Secular: “The goal is not to be liked, it's to be respected.”— Unknown
Evanlogicals: Just want to be good and faithful servants.
Secular: “Albert Camus noted that ‘integrity has no need of rules’, an observation lamentably in stark conflict with the leadership of today’s American institutions, be they political, governmental, commercial, educational, community, charitable or spiritual.”— Coe D. Behr, Southern humorist, critic and canophilist
Evanlogically: We all need rules. For all have debauched and fall short of the Integrity of God. Romans 3:23… kinda sorta.
Secular: “Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.”— C.S. Lewis, (1898-1963)
Evanlogically: Getting over religion and coming to Faith is so painful because the monkey bars are made of bricks, mortar, liturgy, ritual and tradition.