Life is good because God is good.
“No man is in true health who cannot stand in the free air of heaven, with his feet on God’s free turf,
and thank his Creator for the simple luxury of physical existence.”
- T. W. Higginson (1823-1911) American clergyman and writer
God embroiders elaborate rainbow-hued relationships.
He orchestrates events for your benefit in kaleidoscopic patterns.
Your robe is not just one color—variegated threads make life anything but drab.
God conducts the full orchestra of His instruments—time, place, people, circumstances—
drowning out monotony’s sour note of pessimism and playing His never-ending love symphony.
Thank God for the privilege of physical life – every breath and heartbeat is His gift.
Thank God for the pleasure of abundant life – He does not orphan you in the storms of life.
Thank God for the promise of eternal life – you will live with Him in a tearless, deathless, painless place.
Wrapped around your vision field is a full-color spectrum—
an azure sky of hope, green grass of life, purple violets of royalty,
red roses of pardon, snow-white lilies of purity, golden sunsets of triumph.
Proudly wear your richly ornamented coat every day until the Lord Jesus Christ
drapes an immaculate heavenly robe fashioned for you around your redeemed shoulders.
“Jacob loved Joseph, so he gave Joseph a special gift—a beautiful robe—a coat of many colours.”
(Genesis 37:3 NLT, KJV)
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Colonial Beach Baptist Church, Virginia
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized
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[This devotion based on/adapted from Day 26 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity]