GUEST POST: The Reimagine Journey

GUEST POST: The Reimagine Journey

Eric Kouns


DESPITE A ROCKY START, my retreat has been productive. Although threatened, a measure of equanimity and mindfulness has prevailed.
With just over 24 hours remaining until I leave for home, here is a sample of the thinking I've been doing.
If there were no Facebook, I would be putting my thoughts--about faith and life, God and humanity, religion and politics, justice and equality--in a journal that few would read. Since this medium is available, however, I record them here.
Over the past decade, I've experienced great change--in what I believe and why I believe it; in my general worldview and the assumptions on which it rests; in what I consider important and worthy of my time and attention.
I'm convinced those changes--as costly, painful, and difficult as they have been--have also been good and positive and right.
Still, the temptation to abandon this new way of seeing and being is ever with me. Not because I doubt its veracity and authenticity but because I miss the comfort and security of the old days and the old ways.
I am under no illusions that my words and thoughts are making much difference or changing many minds. That's not why I write.
I write not so much to correct distorted thinking or to combat corrupt behavior as to help ensure that the distortion and corruption will not consume me.
I write, not because I think my words will dispel all the darkness, heal all the hurting, and vanquish all the hopelessness I see around me. I write as a way to prevent the darkness, the hurting, and the hopelessness from making me cynical and depressed.
I write so that I won't give up. Some folks tell me that what I write helps them in a similar way.
That makes me happy.
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