Lillian Penner's Posts (279)

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God Wants an Intimate Relationship with you

Isn't it exciting to have your precious grandchild come running into your arms with hugs and kisses? Your six-year-old granddaughter calling to tell you she lost her first tooth and the tooth fairy is coming to her house, or 9651024879?profile=originalyour seven-year-old grandson thrilled to tell you how many goals he made in his soccer game. I spent a day with my two youngest granddaughters came over to visit, and we enjoyed making cookies together. Just as you enjoy your relationships with your grandchildren, God enjoys your relationship with Him. 

This month as we celebrate Valentine's we are reminded of our relationships, a time when friends express love to each other. However, it can also be an excellent reminder for us to show our love and appreciation to our heavenly Father for the privilege of having a personal relationship with Him, the creator of the universe.

Prayer is about a relationship, our relationship with God, and those for whom we pray. God gave us the gift of prayer so we could communicate with Him because He loves us and desires our communication. God does not want us to make our prayers a great production; He wants to have a personal, intimate conversation with us speaking from our hearts, sharing our fears and struggles. 

Paul Miller writes in his book, The Praying Life, "American culture is probably the hardest place in the world to learn to pray, we are so busy that when we slow down to pray, we find it uncomfortable. We prize accomplishments, production. However, prayer is nothing but talking to God. It feels useless as if we are wasting time." ₁ Our heavenly Father rejoices when we take the time in our busy, hurried life to communicate with Him in prayer, expressing our love to Him, since relationships thrive on communication. 

The enemy, Satan distracts us with our busy lives hindering our walk with God by diverting our thoughts, making our prayers shallow, hurried, or rote. We face a great deal of stress, difficulty, and disappointments in life for which we need to be deliberate in setting a regular time to pray for our loved ones and ourselves, not just when we have a crisis. 

Our lives will be less stressful if we bring our needy hearts to God asking Him to work out His agenda in our lives and in the lives of our loved ones, instead of giving Him our plan. As we see our prayers answered, we will grow into a more intimate relationship with God and experience more boldness in our praying.  

♥    Do you sometimes feel like you are too busy to pray? 

♥    Are your prayers hurried or repetitious? 

♥    When you pray, do you find it hard to connect with God in our distracting world?

Send your heavenly Father a Valentine telling him of your love for him by your obedience to him.


Dear Father, I want an open, intimate relationship with You so I feel comfortable bringing my needy heart to You. I choose to make a daily appointment with You to pray intentionally for the hearts of my children, grandchildren, and myself. I am going to trust you that the seeds of prayer I sow today will bring forth a harvest of blessings in the days ahead. In Jesus Name.

By Lillian Penner, Co-Prayer Director for Christian Grandparenting Network.

Paul E. Miller, A Praying Life, (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress 2009), 15


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As I look ahead into 2019, it looks like our national and global situation is in turmoilOur world is in a moral and spiritual decline, we are in a battle for the minds and hearts of our dear grandchildren. The enemy is trying to steal their hearts and the plans God has for them. In addition to trying to destroy their faith, the enemy is trying to destroy the morals of our country, especially the family unit. It is urgent that we stand in the gap to pray for the spiritual, emotional, and physical protection of our 9651038083?profile=originalgrandchildren and their parents so they do not become victims of our culture.

For that reason, the mission of Christian Grandparenting Network is to challenge grandparents around the world to intentionally and regularly come together to pray, interceding for their grandchildren, children, and communities.

Therefore, we have organized “Grandparents@Prayer” (G@P) intercessory prayer groups. Our goal is to encourage grandparents to be prayer warriors through the personal discipline of intercessory prayer in the battle against the enemy. We encourage grandparents to meet together in small or large groups on a regular basis to unite in prayer at a designated location for 1 hour or so of guided prayer and fellowship.

Many grandparents have indicated that they appreciate the G@P prayer times because it is a safe place to share their heavy hearts for their grandchildren.

In Isaiah 58:6 we read that we can “loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke” in our world. One of the ways we can break these chains is by “standing in the gap” for our dear grandchildren.  Just as Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Jews when they were physically threatened. Today grandparents can stand in the gap with prayer for their grandchildren as the enemy threatens their spiritual lives.

I have found uniting in prayer with other grandparents for my grandchildren is a special blessing for me. It’s a safe place to share my concerns for my grandchildren and their parents and to know the others are praying for me. We now have a number of G@P intercessory groups meeting in various places throughout the world, in retirement Centers, schools, churches, and homes. Some of the groups meet weekly, some twice a month or once a month, whatever the group desires.  

I want to challenge you to ask God whom He would have you pray with you for each other’s grandchildren. Ask your friends, church senior group, neighbors, family members, or whomever.

Prayer: Lord will you set a fire in my heart to pass the baton of truth and pray intentionally for the next generation. In the name of Jesus, Amen

If you are interested, please go to

to learn more about the G@P intercessory prayer groups.

The first step is to complete the form and we will help you start a group.

By Lillian Penner, Co-Prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network,






















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Guest blog written by Cathy Jacobs

Joni Eareckson Tada tells the story of a visit she once had to Russia.  9651037895?profile=originalWhile there, she befriended an old woman who cleaned the hotel lobby floors. Through an interpreter, Joni became friends with the elderly lady by praising her on her excellent care of the floor.  This lady was aged, wrinkled but had rosy cheeks framed with a tightly knotted, colorful scarf.  Standing in the hotel lobby with her broom in hand, she seemed out of place.  Joni felt perhaps that was what attracted her to the woman.


While in Russia, Joni actually met many Russian “babushkas” like her.  People call these women “the praying grandmothers”.  They were the rock-solid saints that Stalin aimed to eliminate.  He realized that if he could get rid of these “old women”, he had an opportunity to get the Russian youth into his hands


Praise God, Stalin failed! And thank the Lord for these praying grandmothers. They connected a generation lost to atheism to a new generation of people who today are asking questions about Jesus. 


A vital part of being a Godly grandparent is prayer.  Just as these babushkas provided a spiritual wall of protection over their young, a praying grandparent can do the same today. Can you imagine what it was like for these women in the 1930’s and 40’s?  They witnessed Stalin’s army marching into the center of their small villages. The soldiers would come directly into their homes where they would capture the Russian sons and grandsons. Then the soldiers physically carried off to war the men and boys. The babushkas watched their loved ones be forced out of town knowing that probably they would never see their loved ones again.


What kind of prayers do you think these women uttered as they fell to their knees on behalf of their sons and grandsons?  Was it a quick, fleeting prayer?  Or was it a deep, daily time of crying out desperately to the Lord? 


There is no doubt that the days of Stalin and Hitler were terrible.  But we also live in a time of fierce spiritual battle. The Bible tells us “… our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”. (Ephesians 6:12)  Yet scripture is also clear that “the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world”. (I John 4:4) There is an urgent need today for grandparents to “stand in the gap” and pray fervently for their children and grandchildren.  The Lord has issued to us a high calling for a deep level of prayers.


Yes, we are in a spiritual battle that requires spiritual weapons.  Babushka-strong prayers are such a weapon.  This is a challenge, not for the faint-hearted, but for passionate, intentional grandparents who are willing to get on their knees daily to intercede passionately for their loved ones.


God has placed your children and grandchildren in your lives and under your care. These loved ones are maneuvering through a world that is hostile to the ways of God.  We must become their “babushka-prayer warriors”. God has given us the awesome opportunity to partner with Him on behalf of these dear ones.  This is not an accident.  Nor is it incidental.  Rather, it is intentional on His part.  So let us rise  -- or should we say, “fall”  -- to this important calling on all grandparents. 


May each of us find the “babushka” within us as we storm the gates of Heaven on behalf of our children and grandchildren?


Catherine H. Jacobs, Founder and Executive Director, Pass the Legacy Ministry,


This blog is taken from Cathy’s new book on her website, Pass the Legacy, 7 Keys for Grandparents making a difference. Check it out.


PS:  Would you like to find grandparents to pray with you for your family? If you do we have the answer.

Just go to




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 As I was looking at the forlorn misshapen tree standing in the snow on the cover of a book I was reading last week, I was reminded of the Christmas tree we had at my house when I was a child.  

When I was six years old, my parents had very little money to spend at Christmas. In order for my parents to have enough money to buy a present for me, they decided to cut a branch from our juniper tree in the yard for our Christmas tree. I remember at the time, I thought it was ugly, straggly, and misshapen and I was disappointed. I wished they would buy a tree from a Christmas tree lot in town like other families. 

  However, I recently found a picture taken that year with me standing by the branch (tree). After we had decorated it with a garland made of popcorn and cranberries, hung a few ornaments, and silver tinsel; the tree did not look too bad. 

Now when I remember what the straggly juniper branch looked like and compare it to the beautifully, decorated shaped tree in my home I see it differently. I see the straggly forlorn branch as a person’s life without God or one depleted from nourishment and the beautiful shaped tree in my home as a person’s life filled with God’s love, purpose, and decorated with ornaments representing the fruit of the Spirit.

God can take a straggly, forlorn life and transform it into a beautiful shaped fulfilled life. Jesus tells us in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”  He can change the straggly life into a beautiful new life, a flourishing life, filled with love, peace and joy if we believe in him.   

Often, our lives can become damaged and appear like a straggly, forlorn tree, misshapen by the trials, challenges, and disappointments of life. However, our lives can be transformed by the renewing of our minds with His Word into flourishing lives. 

God promises that when we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, giving Him every area of our lives, we will take on a true and proper shape. We will become a flourishing tree pointing others to God. 

When you see a Christmas tree this year, I hope it reminds you of the new life we can have in Christ Jesus, everlasting life when we invite Him into our lives and trust Him with the challenges and disappointments of life. 

  • Do you or any of your family members feel like a tree twisted, damaged, and made crooked by the fears, circumstances, difficulties, or sin in their lives?
  • Do you or any of your family members feel all alone in this world?

God is waiting to give you and your family members' new life, nourishment, and fulfillment. 

  • Ask God to show you, your family and friends areas that need to be humbly submitted to the Lord, laying down all before Him as the wise men did when they brought their gifts to baby Jesus.
  • Ask God to help you, your family, and friends to give the damaged, flawed, and misshapen areas of life to the Lord, resulting in flourishing beautiful God-shaped lives for Him.

This post was taken from the book Grandparenting with a Purposeavailable for purchase at a discounted price of $10.50. It will make an excellent gift for the grandparents in your family.









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Have you struggled in your role as a grandparent? If you are you are not alone. There are 80 million grandparents in the United States. Many are struggling to navigate the culture, which their grandchildren think is normal.

My friend, Catherine Jacobs recently published her book, Pass the Legacy, 7 Keys for Grandparents making a difference. She pours out her passion for the Lord and the role for grandparents given in God’s Word.

Many of us grandparents are having a difficult time understanding the culture in which our grandchildren are growing up today. Their world is much different than the one we grew up in or in which we raised our grandchildren. However, God has given us a call to reach the hearts and minds of our dear grandchildren and future generations to love and follow Jesus. The enemy wants to distract and steal our grandchildren and their parents from walking with the Lord.

Catherine Jacobs gives us seven key principles that will equip us to significantly impact your grandchildren and their parents with a spiritual legacy.  Pass the Legacy is an insightful and enjoyable book to read, it is relevant, practical and encouraging filled with ideas that are helpful and thoughtful. It will encourage your heart, expand your vision, and give you practical ways to point the hearts of your grandchildren to Jesus. I know you will enjoy Catherine’s journey as she shares her journey with you.


You may purchase this book, Pass the Legacy on or you can go to Amazon or Barnes Noble.

 Catherine Jacobs lives in Charleston, SC enjoys her adult children and loves grandparenting her five grandchildren. She is a speaker, writer and founder and executive director of Pass the Legacyministry.

Written by Lillian Penner

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 By Lillian Penner

 We are going to look in God’s Word to see some examples of people He used to stand in the gap for his purpose to be accomplished. The Bible describes prayer as “Standing in the Gap” or “Bridging the Gap” a channel through which God’s will is brought to earth.  

God chose and appointed Moses to stand in the gap between His people, the Israelites, and Pharaoh. Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Israelites with prayer and fasting when Haman wanted to destroy the Israelites.   

There was no gap between God and the earth after God created the earth. However, after Adam and Eve sinned by eating the forbidden fruit in the garden, sin created a gap between God and his plan for the earth. ¹    9651037462?profile=original

Fortunately, God stood in the gap for us by sending His Son, Jesus to the earth to live as a man, die for our sins, and rise from the dead so we could have a personal relationship with Him. He chose us, to be a channel for His power to bridge the gap between himself and the earth.   

 God chose us to partner with Him and intercede on behalf of our children, grandchildren, and future generations. Just as Jesus, Moses, Esther, Daniel, Joseph, and many others in the Bible stood in the gap for God’s people, we as grandparents have the privilege to stand in the gap with prayer for our families.   

Satan is very active in the world today; he knows his time is short. Paul writes in Ephesians 6:10, “We are to be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” against Satan’s well-thought-out plans and agenda. His goal is to distract and steal our children, grandchildren, and future generations from their faith in Jesus Christ. Our goal ought to be that our grandchildren would know a full, purposeful, and fruitful life in Jesus Christ. 

It is not only essential to pray for our families individually, but it is also vital that we unite with other grandparents to pray for our families in these crucial times. As Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN), I would like to encourage you to stand in the gap for your grandchildren participating in a Grandparents @ Prayer (G@P) intercessory prayer group.  

We currently have about 30 G@P groups uniting in prayer for their grandchildren. Go to out the locations of current groups, testimonials, and additional information. We would love to have you to be a part of the G@P prayer ministry.

I would like to share one of my favorite songs May all who come behind us find us faithful which is my desire for my children, grandchildren, and future generations.

As grandparents, let us be the channels through which God’s will

is brought down to earth for our children, grandchildren,

 future generations and ourselves.

By Lillian Penner

₁Jennifer Kennedy Dean, Living A Praying Life, (Birmingham, AL: New Hope, 2003).

 p 60.




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When I was a young woman, I had many opportunities to visit my widowed grandmother while I attended college in her town. As she grieved my grandfather’s death, she reflected her trust in God to care for her and showed how God sustained her each day, by claiming the promise Jesus gave His disciples after His resurrection. 

“Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20 (KJV).

My grandmother’s faith that God would always be there for her made a significant impact on my life. Her testimony influenced me to incorporate that verse into my daily experiences. Since those early adult years, whenever life has been difficult, disappointing, or downright discouraging, I have claimed that same scripture verse. My prayer is that I will have opportunities to reflect on my life experiences of trusting God during my difficult times to my children and grandchildren.

In Proverbs 27:19 we read, “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person.” However, we may ask what does that look like. When we meditate on God’s Word and grow in our relationship with God, we will reflect God’s glory because we are being transformed into His image. We glorify God when we reveal or manifest his character by the way we live by demonstrating God’s love to those around us.   

My grandmother made a lasting impression on my life because she reflected her faith in God’s provision to sustain her during her time of grieving. When we reflect God’s love to our family, and they are walking with the Lord, our love for God will keep on living through our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and future generations.

Grandparents who love the Lord have a responsibility to reflect a godly life to their children and grandchildren. We must ask ourselves, is my walk with the Lord one I want to be reflected in the lives of my family. My prayer is that I will reflect a godly life to my children, grandchildren, and great-granddaughters.

My grandmother made a lasting impression on my life because she reflected her faith in God’s provision to sustain her during her time of grieving. When we reflect God’s love to our family, and they are walking with the Lord, our love for God will keep on living through our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and future generations.

Questions to ask ourselves:

What does the reflection of my life look like to my grandchildren?

Do I want my grandchildren to imitate my spiritual life?

Will they want my Jesus?

Pray your love for God will keep on living through your grandchildren, even after you are deceased.


Lord, forgive me when I have not taken the time to be in Your Word and model the life of a godly grandparent.  Help to take the time to read and meditate on Your Word every day. So I will reflect your face in the heart of my grandchildren. Even after I have passed on to be with you.   In Jesus name.

By Lillian Penner, Co-Prayer Director for Christian Grandparenting Network,




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Recently I was thinking about my grandchildren going back to school, and the story of baby Moses kept coming to my mind from Exodus chapter 2.

At the time Moses was born, Pharaoh was killing all the newborn Hebrew boys in Egypt.  When Moses was three months old, his mother hid him by making a basket, coated it with tar and pitch. His mother placed the child in it and then put him in the river among the reeds with his sister standing nearby watching. Pharaoh's daughter saw the basket as she was walking near the riverbank and sent her slave girl to get it. When she opened the basket, seeing that he was a Hebrew baby boy crying she felt sorry for the child.

Then his sister said she knew a Hebrew woman who could nurse and care for the baby for her. Pharaoh's daughter asked the girl to get the woman. When she arrived, Pharaoh's daughter asked her to nurse the baby, and she would pay for her service. When the child grew older she took him to Pharaoh's daughter, she adopted the child and named him Moses.

It amazes me how God orchestrated this whole story.

  • Think of the risk Moses' mother took of hiding him for three months.
  • Then the danger of putting him a basket in the river knowing that if he were found he would probably be killed.
  • Knowing her time was short, Moses’ mother taught him about God before she had to release him to Pharaoh's daughter.
  • She entrusted Moses to God as she released him to Pharaoh’s daughter.

Our grandchildren are at risk living in our post-Christian, troubled, unstable environment of racism, violence, hate, transgender influence, God-hostile system, etc. It’s a place, where we fear our grandchildren and their parents could drown, just as Moses mother risked his life-placing baby Moses in the river.

A mother of 2 public school children shared with me how her children have lost their best friends due to their Christian position and not wanting to participate in LGBTQ activities.

The Intercessor for America issued an informative post on August 18, 2018, by Capitol Prayer Partners about our educational system.

There are times in the lives of our grandchildren that their parents and we as their grandparents have to place them in the basket in the water of the world. We have to let go and entrust God to protect them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We must let go and allow God to draw them from the waters to fulfill His purpose for their lives. God loaned us our children and grandchildren for us to teach them to love Him and prepare them for their future; they were HIS first.

 This is why Christian Grandparenting Network is asking grandparents to unite in prayer for their grandchildren and their grandchildren’s parents. This day is scheduled to coincide with National Grandparents’ Day, which falls on September 9, 2018.  We desire to make this day a day of prayer for our grandchildren.

Listen to this video to learn why we must call grandparents to intentionally pray for their grandchildren and their parents.

Please check our website for more information, testimonials, promotional materials and free downloads.

If you have any questions, please contact me.


Dear Lord, I pray my grandchildren will:

  • Guard their hearts.
  • Have a desire to do their very best.
  • Respect for their teachers.
  • Choose friends, who will have a positive influence.
  • Recognize the deception of worldly thinking.
  • Have eyes blinded to the temptations they face.
  • Have a balanced view of their beauty, charm, and strength.
  • Learn to be responsible for their actions and behavior.

In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

By Lillian Penner, Co-Prayer Director, Christian Grandparenting Network











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Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) is proclaiming National Grandparents' Day observed on September 9, 2018, as a Grandparents' Day of Prayer. We believe the battle for the hearts and minds of our dear grandchildren and their parents can be won only by praying grandparents who sense the urgency and unite to do battle in prayer. 


It is only 40 days until Grandparents’ Day of Prayer on September 9.I hope you have volunteered to organize an event or participate by praying for your grandchildren with the 30-Day Prayer Challenge. If you have not, I would like to invite you again to join grandparents throughout the world to take part in this special event. Will you ask God how He wants you to participate?

Jere Vincent, President, Family Builders Ministries, and CGN Board member wrote, “It is with great joy that I have the opportunity to recommend to you the Grandparent Day of Prayer. Grandparents that have lived their lives in Christ believing that the transforming love of God, the convicting and confirming ministry of the Holy Spirit and power of the Gospel will change their grandchildren’s lives and can impact an entire community.” 

This Grandparents’ Day of Prayer event could be in your church, in your home, in a retirement complex, or any meeting location you choose. CGN will provide step-by-step guidelines, resources, and online tools to help you create a successful event that will engage grandparents in prayer for your event. Invite another grandparent in your home and pray for your grandchildren together, it doesn’t have to be a big event.

If you have been thinking about starting a grandparenting group in your church or a prayer group for grandparents, this is a great time to start. Many churches have started their groups on Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.

On our website, you will find two ways that you can participate in Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.

  1. You can pray. Sign up and Download your copy of the 30-Day Challenge. Participants who register will receive an eBook “30 days of Prayers for your Grandchildren”. 
  2. You can gather and lead other grandparents in prayer. Sign up as a volunteer if you are willing to organize a Grandparents’ Day of Prayer event in your church, home, retirement complexes, etc. Click “To find out more about becoming a volunteer” to follow the process. You too will receive the eBook “30 Days of Prayers for your Grandchildren”. 

Christian Grandparenting Network is prepared to provide step-by-step guidelines, resources, video, and online tools for creating a successful event. Check our website for more information, testimonials, promotional materials, and free downloads. 

Again, the Grandparents’ Day of Prayer event is an excellent time to start a grandparenting group in your church if you want to start one.

Thanks for your consideration to join us at Christian Grandparenting Network.

May God bless you as you pray for your grandchildren.


Lillian Penner

Deborah Haddix

Coordinators for Grandparents’ Day of Prayer


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 What a joy it is to have that precious little grandchild come running into 9651019862?profile=originalyour arms with hugs and kisses. The six-year-old calling to tell you she lost her first tooth or your seven-year-old grandson excited about making his first goal in his soccer game.

In addition to the senior discounts, grandchildren are one of the rewards of growing older. Mary H. Waldrip says it well, “Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.”

I grew up in a Midwest rural community many years ago. I didn’t encounter the temptations and pressures my grandchildren are facing today in this media-driven culture. Our society is teetering on the brink of moral and spiritual bankruptcy. I pray for protection from the evil deception in the world around them.

I have nine grandchildren, ages ranging from fifteen years to thirty-six years and four great-grandchildren under 5 years of age. As a long-distance grandmother for many years, I was not fully aware of my grandchildren’s immediate needs. I prayed that God would bless them, give them good health and protection. Ultimately, I became frustrated and felt something was lacking with my vague and general prayers. I asked God to show me how to become more deliberate in praying for them.

After reading Grandma, I Need Your Prayers by Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock, and When Mothers Pray by Cheri Fuller, prayers for my grandchildren changed dramatically. The books were full of practical advice, encouraging me to use specific scriptures in praying. Motivating me to pray regularly and accurately for their emotional, physical, and spiritual well being.

I want to share some of the practical advice I pursued.

  • I developed a Photo Prayer Journal in a three-ring binder with a section for each grandchild. Each section had a profile sheet with the grandchild’s picture and information about their school, church, friends, and activities. Followed with several blank pages on which I recorded my prayer concerns, hopes, and dreams for the grandchild.
  • God’s Word became a manual for learning how to pray more effectively for my grandchildren. Praying scripture unleashes the supernatural power of God in their lives. When I pray according to God’s Word, I am in line with His will. As I started claiming God’s promises and personalizing the scriptures for them, I experienced more confidence and boldness in my prayer life.
  • New channels of communication opened with my older grandchildren when I asked how I could pray for them. For the younger children, I consulted with their parents to keep abreast of specific concerns. Then I was able to pray more specifically for them.
  • A primary prayer for all my grandchildren is that they will come to realize how much God loves them. God will always be there for them. They will accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and spend eternity with Him.
  • Paul tells me in Romans 8:26 "when I don’t know what to pray for; the Holy Spirit intercedes for me. The Holy Spirit knows the needs of my grandchildren, so I ask him to intercede according to His will." It is comforting to me that I can put my concerns in God’s hand, leaving them with Him. It shifts the responsibility on God, instead of carrying the burden myself.
  • The love I have for my grandchildren would like to control their lives and keep them from pain, disappointment, or discouragement. Humanly, I want to rescue them and pray, “Don’t let anything bad happen to them.” To which the Lord may say, “I need to allow disappointment, pain, and failure so they will learn to trust and obey me so I can pour my blessings on them.” It’s crucial I pray for God’s will in their lives.
  • God has created my grandchildren for a unique purpose. I pray they will discover their dreams, be motivated to pursue them, and trust He will provide the resources.
  • It is essential for me to communicate with my grandchildren that I love them and accept them even though I may not accept their behavior. I like to call them on the phone; send cards for holidays, note cards, or e-cards to offer encouragement, and let them know I love them and pray for them.

Blessings as a result                       

 I want to share part of a letter from my married granddaughter. It is a confirmation that praying for these precious grandchildren is never a wasted effort. She wrote, “My grandmother’s phone calls, cards, and emails were encouraging and made a significant impact on my life throughout my teenage and college years. Her prayers and encouragement have been rock-solid reminders of God’s truth. Amidst my crazy and incredibly life-shaping year, her prayers helped me surrender the craziness of my life to God.”

 My prayers for my grandchildren have strengthened my relationships with them. The Photo Prayer Album has been an excellent tool for me to stay connected to them. Whether they live nearby or far away, praying for them intentionally keeps me in touch. Often my prayers can be more potent than my presence when I let them know I am praying for them.


Best of all, praying God’s Word has enabled me to pray with His power, direction, and wisdom. As their grandparent, I can have a significant role in stabilizing and influencing their lives by praying for them during these turbulent years. It has given me fulfillment and satisfaction in praying for them.

The seeds of prayer we plant today will yield a harvest of blessing in the future. My prayer is that you have been challenged to pray strategically and deliberately for your grandchildren. In Isaiah 44:3 God told the Israelites, “I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants”.God still promises to pour out his Spirit and blessings on our descendants. Don’t we want that for our grandchildren and future descendants?

The greatest long-lasting gift we can give our grandchildren

is the gift of our time and prayers.

By Lillian Penner, Co-director for the prayer ministry of Christian Grandparenting Network,

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9651024276?profile=originalIf you are a grandparent who would like to pray more effectively or intentionally for your grandchildren, you will want to purchase and read the book, Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. The book provides specific examples to help you pray, such as alphabet prayers, prayers based on Scriptures, Suggestions to pray for School children and prayers for holidays.


Check out the book on this website for a reduced price of $10.50 including shipping in the U.S. for a Grandparents’ Day of Prayer Special to help you pray more effectively for your grandchildren and their parents. The book is also available in an eBook version on Amazon or Redemption press for $3.99. A free downloadable study guide is available.

Prayer is the expression of human dependence on God, not a production; it is a personal intimate conversation with God, the creator of the universe. Isn’t it awesome, we have the privilege to communicate with the creator of the universe? We can bring all our concerns and fears to God? He is always available, sitting at the right hand of God waiting for us to come to him. His line is never busy, He never puts us on hold, we don’t have to press a number for our language, we don’t have to leave a voicemail, and He is available 24/7.   A great force of God’s power is released as we relinquish our concerns to Him, committing ourselves to intentionally pray for our grandchildren.  

God has given grandparents a sacred trust, an opportunity to imprint a child’s life with God’s faithfulness. This is why Christian Grandparenting Network is declaring the National Grandparents Day as a Day of Prayer for our grandchildren and their parents.

 Have you heard about Grandparents’ Day of Prayer?

Christian Grandparenting Network is asking grandparents to unite in prayer for their grandchildren and their grandchildren’s parents. This day is scheduled to coincide with National Grandparents’ Day, which falls on September 9, 2018.  We desire is to make this day a day of prayer for our grandchildren. 

We believe the battle for the hearts and minds of our dear grandchildren and their parents can be won only by praying grandparents who sense the urgency and unite to do battle in prayer.

Please check our website for more information, testimonials, promotional materials and free downloads.

For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact us.

To learn more about Grandparents’ Day of Prayer, view this short video by Cavin Harper, Executive Director for Christian Grandparenting Network.  Go to find additional information, endorsements and promotional resources on the website or email me.

Please feel free to share this blog with your friends.

May God show favor on your grandparenting,

By Lillian Penner, Co-prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Netwwork




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During the summer, many grandparents vacation with their grandchildren. It is an excellent opportunity to spend extra time with the possibility of quality interaction. Now imagine you are camping with your grandchildren in the mountains. You have cooked your campfire stew for dinner, and you are relaxing around the campfire beside a big lake. It is perfectly still; there is no wind. The lake is a mirror reflecting a beautiful sunset. Sticky-fingered grandchildren delight in s’mores while skipping stones across the lake’s glassy surface. The grandchildren are enthralled with the traveling waves seeing who can make the biggest ripples.9651015083?profile=original

Grandpa tells Grandma, “Just as the kids are making ripples in the water with the rocks, we can make ripples in the lives of our grandchildren with our prayers.”Our prayers for our grandchildren to invite Jesus Christ into other lives and to walk with Him throughout their lives will have a ripple effect on their families, friends, their world, and their future.

Another way we as grandparents can have a ripple effect on the lives of our grandchildren is by the way we live our lives, investing time, energy, and effort in our spiritual walk. Our example will have a ripple effect on our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and future generations.

My Great-grandfather’s Prayer

I found a letter in my family archives written by my great-grandfather in Poland, addressed to my grandfather who had immigrated to America. In the letter, he wrote that he was praying for my grandfather and his future generations. It was a special blessing for me to see in writing that my great-grandfather prayed for me before I was born. His prayers had a ripple effect on my grandparents, my parents, my life, my children, my grandchildren and now my great-grandchildren.

My Grandmother's faith

When I was a young woman, I had many opportunities to visit my lonely, widowed grandmother while I attended college in her hometown. As she grieved my grandfather’s death, she reflected her trust in God to care for her and showed how God sustained her each day by claiming the promise Jesus gave His disciples after His resurrection. “And be sure of this, I am with you always.”(Matthew 28:20).

My grandmother’s reflection of her faith that God would always be there for her made a significant impact on my life.Her testimony influenced me to incorporate that verse into the daily experiences of my life. Since those early adult years, whenever life has been painful, disappointing, or downright discouraging, I have claimed that same scripture verse. My prayer is that I will have opportunities to reflect my life experiences of trusting God to my children and grandchildren.

Note from Granddaughter

I want to share a note from my oldest granddaughter, a confirmation that praying for these precious grandchildren is never a wasted effort.

“Your phone calls, cards, and emails were encouraging and made a significant impact on my life, especially in my teenage and college years. Your prayers and encouragement have been rock-solid reminders of God’s truth in my incredible, crazy life-shaping years, and now in my married life. Your prayers help me surrender the craziness of my life to God.”  

 In Proverbs 27:19 NLT we read, “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.”  We may ask ourselves, “What does that look like.”  When we are committed to read and meditate on God’s Word, we will reflect a life transformed into His image. We glorify God if we reveal or manifest his character by the way we live, demonstrating God’s love to those around us.  

Be a Prayer Warrior

God has placed our grandchildren into our families so we can be their prayer warriors. He has given us the excellent opportunity to partner with Him on behalf of these dear ones. He has given me nine grandchildren to pray for, and He has given you your grandchildren. Our grandchildren are our mission field.

If you did not have a Christian heritage, you have the privilege to start the ripples in your family. Prayer is the greatest gift we can give our family. Material things are needed, but they are temporary. Our prayers will affect them for a lifetime.

Sometimes, as we get older and limited physically, we might feel useless. However, if we have grandchildren, God has a purpose for keeping us on this earth.

As grandparents, let us pray deliberately and pass on our love for God to our children, grandchildren, and future generations. This ripple effect of specific prayer communicates our love and acceptance, as well as giving them an example of living a God-centered life.

“Your faithfulness continues through all generations;”

(Psalm 119:90a)

 Have you heard about Grandparents’ Day of Prayer?

Christian Grandparenting Network is inviting grandparents to unite in prayer for their grandchildren and their grandchildren’s parents. This day is scheduled to coincide with National Grandparents’ Day, which falls on September 9, 2018.  We desire is to make this day a day of prayer for our grandchildren.

We believe the battle for the hearts and minds of our dear grandchildren and their parents can be won only by praying grandparents who sense the urgency and unite to do battle in prayer.

Please check our website for more information, testimonials, promotional materials and free downloads.

For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact us.

Email Lillian Penner, or

Deborah Haddix,



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During the summer, many grandparents vacation with their grandchildren. It is an excellent opportunity to spend extra time with the possibility of quality interaction. Now imagine you are camping with your grandchildren in the mountains. You have cooked your campfire stew for dinner, and you are relaxing around the campfire beside a big lake. It is perfectly still; there is no wind. The lake is a mirror reflecting a beautiful sunset. Sticky-fingered grandchildren delight in s’mores while skipping stones across the lake’s glassy surface. The grandchildren are enthralled with the traveling waves seeing who can make the biggest ripples.9651015083?profile=original

 Grandpa tells Grandma, “Just as the kids are making ripples in the water with the rocks, we can make ripples in the lives of our grandchildren with our prayers.”Our prayers for our grandchildren to invite Jesus Christ into other lives and to walk with Him throughout their lives will have a ripple effect on their families, friends, their world, and their future.

Another way we as grandparents can have a ripple effect on the lives of our grandchildren is by the way we live our lives, investing time, energy, and effort in our spiritual walk. Our example will have a ripple effect on our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and future generations.

 My Great-grandfather’s Prayer

I found a letter in my family archives written by my great-grandfather in Poland, addressed to my grandfather who had immigrated to America. In the letter, he wrote that he was praying for my grandfather and his future generations. It was a special blessing for me to see in writing that my great-grandfather prayed for me before I was born. His prayers had a ripple effect on my grandparents, my parents, my life, my children, my grandchildren and now my great-grandchildren.

My Grandmother's faith

When I was a young woman, I had many opportunities to visit my lonely, widowed grandmother while I attended college in her hometown. As she grieved my grandfather’s death, she reflected her trust in God to care for her and showed how God sustained her each day by claiming the promise Jesus gave His disciples after His resurrection. “And be sure of this, I am with you always.”(Matthew 28:20).

My grandmother’s reflection of her faith that God would always be there for her made a significant impact on my life. Her testimony influenced me to incorporate that verse into the daily experiences of my life. Since those early adult years, whenever life has been painful, disappointing, or downright discouraging, I have claimed that same scripture verse. My prayer is that I will have opportunities to reflect my life experiences of trusting God to my children and grandchildren.

Note from Granddaughter

I want to share a note from my oldest granddaughter, a confirmation that praying for these precious grandchildren is never a wasted effort.

“Your phone calls, cards, and emails were encouraging and made a significant impact on my life, especially in my teenage and college years. Your prayers and encouragement have been rock-solid reminders of God’s truth in my incredible, crazy life-shaping years, and now in my married life. Your prayers help me surrender the craziness of my life to God.”   I

In Proverbs 27:19 NLT we read, “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.”  We may ask ourselves, “What does that look like.”  When we are committed to read and meditate on God’s Word, we will reflect a life transformed into His image. We glorify God if we reveal or manifest his character by the way we live, demonstrating God’s love to those around us.  

 Be a Prayer Warrior

God has placed our grandchildren into our families so we can be their prayer warriors. He has given us the excellent opportunity to partner with Him on behalf of these dear ones. He has given me nine grandchildren to pray for, and He has given you your grandchildren. Our grandchildren are our mission field.

If you did not have a Christian heritage, you have the privilege to start the ripples in your family. Prayer is the greatest gift we can give our family. Material things are needed, but they are temporary. Our prayers will affect them for a lifetime.

Sometimes, as we get older and limited physically, we might feel useless. However, if we have grandchildren, God has a purpose for keeping us on this earth.

As grandparents, let us pray deliberately and pass on our love for God to our children, grandchildren, and future generations. This ripple effect of specific prayer communicates our love and acceptance, as well as giving them an example of living a God-centered life.

“Your faithfulness continues through all generations;” (Psalm 119:90a)

Have you heard about Grandparents’ Day of Prayer?

Christian Grandparenting Network is inviting grandparents to unite in prayer for their grandchildren and their grandchildren’s parents. This day is scheduled to coincide with National Grandparents’ Day, which falls on September 9, 2018.  We desire is to make this day a day of prayer for our grandchildren.

We believe the battle for the hearts and minds of our dear grandchildren and their parents can be won only by praying grandparents who sense the urgency and unite to do battle in prayer.

Please check our website for more information, testimonials, promotional materials and free downloads.

For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact us.

Email Lillian Penner, or

Deborah Haddix,







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When we go back to visit family in Oklahoma, I like to go to the cemetery to visit the gravesites of my parents and grandparents. As I was looking at my grandmother’s tombstone, I read:

What Does the Dash Represent?

When we go back to visit family in Oklahoma, I like to go to the cemetery to visit the gravesites of my parents and grandparents. As I was looking at my grandmother’s tombstone, I read:


March 7, 1880 - June 14, 1959

Have you ever thought about what the “dash” between the date of birth and the date of death represents? It represents the lifetime of a person. As I was looking at her tombstone a memory of my grandmother that quickly came to my mind was that, she was a godly woman who loved the Lord and her family. I often found her reading her Bible, serving the Lord by teaching Sunday school, and participating in the women’s group at church where they were quilting, sewing for relief organizations and helping missionaries. 

My grandmother followed the commandments Moses gave the Israelites in the desert, by teaching me about God and His Word. She lived with my family the last 15 years of her life. As a small child, one of my favorite times was sitting on the porch swing in rural Oklahoma in the summer time listening to my grandmother tell me Bible stories and singing my Sunday School songs with me in the evenings.                                     


Life had been hard for my grandmother as she faced many disappointments and challenging times. Her steadfast faith in Jesus Christ carried her through those difficult years because she loved the Lord with all her heart. When I think of the “dash” on my grandmother’s tombstone, I am reminded of the spiritual impact she had on my life.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • When my life has passed what will the “dash” on my tombstone

      represent to my children and grandchildren?

  • Will they remember my love for Jesus?
  • Will they remember that I was their prayer warrior?
  • Will they remember that I walked with God through the valleys and over the mountains on my journey of life?


  • Will they remember the expensive gifts I gave them or the trips

      I took them on?

  • Will they remember that I did not have time for them?
  • Will they say, “I don’t remember my grandparents ever telling me they were praying for me?”


Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for my grandchildren.

Help them to remember my love for You

and that I have been their faithful prayer warrior.

I pray they will recognize that You have walked with me

 through the valleys and over the mountaintops in my journey of life.

Show me how You want me to impress on them Your great love for them.

In Jesus’ name. Amen

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Have you heard about a Photo Prayer Journal for your grandchildren? Today I would like to share with you about the Photo Prayer Journal. A number of years ago I developed a Photo Prayer Journal, finding it very meaningful as I was praying for my grandchildren. Many grandmothers have shared with me they found the Photo Prater Journal a great resource and enjoyed using it to pray for them.

A photo prayer journal is a working document to help grandparents pray intentionally for their grandchildren, whether they live far away or nearby. The photo prayer journal will make praying more meaningful. You will feel more connected when you see the pictures of your grandchildren as you are praying for them. I made my photo prayer journal in a three ring binder with a divider for each grandchild, that way I could redo it each year when they start a new school year.

Instructions for Photo Prayer Journal Profile Sheet

On the profile sheet, place your grandchild’s picture in the designated spot and complete the profile with his/her information.


Grandchild’s Profile



(Place your grandchild’s

picture here.)



Profile Sheet For ____________________





Telephone #: Cell #

E-mail address:

Birthday: Age:

Grade in school: School:




Favorite activities:

Character strengths:

(You may have other ideas to add to the profile.)

Instructions for Prayer Concern Sheet

Make a page to record the date, praises, prayer concerns, and the hopes and dreams for your grandchild on which you want to focus your prayers. If desired, choose a scripture from the “Scriptures to Pray for Grandchildren” or the list of "Prayer Suggestions for the Various Life’s Stages” or other suggestions from the book, Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren. Record your concerns about their safety, health, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual growth, strength to resist temptations and the deception of the world.


Use your creativity and make the Photo Prayer Journal to meet your needs, these are suggestions to get you started. I use the photo prayer journal only once or twice a week, however, it does make me feel more connected with the grandchildren.

If convenient, take your grandchildren out for a meal or ice cream to ask them for the information needed to fill out the profile sheets, and tell them why you are doing it. You may also ask them the questions on the telephone, through e-mail, or however, you find it convenient. If you are making the journal on the computer, use Print Shop or another program to enhance the pages, inserting your digital pictures, and making as many pages as you need.

I have had a number of grandmothers tell me how they have enjoyed their Photo Prayer Journals. Some grandmothers have told me that they will give the Photo Prayer Journal to their grandchildren when they become adults.

You may find more creative ideas to help you with your praying for your grandchildren in the book Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildrenavailable on this website.


I have developed several FREE Resources to Pray for your grandchildren you can download and print to help you pray intentionally for your grandchildren and their parents. I have also included a couple of eBooks for you to download.

On this website, you will also find a list of free downloads with many helpful suggestions to intentionally pray for your grandchildren.

Click on the 3 bars on the upper left side of this page FREE RESOURCES.

By Lillian Penner, Co-Prayer director, Christian Grandparenting Network






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When I was a young woman, I had many opportunities to visit my widowed grandmother while I attended college in her town. As she grieved my grandfather’s death, she reflected her trust in God to care for her and showed how God sustained her each day, by claiming the promise Jesus gave His disciples after His resurrection. 

“Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.”

Matthew 28:20 (KJV).9651009897?profile=original

My grandmother’s faith that God would always be there for her made a significant impact on my life. Her testimony influenced me to incorporate that verse into my daily experiences. Since those early adult years, whenever life has been painful, disappointing, or downright discouraging, I have claimed that same scripture verse. My prayer is that I will have opportunities to reflect my life experiences of trusting God during my difficult times to my children and grandchildren.

In Proverbs 27:19 we read, “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person.” However, we may ask what does that look like. When we meditate on God’s Word and grow in our relationship with God, we will reflect God’s glory because we are being transformed into His image. We glorify God when we reveal or manifest his character by the way we live by demonstrating God’s love to those around us.   

 Grandparents, who love the Lord, have a responsibility to reflect a godly lifestyle to our grandchildren. We must ask ourselves, is my walk with the Lord in the lives of my grandchildren. 

My grandmother made a lasting impression on my life because she reflected her faith in God’s provision to sustain her during her time of grieving. When we reflect God’s love to our grandchildren, and they are walking with the Lord, our love for God will keep on living through our grandchildren.

Questions to ask ourselves:

  • What does the reflection of my life look like to my grandchildren?
  • Do I want my grandchildren to imitate my spiritual life?
  • Will they want my Jesus?

Pray your love for God will keep on living through your grandchildren, even after you are deceased. 

Read the ebook “Reflecting on my Grandparenting Journey” to learn more about my grandparenting journey go to the Free Resources on this website.


Lord, forgive me when I have not taken the time to be in Your Word

and model the life of a godly grandparent.

Help to take the time to read and meditate on Your Word every day

So I will reflect your face in the heart of my grandchildren,

Even after I have passed on to be with you.

In Jesus name.





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If Timothy’s grandmother Lois had not been faithful in passing on her faith to her daughter Eunice and grandson Timothy we would not have the books, I and II Timothy in the Bible today. Their example is an excellent generational example of the importance of passing on the faith to future generations. Lois is our forerunner who modeled grand mothering for us.

Isn’t it interesting that nowhere in the Bible does it say that the church has the primary responsibility to pass on our faith to the next generation? It makes clear that parents and grandparents are the principal conduits to instruct their children and grandchildren about God and his love for them.

Today, many parents are not passing on the values and faith by which they were raised. Therefore, grandparents have a crucial role to fill, if faith is to be found on earth when Jesus comes back for his own. In the Bible, we read about many people God used in the autumn season of life for life’s most significant work. According to God’s Word, God wants grandparents to focus on passing a godly legacy to the next generation. The demonstrations of our faithful walk with the Lord and our prayers for our grandchildren are potent ways to pass on our faith to the next generation.

Grandmother’s Role

The role of godly grandparents is to communicate their faith in Jesus Christ and pray diligently for their grandchildren. We are also to tell future generations how God has walked with us and demonstrated his mighty works in our lives. God is waiting for us to ask Him for opportunities if we are overwhelmed with how to be a godly influence on your grandchildren. God has given us the responsibility to set a positive example. We do affect our grandchildren one way or another, positively or negatively.

In Proverbs 27:19, we read, “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person” (NLT).What does the reflection of our “real person” reflect? When we are committed to read and meditate on God’s Word, we will reflect a life transformed into his image. As we invest in our walk with the Lord, we are spiritually investing in the lives of our grandchildren by modeling a godly example. As spiritual role models, we can demonstrate the reality of our faith by walking with God through both the storms and sunny days of our lives.

Grandmother’s Prayers

We, as grandmothers love to give gifts to our grandchildren, however, the most significant and most lasting gift we can give them is to be their prayer intercessor, affecting and imprinting their generation with God’s faithfulness. The material things we leave our grandchildren are temporary; however, our prayers and examples can make a significant impact on them for a lifetime. Our most significant blessings will come when we see God answering our prayers in their lives, and we get to see the results. However, we may die before our prayers are answered. Our prayers will not be canceled when we go to heaven, and they will outlive us.

With the pressure on families today, grandchildren need our hugs, reassurance, and wisdom more than ever. It is also imperative for us to communicate to our grandchildren that we love them and accept them, even though we may not agree with their behavior. In today’s broken world, Satan’s purpose is to destroy the family. It is crucial that we pray God will give the mothers and fathers of our dear grandchildren godly wisdom in the monumental task of teaching and guiding our grandchildren in the ways of the Lord. 1

Do your grandchildren see authenticity and sincerity about you in your relationship with God? What a blessing it would be for me to hear my grandchildren say, “I want to have a relationship with the Lord like my grandmother modeled for me.”I hope I can say in the years to come, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children and grandchildren are walking in the truth” (3 John 1:4).

Ask yourself:

  • What kind of memories will my grandchildren have of me when I pass away?
  • Is my walk with the Lord what I want to be reflected in the lives of my grandchildren?
  • Do I want my grandchildren to imitate my spiritual life?
  • Will they want my Jesus?
  • Will my love for God keep on living through my grandchildren, even after I am deceased?


Dear Lord, forgive me when I have not taken the time to read your Word or modeled the life of a godly grandparent.

Help me to take the time to read and meditate on your Word every day

so I will reflect your face in the heart of my grandchildren.

Help me to be a godly example, teaching my grandchildren to live lives of truth

with integrity, authenticity, and seriousness.

Help me to give sound, wise, wholesome counsel and guidance,

encouraging my grandchildren to know and follow Christ wholeheartedly.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



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Grandparents Day of Prayer and National Grandparents Day are similar but not the same. To understand their similarities and differences, we need to examine both, starting with National Grandparents Day.

National Grandparents Day

After a three-year battle that began in 1970, West Virginia housewife Marian McQuade convinced her state Congress to commemorate grandparents with a special day. This commemoration honored grandparents, provided them an opportunity to express their love for their grandchildren, and raise community awareness about the gifts grandparents can offer.The flower of the U.S. National Grandparents Day is the forget-me-nots.

Five years later, the United States Congress passed legislation declaring the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day. They selected September because September denotes the autumn season of life. President Jimmy Carter gave his endorsement by signing the proclamation.

Grandparents Day of Prayer

In 2010, author Lillian Penner suggested a day of prayer to coincide with National Grandparents Day. Thanks to Mrs. Penner’s efforts, churches around the world observe Grandparents Day of Prayer. They encourage grandparents to pray for their grandchildren, both in private and corporate settings.

o you recognize the importance of praying for your grandchildren and their parents? Do you want to encourage others to pray for their grandchildren? If so, may I suggest hosting an event to celebrate Grandparents Day of Prayer?

You may want to host a prayer breakfast or a luncheon following your morning worship. Or you may want to offer an afternoon tea or evening dessert in your home. Perhaps your minister is willing to address the importance of praying grandparents and set aside a special prayer time during the worship service. The possibilities are endless. It is imperative; however, grandparents gather to pray for their grandchildren.


Both Grandparents Day of Prayer and National Grandparents Day occur on the first Sunday after Labor Day. This year's date is September 9th. Both commemorate the vital role grandparent’s play in the family. The fundamental difference between the two is Grandparents Day of Prayer encourages grandparents to pray for the hearts, souls, and minds of their grandchildren.

We are asking grandparents throughout the world to unite in prayer for their grandchildren and their parents. We realize that Grandparents Day in your country may not be on September 9 this year. We would like you to ask you to participate in your Grandparents Day making it a day of prayer whenever it is observed.

On our website,, 9651021461?profile=originalyou will find two ways that you can participate in Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.

  1. You can pray. Click Here to Signup and Download your copy of the 30-Day Challenge. Participants who register will receive an eBook “30 days of Prayers for your Grandchildren”.
  2. You can gather and lead other grandparents in prayer. If you are willing to organize a Grandparents’ Day of Prayer event in your church, home, retirement complexes, etc., click on “To find out more about becoming a volunteer.” to follow the process. You too will receive the eBook “30 Days of Prayers for your Grandchildren”.

If you realize the urgency for a Day of Prayer for our grandchildren and their parents, will you help us call grandparents to join in prayer on September 9th?Christian Grandparenting Network is prepared to provide step-by-step guidelines, resources and online tools for creating successful events.

 Please check our website grandparentsdayofprayer.comfor more information, testimonials, promotional materials and free downloads.

For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact me.

Thank you for your consideration to participate in this event.

If you have questions or additional information, email Lillian Penner, lpenner@christiangrandparentinng.netor Deborah Haddix,, Coordinators.

Guest blog by Sherry Schumann, Co-Prayer Director for Christian Grandparenting Network





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This time of the year, we become aware of the spring season, especially in the areas where we experience the four seasons. It is exciting to see the buds on the trees that have lied dormant and the bulbs popping out of the ground almost overnight. Spring reminds us of new life.9651033076?profile=original

 During the winter, many areas have experienced harsh freezing weather. However, as spring approaches it gives us the hope of warmth, beautiful gardens, and landscapes. As it warms our spirit, we become alive and more energetic.

We often go through seasons in our prayer lives where we do not take the time to read and meditate on God’s Word or pray intentionally for our grandchildren or ourselves. We pray but our prayers may become humdrum, repetitive, or pointless.

That was my experience some years ago I felt the prayers for my grandchildren were very general and superficial. Being a long distance grandmother, I didn’t know their needs so I prayed they would be safe, have a good day, and I would be on my way. I felt my prayers became rote, empty, and powerless.

 However, it all changed when I asked God to give me wisdom and insight how I could pray for them intentionally. Praying intentionally means a determination to pray in a certain way, done by intention or design. Asking God for direction and reading several books about prayer, I was encouraged, and I gained some tools to help me to pray intentionally and regularly for my grandchildren and their parents.

The Bible, God’s Word was the most significant resource I discovered to help me with my praying, not only for my family but also for myself. We read in Hebrews 4:12 (in the Amplified version), “The Word of God is alive and full of power, making it active, operative, energizing, and effective.” it was alive and full of power, bringing energy into my prayers. Personalizing God’s Word in our prayers releases His supernatural power and His presence in my life.

 In praying scripture, I not only find myself in intimate communication with God, but my mind is being renewed to think His thoughts, about the situation I am praying for, instead of mine. Ultimately, God shrinks what I thought as impossible to a possibility and gives me peace as I wait for His answer.

As we start claiming God’s promises and personalizing the scriptures, we will experience more confidence and boldness in our praying. Nothing threatens the ENEMY more than when we are intentionally praying God’s Word for children, grandchildren, and ourselves.

As you experience the spring, season approaching in your area, I hope your thoughts will turn to accessing your prayer life for your children, grandchildren and yourself. If you are in a WINTER season in your prayer life and you have not been spending time with the Lord regularly or in prayer, allow the spring season to bring new life to your prayers.


Dear Father, as I am reading your Word,

show me the scriptures I can pray for my family and myself.

Help me to set an appointment with you each day and show me

how you would like me to be an intentional prayer warrior for my family.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.


By Lillian Penner, Co-prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network


 Free resources:

On this website, you will find a list of free downloads with many helpful suggestions of how to pray

intentionally for your grandchildren.

Click on the 3 bars on the upper left side of this page



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9651025076?profile=originalThe Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) recognizes the desperate moral and spiritual climate our grandchildren must navigate in a world hostile to truth. Satan has launched an aggressive attack on all fronts using media, technology, education, social influences, and political pressures to desensitize and cloud the boundaries of truth and righteousness that hold nations and families together. An urgent call to prayer is crucial in this spiritual battle, for the thief has come to destroy the family unit.

 Will you take about two and a half minutes to learn how to get involved in the Grandparents Day of Prayer? Watching this brief challenge by Cavin Harper, Executive Director for CGN you will see the need to pray intentionally for your grandchildren and their parents in the world, we live in today.

For that reason, CGN is asking grandparents around the world to unite in prayer for their grandchildren and their grandchildren’s parents by participating in the Eighth Annual Grandparents’ Day of Prayer. This day of prayer is scheduled to coincide with National Grandparents’ Day, September 9, 2018.


Will you be a part of the solution?


On our website, you will find two ways that you can participate in Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.

  1.   You can pray. Click on the “I will pray” button if you commit to joining us as a prayer warrior on Grandparents’ Day of Prayer. Participants who register through this button will receive an eBook “30 days of Prayers for your Grandchildren”.
  2. You can mobilize and lead other grandparents in prayer. If you are willing to organize a Grandparents’ Day of Prayer event in your church, home, retirement complexes, etc., click on “To find out more about becoming a volunteer.” to follow the process. You too will receive the eBook “30 Days of Prayers for your Grandchildren.”

Will you join us to mobilize grandparents to unite in prayer

on September 9th?

 CGN is prepared to provide step-by-step guidelines, resources, and online tools for creating successful events. Check our website   for more information, testimonials, promotional materials, and free downloads. Please contact me if you have any questions or need more information.

My prayer for you is that you will consider participating in this year’s Grandparents’ Day of Prayer event.

For additional information, contact

Lillian Penner

Deborah Haddix






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