800 Members and Still Growing

On Monday, I wrote about spending much of my weekend welcoming the 450 new members who have joined the network since Thursday night of last week. Members keep joining. We have now reached a membership of 800 . . . way beyond anything we could have anticipated so quickly.

Based on what I've seen and what I've individually heard from members, here are a couple of observations:

(1) God is at work through this network. To paraphrase Rick Warren, "It's not about NavPress, or me, or you, or the numbers we reach . . . it's all about God." It's been a special blessing for me to watch Him at work in the lives of our members.

(2) Our membership is varied:

We're global -- we have members now from every continent in the world and 32 different countries so far. We share the ability to communicate in English.

We're involved in different ministries -- we have members who are staff members and lay persons; chaplains of the homeless and those in prison; missionaries around the world and members who need someone with whom they can connect. All seem to share a deep, abiding desire to experience God's grace to the fullest, and to learn how to demonstrate that grace more effectively toward others.

We're at all levels of computer savvy -- some of us are technologically superior and others of us are beginners; some of us can create fancy pages and links and others of us are working on writing our first blog or responding to a discussion for the first time.

We're at all levels of social network involvement -- some of us are comfortable with sharing who we are and others of us are not.

We're all looking at how we can respond and participate. I've had several ask me what we expect of them. I've had others ask me how to get started.

(3) This network is in the hands of the members -- members have quickly jumped in to share about areas of passion and areas of concern, desires for growth and desires for accountability. Whatever happens on this network will be driven by our passion for God and our desire to grow as a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ.

That's a pretty good report for a network that is less than three weeks old. May God continue to be honored through what we do as we journey together.

Margie Williamson
Community Manager

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  • May God richly bless yo with this undertaking. It has already blesse me while perusing these blogs.
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