSeemsToMe…A journal can be a metaphor for your faith journey.
Your cover may be ornate, artsy, or plain. The pages may be bound or spiral. Call it a diary or your notebook. Small or large. Personal or customized for a group.
In any case, it gives you space to articulate your faith.
- Clarify your beliefs.
- Take notes on teachings.
- Quote wisdom.
- Set forth your convictions and commitments
- Write down what you learn from conversations with other believers.
- Express worship and praise.
- Compose prayers that reveal the desires of your heart.
- Describe your attitude or view of life,.
- Remember opportunities when you share your faith.
- Identify occasions of serving or caring for others.
- Acknowledge struggles of how to balance righteousness and justice; law and liberty.
Everyone has a unique journal that tells the story of their life of faith.
Some journals are well-worn with uncountable notes, questions, stories, maybe some poems or doodles.
Some look brand new. Not much to see or read. Maybe empty.
Phil Miglioratti @ The Reimagine.Network