MIN. IRENE D. WADE's Posts (1)

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An Attitude of Prayer

I Thessalonians 5:17 simply reads "Pray Without Ceasing"  Is this really possible?   Did Paul issue a mandate that is unattainable? 

 In my studies I read that this means "a believer should always remain in an attitude of prayer, though not always praying audibly." *

Whew!  That's a relief! 

I am  able  to pray without ceasing if I am willing to have an attitude of prayer.   If we are honest with ourselves we don't always feel like praying, but a strong prayer life is vital in the life of the Christian.  What does it mean to have an attitude of prayer? Having an attitude of prayer is when your mind has been changed to reflect the mind of Christ.  An attitude of prayer says "[Lord] Thy  will be done in earth as it is in heaven" (Matt 6:10)

Okay so here's an example of Kay's Attitude of Prayer*:

"I have this co worker who really knows how to get under my skin. This person slacks off and causes me to have to pick up the slack. This person is rude and  sometimes can be very obnoxious.  I have asked this person to try to be respectful and consider others' feeling before they speak, but its as if it goes in one ear and out the other. I find myself really getting upset by this person and one day I almost lost my cool (but the grace of God).  So one day during my time of prayer and meditation I could hear that still small voice say: "Pray for them".  Wow, I thought to myself, pray for them? I came to God to help me to be able to deal with this person, but now I have to pray for them?  It took me a while but after considering what God had done for me over my life, I decided I have a responsibility to pray.  As I prayed for this person a sudden peace came over me.  I actually began to wonder why this person was so difficult and wondered what their life was like outside the workplace.  I began to pray again and I fell asleep feeling as if a huge burden had been lifted off of me.  The next day I greeted this person with a hearty good morning instead of trying to avoid them like I normally do.  I even felt the urge to ask them how their evening went.  After I asked this person, "how was your evening", this person began to reveal to me that they were caring for an elderly parent and how much of a struggle it had been.  She said that she really needed some help.  I knew just what to do as I had found myself in that same situation with my own parents.  I shared with her some of the resources that I had used.  We are now the greatest of friends and we have have found great joy in discussing our families. I never thought that I could have any type of functioning  relationship with this person but my attitude of prayer changed the way I viewed this person,  and made me realize that prayer is an attitude adjuster and can change things for the better." 

So what do you think? 

Do we live with an attitude of prayer? Kay's example makes me examine my own prayer life. Am I praying for those hardpressed issues? Am I asking God to bless even my enemies.  Do I pray for my enemies and that they are made aware of the hurt and pain that they cause.  

Could it be that our prayers are so consumed with personal requests that we fail to understand that God's will is more important than our own?

Be encouraged,  God understands all that we are going through and he will guide and lead us into all truth.  

Be encouraged that our prayer life will grow the more that we seek God.  

We may not always get it right but its awesome to know that God knows our hearts. He has already prayed and continues to make intercession for us.  

Confession:  I will have a great attitude of prayer so that I may seek the will of God for my life and continue to be made new in Christ. 

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,  for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.  For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,  who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time---I Timothy 2:1-6 ESV

May God, through his son Jesus  continue to richly bless and keep you!

Your sis in prayer 


check out my personal blog www.empoweredtoliveanointed.wordpress.com

Join us in Prayer Each Thursday at 7:30pm EST 

Call in to (209) 647-1600 access code 148178#

*The King James Study Bible Nelson Press 135BG

**Kay is a fictional character based on similar real experiences to protect the identity of individuals 

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