Getaway at The Grahams'
From Freddie Steel - Mercy Gate International
Hello Pastor Phil,
I'm writing on behalf of my wife who has recently taken the position to manage the oversight of Billy and Ruth Graham's home as a sanctuary/getaway for pastors and missionaries.
The home is in beautiful Montreat, North Carolina and sits among a setting that is restful, quiet and heart-warming.  There is no charge for the week's stay.
The only criteria to be met in order to stay in the home of Billy Graham is one must have been in the pastorate for twenty years and does not comfortably have the means to enjoy such a timeof rest and renewal.
I am asking for your assistance in getting the word out.  The next step would be to fill out the application and e-mail it to my wife~ 
Billy's Homeplace was the idea of Daughter, Ruth, and actor Kirk Cameron whom, together, make this wonderful treasure available to the Lord's tired and weary soldiers.
Freddie & Mary Gaye Steel,
Mooresville, NC
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