​Deconstructing or Reconstructing Faith​?

​Deconstructing or Reconstructing Faith​?
​Phil Miglioratti @ The Remagine.Network

Most pastors have heard of deconstruction and some say they’ve seen it in their pews, but no one knows exactly what faith deconstruction means.
Just because someone is re-evaluating what they believe, doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve quit believing entirely.”​ ​ Li​z​zy Haselstine
#ItSeemsToMe…some ​evangelicals ​are deconstructing but many of us are reconstructing. Inviting a Spirit-led, Scripture-fed review and, as necessary, revision of the containers we have designed to ​carry, the templates we have constructed to ​codify​,​ our beliefs and perspectives. A faith journey to ​assess where​ true faith ​has been contaminated or compromised by traditions​​ and​/or​ cultural biases ​we have​ begun to think of as correct - faultless - universal expressions of Holy Scripture
“Many have been influenced by culture instead of by the church” ​(LH) ... ​but reconstruction recognizes that ​norms and standards of ​culture have also influenced the church. Identifying ​customs-traditions-values that steer or dilute Scripture is essential to both personal ​discipleship ​and corporate ​culture​.
“People rely on their circumstances to create their worldviews” ​(LH) ... ​but so does our theologizing. Our creedal statements remain foundational but our interpretations and applications need constant​,​ thoughtful reflection ​to​ identif​y​ perspectives that are based ​up​on ​or shaped by​our tribal​/temporal​ context.
“Before we self-righteously point fingers at someone questioning God, take time to consider what that person may have gone through or be facing and pray for them. When someone is deconstructing their faith, it is not a time to criticize or be skeptical of them but to love them well”​ (LH) ...​ and to listen. They may have wisdom from the Spirit that applies to us as well.​ Failure to listen and learn will only result in more deconstruction (unbelief) than reconstruction (renewed belief).
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  • #ItSeemsToMe...

    The cultural sensibilities, corporate systems, and mimnistry structures of many congregations are rooted in an 18th century, Industrail age, worldview.

    Which centuries later is producing local churches that are

    • Managed like a business
    • Function like a school that is modeled after industrial factories
    • Serve like an Elks Club

    We need visionaries who can place the worship-fellowship-discipleship-stewardship-leadership components of the Body of Christ into a non-toxic technological social context.

    For the ancient-truth Gospel to flourish, we need to be ready with Spirit-led, Scripture-fed changes that relate to our society without diminishing or deconstructing the life-message-ministry of Jesus.

    Phil Miglioratti


  • A VERY important distinction Salvatore!



  • The word "Christian" originally referred to persons, places, and things of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Any proper and true reconstruction of Christian faith must, before and above all else, be all about Him.
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