Guest-Post: Eric Hoke: "My Richest Discipleship"
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#ReimaginePRAYER...By Getting Unstuck
After I took a break from prayer for a few years, when I started praying again, around age 40, I knew, from my third grade teacher, about the ACTS acronym: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication.
But I
A Wake-Up Call to Pastors:
"Jesus invites us on a transformational journey."
Time for a wake-up call?
While each of our churches has many things we can celebrate, if we’re honest, we know some areas where we have u
GUEST POST: 3 Goals for a Pastor’s Prayer Life
If you're a fan of the Alabama Crimson Tide, yesterday was a tough day. |
Pastor’s Strategies For Mobilizing Men To Pray
“Without a vision, the warriors perish” (Proverbs 29:18, my paraphrase).
In every war, warr
Praying For Your Pastor
Praying For Spiritual Leaders - Every Leader Needs Prayer Partners
Compiled by Thomas Bush, Prayer Assist
Problems Church Leaders Face - Top 5 Difficulties Pastors Face Today
From Pastors at Risk by H.B. London:. Referenced
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Who are Applying Romans 12:2
To Both Personal & Corporate Praying
"Don’t be conformed or confined by the status quo...
Let God transform you/your congregation
by changing the way you think about prayer.
Then, when you pray, you w
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