One of the gifts I've received during my 38 years of sobriety is the gift of hindsight. When I first joined AA, I didn't know what I thought about God. Well, I felt a lot of guilt. That guilt kept me from having a real relationship with Him in the beginning. But by working the steps and probably by time passing , I grew to let Him into my heart. Little by little, He showed me how He was taking care of me. And now I have the gift of being able to look back at all those times.
When my parents passed away, through my husband's illness and when he passed away, through two fires and the death of my very good friend, Adam. And through the death of one of my sponsees., Linda. Linda and I used to spend so much time talking about how God was working in our lives. We realized that sometimes God uses us in other people's lives that have nothing to do with us. We are mere instruments in His plan. We talked about how one thing had to happen first before something else could happen and then everything started to make sense.
I feel so protected and calm when I remember to let go and let God handle what I can't or don't yet understand. There's no need for anxiety. It's just a matter of waiting for His plan to unfold.