Salvatore Anthony Luiso's Posts (8)

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A rondolet on the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ by His Passion and Resurrection
(Mark 1:24 and Luke 4:34; John 1:29 and 36;Revelation)
by Salvatore Anthony Luiso

The Lamb has won!
To Christ belongs the victory!
The Lamb has won!
The Holy One of God! The Son!
All glorious in purity,
Triumphant by humility:
The Lamb has won!

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A triolet related to Hosea 6:1–3

A triolet related to Hosea 6:1–3
by Salvatore Anthony Luiso
Return, and follow on to know the LORD:
And He shall come unto us as the rain.
Come, bow before Him who should be adored:
Return, and follow on to know the LORD.
Come, seek His face; come, be refreshed, restored:
Leave all our sin as loss, take God as gain.
Return, and follow on to know the LORD:
And He shall come unto us as the rain.
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A rondelet prayer for fruitfulness in Christ
(John 2:1–11 and 15:1–8; I Corinthians 11:23–30)
by Salvatore Anthony Luiso

O Christ the Vine,
In You may we always abide.
O Christ the Vine,
Anointed Source of the best wine:
May we branches, for which You died,
Bear much fruit always at Your side:
O Christ the Vine.

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Free book offer: Christ Is All!

"No one can be robbed of his delights whose joy is Christ. Eternal is his gladness who rejoices in an eternal good."
—Augustine of Hippo (354–430), printed on page 32 of Words Old and New: or, Gems From the Christian Authorship of All Ages, by Horatius Bonar
     Phil Miglioratti (the curator, coordinator, and administrator of The #ReimagineFORUM) and I have a friend named David Bryant who has served the Lord as an ordained minister and in other ways for over fifty years. Phil has written this endorsement of him:
David Bryant is a pioneer of the late 20th century prayer movement.  His work with America's National Prayer Committee awakened congregations across the nation to recognize the priority of prayer in every ministry and activity. His leadership gave rebirth to "concerts" of prayer, opening the way for the cityreaching movement that called the Body of Christ across a community or city to pray in harmony. David's transition to a "Christ is All" message has challenged pastors, prayer champions and church leaders to re-place Christ as foundational and central to the worship, fellowship, discipleship, stewardship, leadership, citizenship of every believer, every congregation. David's tireless, authentically humble, service has been an amazing grace to the Church.
     For many years his ministry was known as Concerts of Prayer International, but for almost twenty years it has been known as PROCLAIM HOPE!. One can learn about it at its main website, which is here:
     Among the books David has written is one entitled Christ Is All!. Its title is a quotation of Colossians 3:11 with an added exclamation point.
Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
--Colossians 3:11 (NIV)
     One can learn about this book here:
     The original version of Christ Is All! has the subtitle A Joyful Manifesto on the Supremacy of God's Son. It was published in hardback, and is available for free in an e-book format here and in an audiobook format here
     The revised version of Christ Is All! has the subtitle Join in the Joyful Awakening to the Supremacy of God's Son. It is a condensed version of the original. The original version is 476 pages long--the condensed version is only 176 pages. It is not available in an e-book format nor in an audiobook format, but it is available in paperback.
     One can download free resources related to both versions (such as a discussion guide for small groups) here
     In his ministry—and especially in this book—David seeks to awaken others to "ALL" who Christ is. Being a believer in the importance of his mission, I have purchased and am giving copies of the revised version of Christ Is All! to people who tell me they want and intend to read it.
     If you would like to read it, and if you would read it if I gave you a copy of it, you are welcome to request one from me by e-mail, providing your name and a mailing address. Please mention that you learned of this offer from The #ReimagineFORUM @ Discipleship.Network. My primary e-mail address is:
     I charge neither for the book nor for its shipment. I want nothing in return for it. At present, I have a few dozen copies available. Although I prefer to ship domestically (within the United States), I am willing to consider shipping internationally.
     If you would like to get an idea of what the book is like other than by reading what David, I, and others have said about it, I suggest you examine a few of his articles which he has published on the blog of this website of his ministry:
     David and I hope that through Christ Is All!, readers will gain a greater, grander, vision of our Lord, and thereby be inspired and invigorated to live in, through, and for Him. It is a book of hope and joy in Jesus.
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Free book offer: Christ Is All!

"No one can be robbed of his delights whose joy is Christ. Eternal is his gladness who rejoices in an eternal good."
—Augustine of Hippo (354–430), printed on page 32 of Words Old and New: or, Gems From the Christian Authorship of All Ages, by Horatius Bonar
     Phil Miglioratti (the curator, coordinator, and administrator of The #ReimagineFORUM) and I have a friend named David Bryant who has served the Lord as an ordained minister and in other ways for over fifty years. Phil has written this endorsement of him:
David Bryant is a pioneer of the late 20th century prayer movement.  His work with America's National Prayer Committee awakened congregations across the nation to recognize the priority of prayer in every ministry and activity. His leadership gave rebirth to "concerts" of prayer, opening the way for the cityreaching movement that called the Body of Christ across a community or city to pray in harmony. David's transition to a "Christ is All" message has challenged pastors, prayer champions and church leaders to re-place Christ as foundational and central to the worship, fellowship, discipleship, stewardship, leadership, citizenship of every believer, every congregation. David's tireless, authentically humble, service has been an amazing grace to the Church.
     For many years his ministry was known as Concerts of Prayer International, but for almost twenty years it has been known as PROCLAIM HOPE!. One can learn about it at its main website, which is here:
     Among the books David has written is one entitled Christ Is All!. Its title is a quotation of Colossians 3:11 with an added exclamation point.
Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
--Colossians 3:11 (NIV)
     One can learn about this book here:
     The original version of Christ Is All! has the subtitle A Joyful Manifesto on the Supremacy of God's Son. It was published in hardback, and is available for free in an e-book format here and in an audiobook format here
     The revised version of Christ Is All! has the subtitle Join in the Joyful Awakening to the Supremacy of God's Son. It is a condensed version of the original. The original version is 476 pages long--the condensed version is only 176 pages. It is not available in an e-book format nor in an audiobook format, but it is available in paperback.
     One can download free resources related to both versions (such as a discussion guide for small groups) here
     In his ministry—and especially in this book—David seeks to awaken others to "ALL" who Christ is. Being a believer in the importance of his mission, I have purchased and am giving copies of the revised version of Christ Is All! to people who tell me they want and intend to read it.
     If you would like to read it, and if you would read it if I gave you a copy of it, you are welcome to request one from me by e-mail, providing your name and a mailing address. Please mention that you learned of this offer from The #ReimagineFORUM @ Pray.Network. My primary e-mail address is:
     I charge neither for the book nor for its shipment. I want nothing in return for it. At present, I have a few dozen copies available. Although I prefer to ship domestically (within the United States), I am willing to consider shipping internationally.
     If you would like to get an idea of what the book is like other than by reading what David, I, and others have said about it, I suggest you examine a few of his articles which he has published on the blog of this website of his ministry:
     David and I hope that through Christ Is All!, readers will gain a greater, grander, vision of our Lord, and thereby be inspired and invigorated to live in, through, and for Him. It is a book of hope and joy in Jesus.
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M'Cheyne on Studying Christ

     Robert Murray M'Cheyne (1813–1843) was a minister in the Church of Scotland from 1835 to 1843. After his death he became famous around the world through the book The Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray M'Cheyne, which was edited by Andrew Bonar. Following is an excerpt from that book:
     "I ought to study Christ as a living Saviour more—as a Shepherd, carrying the sheep he finds—as a King, reigning in and over the souls he has redeemed—as a Captain, fighting with those who fight with me, Psalm xxxv.—as one who has engaged to bring me through all temptations and trials, however impossible to flesh and blood.
     "I am often tempted to say, How can this man save us? How can Christ in heaven deliver me from the lusts which I feel raging in me, and nets I feel enclosing me? This is the father of lies again! 'He is able to save unto the uttermost.'
     "I ought to study Christ as an Intercessor. He prayed most for Peter who was to be most tempted. I am on his breastplate. If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room I would not fear a million of enemies. Yet the distance makes no difference; he is praying for me.
1. The idea of Christ as a Shepherd carrying a lost sheep He has found comes from Luke 15:3–7, and is related to other passages of the Scriptures, including Isaiah 40:11.
2. Many passages of the Scriptures speak of Christ reigning as a king, including Psalm 110 (which is the passage of the Old Testament which is quoted most in the New Testament), Isaiah 9:6–7, Luke 1:30–33 and 19:11–27, I Corinthians 15:25–28, Ephesians 1:15–23, II Timothy 2:11–13, and Revelation 17:14 and 19:16.
3. The AV/KJV translation of Hebrews 2:10, with which M'Cheyne was very familiar, speaks of Christ as a "captain" of salvation.
4. "Psalm xxxv." is Psalm 35.
5. The idea of Christ as a help through temptations and trials is related to many passages of the Scriptures, including Isaiah 43:2, Matthew 14:22–23, Romans 8:31 –19, I Corinthians 10:13, II Corinthians 1:3–11 and 12:7–10, Hebrews 2:18, and II Peter 2:9.
6. In Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, and Luke 18:27, Christ speaks of something which is impossible with men but possible with God.
7. In John 8:44, Christ teaches that the "father of lies" is the devil.
8. The quotation at the end of the second paragraph is from Hebrews 7:25.
9. Romans 8:34 and Hebrews 7:25 speak of Christ making intercession for His people.
10. In Luke 22:31–34, Christ tells Peter that He has prayed for him. In Luke 22:54–62, we read that Peter was tempted to deny Christ, and succumbed to this temptation, hours later.
11. The reference to a breastplate which M'Cheyne's name on it is to the priestly breastplate which was worn by the high priest of the Israelites, which, according to Exodus 28, bore the names of the twelve tribes of Israel which the LORD delivered from Egypt.
12. Many passages of the Epistle to the Hebrews speak of Christ as high priest, including Hebrews 2:17, 3:1–2, 4:14–16, 5:5–6, 6:17–20, 7:26–28, 8:1–2, 9:11–12, and 10:19–22.
Questions for consideration:
1. Do you think you ought to study Christ in one or more of the ways M'Cheyne thought he ought? If so, which? If not, why not?
2. Are there other ways in which you think you ought to study Christ? If so, how?
3. Are you ever tempted to doubt Christ's ability to save, as M'Cheyne was? If so, how did you respond to the temptation?
4. What difference does the intercession of Christ for His people make to you? What difference should it make?
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     Recently I learned of two books which were published over five years ago and which I think could be of interest to members of The #ReimagineFORUM. (The administrator of the forum, Phil Miglioratti, also thinks they could be of interest to members of it.)
     The first one is The Dangerous Kind, by Graeme Sellers, which was published in 2012. At present it has ten reviews on Amazon, and all of them give it five stars. One can read a preview of it there. I have read parts of its first chapter, which is entitled "Living Dangerously in a Perilous Time", wherein the author argues that the followers of Christ should continue His works of destroying the works of the devil. As I John 3:8b states:
AV/KJV: For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
NIV: The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.
ESV: The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.
     Here are four excerpts from its first chapter:
Clearly this is a departure from an understanding of Christianity that spends itself on keeping the local church going. In fact, the kingdom ministry of destroying Satan's works may have very little to do with the typical activities of the traditional church. For years most of our Christian activity has been church-centered, and our service to God was weighed by how much we did on behalf of our local fellowship. We've contented ourselves with being somewhat moral, going to church, and helping our church become more successful. This is a far cry from being dangerous. Our understanding of God's activity and call must expand beyond the walls of the local church. Becoming dangerous entails moving from church to kingdom in our thinking and acting.
     In these days having excellent ministry skills is not enough. Attending conferences, reading books, and holding 24-hour prayer meetings are insufficient. All of these can be helpful, but none are adequate for the task at hand. The task is dangerous living, existing from the radical missionary call of Christ, risking everything for the sake of the King who called us out of the darkness into his marvelous light. It is a hazardous enterprise because we do not go forward unopposed.
     As the time of Christ's return draws nearer, the efforts of our adversary are redoubled. And yet, so many behave as if it's business as usual, as if strengthening the institutional church by increasing the ABCs—attendance, buildings, cash—is the highest thing we can give ourselves to. Though the times are perilous, we conduct ourselves as though we live in a time of peace and consider Satan, if he exists at all, a toothless gremlin not meriting serious response. [. . .]
     Our interest is not in the enemy and his ilk, but in the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ. He alone commands our fascination. Knowing Christ requires us both to embrace his mission as our own and to understand our identity as warriors in a dark time who have been called to noble and high purposes.
     The second book I learned of is Being a Safe Place for the Dangerous Kind, by Michael Bradley, which was published in 2015. At present it has six reviews on Amazon, and all of them give it five stars. Its publisher says the following about it:
We live in a world full of broken people. And all too often, the Christian church is not a safe place for them to find emotional, relational, and spiritual wholeness. But it should be.
In Being a Safe Place for the Dangerous Kind, author Mike Bradley offers a book to help followers of Jesus live more effective lives of witness and develop healthy disciples and leaders. It is not a book that simply points out everything the body of Christ and its leaders are doing wrong. This is a book about a person’s “being”—who that person is as opposed to what he or she does.
Broken into four parts entitled “Introducing the Safe Place Vision,” “Experientially Rooted in God’s Grace,” “Rooted in God’s Truth,” and “Creating an Atmosphere of Freedom for Authentic Living,” Bradley uses Scripture to show how Jesus was a safe place and modeled for us how to best relate to others so they could be impacted by the love and power of God.
For pastors, leaders, and laypeople alike, this is an essential resource for anyone interested in learning how to help others find restoration in Christ.
   I learned of both books from the website of the Alliance of Renewal Churches, which is here:
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Jesus saith unto them,

Did ye never read in the scriptures,

The stone which the builders rejected,

the same is become the head of the corner:

this is the Lord’s doing,

and it is marvellous in our eyes?


Matthew 21:42 (quote from Psalm 118:22-23)


Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (the official state insect of the Commonwealth of Virginia)
Behold the Cross, where, as He buys
With His own blood a bride—His prize—
The Christ unto His Father cries,
And, having spent Himself, He dies:
Come see the tomb wherein He lies:
Then watch a glorious Son rise.
Thus by these marvels in our eyes
We see the Savior realize
That which the Spirit prophesies:
Divine salvation come crosswise.
Now wonder at this great surprise:
By this salvation God supplies,
With faith in Christ as kinship ties—
We, too, can be like butterflies!
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