#leadership (1)

The Discipleship Cycle- A free resource

9570806889?profile=originalHow can we make and grow disciples - all the way from harvest fields to full maturity in Jesus? And how can we do that in the content of a larger community, ensuring that people are not isolated from one another but moving forward together on their spiritual journeys?

How can we do that in a way that relies on the Holy Spirit and allows us to meet each person where they are currently on their journey?

The Discipleship Cycle is an overview of the six stages of discipleship. This short PDF includes an action plan you can use to determine the next steps you want to take in growing and multiplying disciples.


9570807063?profile=originalAt LoganLeadership.com you can find many resources related to discipleship, leadership, church development and more. By combining biblical principles with social science insights, we help leaders sharpen thinking skills, focus strategic actions, contextualize solutions, and create reproducible processes increasing their ministry capacity. - Dr. Bob Logan

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