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9651020664?profile=originalRecently a friend asked me, “What is the most important lesson you hope to teach your grandchildren?” After thinking about this question, I thought I would like to share one of the lessons I hope my grandchildren will learn from my husband and me.

As my grandchildren walk through their journey of life, they are going to face many challenges and disappointments. God will allow challenging situations in their lives for a purpose—to develop character and spiritual growth. The trials and challenges are inevitable, they must learn to expect them, acknowledge them, and learn from them.

 The challenges they face are not meant to destroy them but designed to make them capable to fulfill their God-given assignments. Their trials and challenges create an environment where they will see the true nature of their dependency on God. It is through their problems, failures, weaknesses, and neediness they will learn to rely on God. Their challenges, trials, and disappointments can be blessings in disguise.

As grandparents, we can model for our grandchildren from our experience that “Life is hard, but God is good.” We have a wonderful intercessor sitting at the right hand of the Father, waiting for us to call on him. We can come to Him with boldness and confidence at any time. When we call him, He will never put us on hold, His line is never busy, and we do not have to press a number for our language, or leave a voice mail, He is always available. In I Peter 5:7 we read, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you.”

According to Paul in Philippians 4:6-7 my grandchildren will only find fulfillment if they don’t get anxious or worry about anything, but pray about everything, telling God about their needs and thank Him for all He has done for them. Then they will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything they can understand. His peace will guard their hearts and minds as they live in Christ Jesus. 

I would like you to share a lesson you would like to teach your grandchildren in the comment section or send me an email at If you have enjoyed this blog, share it with your friends.

Remember a beautiful rose has thorns.

I have developed “Thirty-one Scriptures to Pray for Grandchildren” that many grandparents have found helpful to pray Scripture for their grandchildren. Just by joining the mailing list on the right side of this page, you will receive the blogs about grandparenting and prayer suggestions. I will email you a free downloadable copy of “Thirty-one Scriptures to Pray for your Grandchildren” you can print.   

© Lillian Penner 2020











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Is your Grandparenting a Blessing or Painful?

Grandparenting is a special blessing but can also be a pain. Messy family relationships can leave grandparents hurting, depressed, discouraged, and hopeless.  Divorce, drugs, alcohol, and adult children walking away from their faith cause broken hearts for grandparents.

Grandparents are always excited when they learn they are going to be grandparents especially when they there waiting for their first grandchild to be born. The average age of first-time grandparents is around age 47.

The babies are so cute and loveable. My friend, Susan enjoyed just watching her precious baby granddaughter sleep so peacefully. Her smiles warmed her heart, and later she loved to hear her laughing. Then she became a toddler running into her arms and bringing her so much joy. I could hardly wait to teach her about Jesus and take her to church. Then she was told by her son, “We do not want you to talk to her about Jesus”. Susan and her husband’s hearts melted. They had been waiting for the opportunity to teach her about their faith. This story is repeated often. Many grandparents have been told they are not to teach their grandchildren about Jesus.

One grandparent told me that her son said to her that she could not see her grandchild again because the child told him “Grandma wants to take me to Sunday school”. He didn’t believe in God anymore, so he didn’t want his child to learn about Jesus. Closed doors to grandchildren cause broken hearts and relationships.

I have a friend whose son and his girlfriend had a 14-month boy. They went on a trip for a couple of days and left the baby with the girl friend’s parents. They both died in a car accident. Since the girlfriend’s parents were caring for the child, they thought they were in charge of the child and alienated the father’s parent’s time with the child. The father’s parents had to go to court to be able to have time with the child to teach him about Jesus.

The pain is very difficult because it causes a rift between the child’s parent and the grandparents. The grandparent loses one of its greatest joys of life. The hurt is compounded when there is a spiritual separation between the child’s parent and the grandparent. When an adult child rejects his parent’s faith, the parents feel a rejection of the adult child.

The pain is suffocating. Alienation is painful and takes a significant toll on grandparents, especially as their friends are enjoying their grandchildren. A grandparent’s pain is often private; they feel as they have failed in raising their adult child causing a reflection on themselves. Or the grandchild’s parents are going through a divorce, and your adult child does not get custody, making it more difficult to have time with the grandchild.

I am thankful I am not an estranged grandparent, but my heart breaks when I hear the stories of my loved ones.

 Broken-hearted/Estranged grandparents have two choices:

  1. They think they can walk away from the pain and fill their lives with other things, but the pain will still be there.
  2. They can pray, asking God for direction and peace as they seek His guidance for reconciliation.

Check-in next week for suggestions for the brokenhearted

I have 2 suggestions if you are a Brokenhearted/ Estranged grandparent.

  1. Pray, Pray, Pray using Scriptures when praying for your grandchildren.
  2. Start or join a Grandparents @ Prayer intercessory pray group. 

Grandparents @ Prayer group is an excellent safe place for grandparents to share their concerns with other grandparents. My group met this week; some grandparents shared their broken heart with us, feeling safe to share their concern with tears for their grandchildren. We prayed with them and will continue to pray with them in the days ahead, carrying their burden as Paul tells us in Galatians 6:2. (To learn more about Grandparents @ Prayer see the appendix.)


We cannot change others or our circumstances, but we have a powerful God. He loves our grandchildren and their parents as much and more than we do.

  1. Pray that God will be displayed in your circumstances.
  2. Give God the responsibility to fix the situation. He will do a better job. We often burn the bridges of communication when we try to do the fixing.
  3. Trust God that He will fix it in His timing, in His way

Don’t let the enemy get you obsessed with your hurting issues, give them to Jesus because if you are obsessed with your pain, then the enemy has the victory. Trust God to wrap His arms around you and provide you with peace as you wait for Him to answer your prayers. While you are waiting, God may be working but you are not aware of. Ask God if reconciliation is possible, even though you don’t think you have done anything wrong. Asking for forgiveness may be the beginning of healing. 

We learn the most from God when life is hard, and we have to trust Him.  We often forget that the same God we enjoy in our mountain top experiences is walking with us through the valleys of our lives.


Many hurting grandparents are raising their grandchildren because their parents are ill, in the military, in prison or various situations, especially today with the Opioids epidemic.

The rewards and challenges of parenting the second time around when parents are absent or unable to raise their children, grandparents are often the ones who step in. Raising a second generation brings many rewards, along with the struggles, including the fulfillment of giving your grandkids a sense of security, developing a deeper relationship with them, and keeping the family together.

 As grandparents age, raising children can sometimes be challenging. Taking care of themselves mentally, physically, and spiritually is vital to our overall health and our ability to live prosperous lives and raise healthy grandchildren.


Generations United cites grandparents are raising a 2013-2015 study by the Casey Foundation saying around 2.6 million grandchildren. The 2010 Census showed that about 8% of all grandchildren under 18 are living with grandparents. That number grew by about 30% from 2009. Now ten years later, who knows what it is, especially with the opioid issues among millennial parents.

CDC estimates more than 42,000 people overdosed on opioids in 2016. Fentanyl-related drugs are one of the primary reasons. The opioid epidemic is showing no sign of slowing down in the United States with deaths from opioid-related overdoses now outpacing car accident fatalities.

If you know grandparents who are raising their grandchildren, pray for them. Many say they feel alienated and lonely because they don’t seem to fit in anywhere. Many are retired on a fixed income and find raising the grandchildren very challenging financially as well as physically and emotionally. Often they are raising their grandchildren because their parent’s lifestyle doesn’t allow them to raise their own children.

Some hurting grandparents have children and grandchildren in the military. Often grandparents have a big part of raising their grandchildren when either the mother or father or both are deployed. If you know someone who has a loved one in the military ask them how you can pray for them, especially if their loved one is deployed. It is especially hard for them when their loved one is wounded or will not be coming home. 

I am thankful I am not an estranged grandparent, but my heart breaks when I hear the stories of many grandparents who have a broken heart.


If your adult child has walked away from their faith, you are not alone. Many grandparents share your heartache. Try to keep open communication with them. Let them know you love them and pray for them even though you do not accept their behavior.

We learn the most from God when life is hard, and we have to trust Him.  The same God we enjoy in our mountain top experiences is walking with us through the valleys of our lives.

Study Guide


What are your options if you are an estranged grandparent?

  1. What should you do if you don’t approve your grandchildren’s behavior?
  2. What can you do to help your friends who are struggling with their grandchildren’s behavior or estranged from their grandchildren?
  3. How can you encourage grandparents who are raising their grandchildren?
  4. There are many hurting grandparents start a Grandparents@Prayer group, a safe place to share your broken hearts. 


Dear Father, thank you for the grandchildren you have given to us. I pray they will experience your presence with them, even though their home is not a happy, safe place at times. Give the grandparents who are raising their grandchildren's physical and emotional strength, wisdom, and provisions to do the best they can under the circumstances. Help me to live a godly example before my grandchildren so they will want to walk with You In Jesus’ name, Amen.

 By Lillian Penner, Author of Grandparenting with a Purpose,

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A Look at our Grandchildren’s Culture

Our grandchildren are facing a different culture or environment than many of us did when we were growing up or when we raised our children. People make culture and are molded by culture. It changes with the generations just as modernization, fashions, and ideas.

As grandparents, we feel the culture is trying to steal our grandchildren and their parents with their subtle and often dangerous enticements. J.B. Phillips writes in John 10:10 “The thief comes with the sole intention of stealing and killing and destroying. We are experiencing the thieves’ subtle intention as we observe the culture/environment our grandchildren are navigating today.

A friend of mine was telling me about the weekend she spent with her grandchildren. She was amazed to hear the things they were talking about and their time on their cell phones texting their friends. They didn’t want to play games with her anymore, only their games on the cell phones.  Spending time with our grandkids gives us ideas about how to pray for them.

It is hard for us to accept their behavior such as body piercing, tattoos, long hair, music, disrespect, dishonesty and more. However, it is crucial that we let them know that we love them, even when we do not accept their behavior; they are facing many subtle messages from their friends. It’s vital that we model a Biblical worldview to show them how to live in an immoral world by our example.

Cultural issues our grandchildren have to navigate

The Information Age:  The digital revolution has changed our lives. Google has replaced the World Book encyclopedias. Our grandchildren don’t know that we had telephones with cords or black televisions with only a few channels when we were growing up. That was our norm, but it is not their norm. Today’s culture makes it difficult for our grandchildren to know which message to trust in their vast amount of information they receive on their cell phones. Grandparents can create an environment where the grandchildren will feel safe to ask questions about issues they are facing.

Identity: The Bible states we are made in the image of God, and we have to know God to know ourselves. We don’t know who we are if we don’t know God. Our grandchildren have to deal with transgender bathrooms. My granddaughter’s girlfriend suddenly decided she wanted to be a boy, wore boy's clothing, and acted like a boy. We are told that even kindergarteners are exposed to gender identity being told they can be either a boy or girl, whatever they decide.

John Stonestreet & Brett Kunkle, A Practical Guide to Culture, David C. Cook Publisher, 2017, p 153-155.

Pornography: The Covenant Eyes website offers the following statics.  90 percent of boys and 60 percent of girls said they were exposed to pornography before the age of eighteen. One out of every eight online searches and one out of every five mobile searches are for porn. Pornography makes up one-third of the Internet’s bandwidth. I know this is heavy, but this is what our grandchildren are facing. Porn produces many consequences. They are told many lies about porn, that it is harmless and no one else’s’ business.  Pray that God will protect the eyes of our dear grandchildren and give them the strength to flee from the temptation of porn when they are enticed.

Addiction:  Our grandchildren are filled with lies about legalized marijuana, alcohol, and drugs. It’s important they are taught the consequences of using these before they are exposed to them. The use of alcohol and drugs is high among high school students and higher among college students, and the numbers are rising. Addiction is a result of the emptiness of the soul; it doesn’t take care of the pain. Only their faith in Jesus Christ will give them fulfillment.

Entertainment:  Entertainment vies for the souls of our grandchildren in the movies, television, music, and video games, Ask your grandchildren about the movies they are watching and talk about them. These types of entertainment aren’t all bad. However, it is vital that grandchildren are taught how to evaluate them.

Affluence & commercialism:  Our grandchildren are exposed to and influenced by a world of affluence, commercialism, and entitlement by our media today. Our goal should be to not shower them with material wealth but teach them to work and earn the things they want. Expose them to children living in poverty to familiarize them with how others are surviving. The Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoebox project is an excellent way for them to participate in helping children less fortunate. Help them to discover that money isn’t going to bring them long-term happiness.

Sexual Orientation: The Gay and Lesbian Movement is an issue of our time. Our children are exposed to it at an early age in their families and in school. Homosexuality attempts to exchange their God-identity with self-identify. It’s important that we dialogue on this issue with our grandchildren to influence them with the Biblical view. We must teach the truth and engage with grace.

Racial Tension:  Christians must be cautious not to get absorbed in the racial views of our culture. Our origin as God’s image-bearers outweighs our ethnic backgrounds. Don’t let the worldview control your conversations about racial issues. God has created all people in His image; we just have different colors of skin.

Witchcraft: Wicca is among the fast-growing religions. Wicca has effectively repackaged witchcraft for millennial consumption. Wicca’s website is one of the most visited religious sites on the Internet. All forms of witchcraft are strictly forbidden in the Bible as being tied to the occult and the work and the world of the evil one. “Let no one among you who practices sorcery engage in witchcraft or cast spells. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.”  (Deut. 18:10-12) Regretfully culture has made witchcraft mainstream. Talk with your grandchildren and their parents about this subject so they will be able to recognize the witchcraft often placed subtly in some movies and music. (This information was taken from, written by Dr. James Emery White, 02-19-2019)

Daniel’s story

Daniel was taken from his home country in Judah to captivity into Babylon, a very ungodly environment. Daniel was to be trained to serve in the king’s palace. He resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine. King Darius made a decree that no one could pray to anyone other than him for 30 days. Daniel went to his room and prayed three times a day facing Jerusalem, giving thanks and praying as he always did to his God. He did not allow the worldly king to transform him into the pattern of Babylon. As a result, Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den. God closed the mouths of the lions, and he was brought out without any wounds because Daniel trusted God. King Darius acknowledged that the God of Daniel was a living God.

Shortly before Jesus was arrested, He prays for his disciples asking God to protect them, and I believe it is for us, too. “I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one.” John 17:15 (NLT)

So, grandparents, there is an urgency to pray intentionally for the physical, emotional, and spiritual protection as our grandchildren and their parents navigate our world today. The greatest long-lasting gift we can give your children and your grandchildren is an intentional praying grandparent.

Study Guide for A Look at our Grandchildren’s Culture

For personal reflection or group discussion

  1. Have you listened to your grandchildren visiting with their friends or cousins the same age?
  2. Have you asked your grandchildren how their friends feel about gender identity, marijuana, pornography, and other cultural issues?
  3. Ask your grandchildren how they think about cultural issues.
  4. Have you asked them if they have answers for when they are confronted with cultural issues?
  5. Have you talked with your grandchildren about the racial tensions in school or their community?
  6. Have you asked your older grandchildren how you can pray for them or asked the parents of the younger ones how you can pray for them?
  7. Tell your grandchildren that you are daily praying for their protection physically, emotionally and spiritually.


Dear Heavenly Father, protect our grandchildren from:

  • Becoming addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, pornography, or other forms of additions.
  • Being taught in the lie that Jesus is nothing more than a good teacher.
  • Being lured into “It must be okay if everyone else is doing it.”
  • Wandering aimlessly without a purpose in life.
  • The enemy’s traps, and when necessary, protect them from themselves.
  • Being charmed and intertwined in witchcraft, divination, magic, the world of fascinations, and the occult. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 New Living Translation (NLT)

 Written by Lillian Penner, Co-Prayer Director for Christian Grandparenting Network,














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Finding Joy in Praying for my Grandchildren

9651019862?profile=originalWhat a joy it is to have that precious little grandchild come running into your arms with hugs and kisses. The six-year-old calling to tell you she lost her first tooth or your seven-year-old grandson excited about making his first goal in his soccer game.

In addition to senior discounts, grandchildren are one of the rewards of growing older. Mary H. Waldrip says it well, "Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing old."

 I grew up in a Midwest rural community many years ago. I didn't encounter the temptations and pressures my grandchildren are facing today in this media-driven culture. Our society is teetering on the brink of moral and spiritual bankruptcy. I pray for protection from the evil deception in the world around them.

 I now have nine grandchildren, ages ranging from sixteen years to thirty-seven years, four are married, and we have five great-granddaughters. As a long-distance grandmother for many years, I was not fully aware of my grandchildren's immediate needs. I prayed that God would bless them, give them good health and protection. Ultimately, I became frustrated and felt something was lacking with my vague and general prayers. I asked God to show me how to become more deliberate in praying for them.

After reading Grandma, I Need Your Prayers by Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock, and When Mothers Pray by Cheri Fuller, prayers for my grandchildren changed dramatically. The books were full of practical advice, encouraging me to use specific scriptures in praying, motivating me to pray regularly and accurately for their emotional, physical, and spiritual well being.

I want to share some of the practical advice I pursued.

  • I developed a Photo Prayer Journal in a three-ring binder with a section for each grandchild. Each section had a profile sheet with the grandchild's picture and information about their school, church, friends, and activities. Followed with several blank pages on which I recorded my prayer concerns, hopes, and dreams for the grandchild.
  • God's Word became a manual for learning how to pray more effectively for my grandchildren. Praying scripture unleashes the supernatural power of God in their lives. When I pray, according to God's Word, I am in line with His will. As I started claiming God's promises and personalizing the scriptures for them, I experienced more confidence and boldness in my prayer life.
  • New channels of communication opened with my older grandchildren when I asked how I could pray for them. For the younger children, I consulted with their parents to keep abreast of specific concerns. Then I was able to pray more specifically for them.
  • A primary prayer for all my grandchildren is that they will come to realize how much God loves them. God will always be there for them. They will accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and spend eternity with Him.
  • Paul tells me in Romans 8:26, "when I don't know what to pray for, the Holy Spirit intercedes for me. The Holy Spirit knows the needs of my grandchildren, so I ask him to intercede according to His will." It is comforting to me that I can put my concerns in God's hand, leaving them with Him. It shifts the responsibility on God, instead of carrying the burden I
  • The love I have for my grandchildren would like to control their lives and keep them from pain, disappointment, or discouragement. Humanly, I want to rescue them and pray, "Don't let anything bad happen to them." To which the Lord may say, "I need to allow disappointment, pain, and failure so they will learn to trust and obey me so I can pour my blessings on them." I must pray for God's will in their lives.
  • God has created my grandchildren for a unique purpose. I pray they will discover their dreams, be motivated to pursue them, and trust He will provide the resources.
  • I need to communicate with my grandchildren that I love them and accept them even though I may not accept their behavior. I like to call them on the phone, send cards for holidays, note cards, or e-cards to offer encouragement, and let them know I love them and pray for them.

Blessings as a result 

I want to share part of a letter from my married granddaughter. It is a confirmation that praying for these precious grandchildren is never a wasted effort. She wrote, "My grandmother's phone calls, cards, and emails were encouraging and made a significant impact on my life throughout my teenage and college years. Her prayers and encouragement have been rock-solid reminders of God's truth. Amidst my crazy and incredibly life-shaping year, her prayers helped me surrender the craziness of my life to God."

 My prayers for my grandchildren have strengthened my relationships with them. The Photo Prayer Album has been an excellent tool for me to stay connected to them. Whether they live nearby or far away, praying intentionally for them keeps me in touch. Often my prayers can be more potent than my presence when I let them know I am praying for them.

Best of all, praying God's Word has enabled me to pray with His power, direction, and wisdom. As their grandparent, I can have a significant role in stabilizing and influencing their lives by praying for them during these turbulent years. It has given me fulfillment and satisfaction in praying for them.

The seeds of prayer we plant today will yield a harvest of blessing in the future. My prayer is that you have been challenged to pray strategically and deliberately for your grandchildren. In Isaiah 44:3, God told the Israelites, "I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants." God still promises to pour out his Spirit and blessings on our descendants. Don't we want that for our grandchildren and future descendants? 

 The greatest long-lasting gift we can give our grandchildren

is the gift of our time and prayers.

Written by Lillian Penner, Co-Prayer-Director for Christian  Grandparenting Network


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Today, there are over 70 million grandparents in the United States plus many more around the world. Grandparents represent one-third of the population with 1.7 million new grandparents added to the ranks every year in the U.S. Grandparents lead 37% of all U.S. households in this country — that’s 44 million households nationwide. (Google)u

How GRANDPARENTS CAN IMPACT THE WORLD?It is estimated that there are over 30 million Christian grandparents. We have reached a time in history when the grandparents must rise as one to cry to God.  I believe if 30 million Christian Grandparents who believe in the power of prayer and deliberately praying the enemy will be crushed. Satan is relentless in his aggressive attack to desensitize our children to truth and righteousness. This is a spiritual battle requiring spiritual weapons. Our grandchildren and their parents not only need our support, but they also need our earnest and united prayers. They need our united prayer, a genuine, unified prayer for our hope and dreams for the next generation to be realized.

Ken R. Canfield PhD., Founder, National Association for Grandparenting and Grands Matter! “There is a spiritual renaissance brewing in North America and at the core of this renewal are praying grandparents.  As is the case in every major awakening in past centuries, humble and passionate prayer is a catalyst, which spiritually connects generations.  That’s why I highly recommend Lillian Penner’s book, Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren.  It is a straightforward and practical guide to remind us all to pray.  It has inspired me.  For any grandparent who hungers for supernatural strength and insight, and who labors on behalf of their children and grandchildren this book is a must-read”     

The “Revised and Expanded” Grandparenting with a Purpose, Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren is designed to encourage and equip grandparents to intentionally pray for their grandchildren and their parents.

I am grateful many of you have previously purchased the original Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren.  Since I have had many requests for a study guide to go with the chapters.  I have expanded the book with additional chapters and a study guide for each chapter, which you will find useful.

•    I have found there are many hurting estranged grandparents today with heavy hearts, so I am addressing that issue in a chapter. Is your grandparenting Painful or a blessing?

•    I include a section looking at a view of the culture our grandchildren and their parents are navigating today. 

•    God’s Design for grandparenting plus several additional chapters and Scriptures to Pray for Teens and Scriptures for Grandparents to pray for themselves.

The book retails for $14.99, however, it is available for a discounted price of $15.00, including shipping and handling costs in the U. S. for a limited time. The book is available at

This book will challenge you and give you resources for this spiritual battle with the enemy. It will show you how to be an intentional disciple-maker and prayer warrior to impact the next generation.

Written by Lillian Penner, Co-prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network.

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Our College Campuses Need Prayers

Many of our grandchildren are attending college and universities, some are Christian, and some are secular colleges.  The grandchildren attending secular universities are taught a secular worldview and probably navigating ungodly influences. We need to pray for our grandchildren’s deep spiritual needs, the needs of their souls.9651042063?profile=original

Barna Research President, David Kinnaman’s new book writes in his new book

Faith for Exiles. The percentage of young-adult dropouts has increased from 59 to 64 percent. Nearly two-thirds of U.S. 18–29-year-olds who grew up in church tell Barna they have withdrawn from church involvement as an adult after having been active as a child or teen.

 I would like to encourage you to pray for the campus where your grandchild is attending. Pray he/she will get involved in a Christian college ministry on their campus for Christian fellowship and community.

Let’s pray the next generation will have the passion and energy to be godly leaders to change the world. The following are suggestions to you can pray.


  • Do some listening prayer, asking God questions such as,
  • “Lord, what are YOU praying for this campus?”
  • “Who are you moving in here right now?”
  • “What are the barriers to your work here?”

Spend time listening and write down anything you hear or feel.



Ask God to show you what revival would look like on this campus.

Write down anything you see or feel.



Pray that Christians already on this campus would be bold, have faith, and be courageous. If there are any Christian groups or churches already on campus, pray this for them as well.



Pray for professors, administrators, student government, and other leaders on campus.


I hope you will find these Scriptures helpful to pray for your college student.

 Scriptures to Pray for Grandchildren in College

Dear Father, I pray that: (Insert your child’s name)

  1. 1. Peace

________ will not worry about anything, but pray about everything.    Philippians 4:6

  1. Protection from the Enemy

________ will be alert and watch out for the temptations from the enemy, standing firm in his/her faith.  I Peter 5:8, 9

  1. Responsibility

________ will learn to be responsible for his/her own actions and behavior. Galatians 6:5

  1. Salvation

________ will believe that Jesus loves him/her and died for his/her sins so he/she can have a personal relationship with you and enjoy eternal life. John 3:16

  1. Security

_________ will always remember that you will never leave nor forsake him/her.  Joshua 1:56

  1. Self-control

________will live in this evil world with self-control, right conduct and devotion to God.  Titus 2:12

  1. Servant’s Heart

________will develop a servant’s heart, serving wholeheartedly, as to the Lord and not men. Eph. 6:7

  1. Anxiety

__________will cast all his/her anxieties and disappointments on you. I Peter 5:7

  1. Spiritual Growth

_______will be rooted and built up in his/her faith, growing strong in the truth as he/she is taught.  Colossians 2:7

  1. Guard

________ will guard his/her heart, for it is the wellspring of his/her life. Proverbs 4:23

  1. Thankfulness

_______ will learn to give thanks in everything, no matter what happens.  I Thessalonians 5:18

  1. Timidity/Fear

_______ will not have a spirit of fear and timidity, but the spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. II Tim. 1:7

  1. Trust the Lord

 ________ will trust You with all his/her heart and not depend on his/her on understanding Proverbs 3:5

  1. Wisdom

 When ________ needs wisdom, he/she will ask you for it, You are waiting for him/her to ask.  James 1:5

  1. Hunger for God's Word

___________will hunger and thirst for your Word. Matthew 5:6   


Listen to this awesome inspiring short video called the Haystack prayer meeting.

Haystack Prayer Meetings


If you would like more information about praying for our college campuses go to


Written by Lillian Penner, Co-Prayer Director for Christian Grandparenting Network.













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What is Your Passion for your Grandparent?

 9651041870?profile=originalMy passion is to intentionally pray my grandchildren will love Jesus and follow Him wholeheartedly. What is your passion for your grandchildren? Does this picture reflect your passion for your grandchildren?

Christian Grandparenting Network has a passion for encouraging and equipping grandparents to pray for their grandchildren. Our mission is to challenge grandparents around the world to intentionally and regularly come together to pray, interceding for their grandchildren, children, and communities. In the Pray! Magazine, Arlyn Lawrence writes, “Intercession is one of the ways God designed for us to partner with Him in bringing His loving presence into our aching world.”1   

In Isaiah 58:6, we read that we can “loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke” in our world. One of the ways we can break these chains is by “standing in the gap” with a prayer for our dear grandchildren. 

Just as Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Jews when physically threatened. Grandparents can stand in the gap today with a prayer for their grandchildren as the enemy threatens their spiritual lives and tries to distract them from God’s Truth.

Christian Grandparents Network has introduced Grandparents intercessory prayer groups as a way to call grandparents together to pray for each other’s grandchildren and their families. Groups meet in retirement centers, schools, churches, and homes weekly, bi-weekly or monthly as often as the group desires. The grandparents meet together in small or large groups regularly to unite in prayer at a designated location for 1 hour or so of guided prayer and fellowship.

Participating grandparents comment that they appreciate having a safe place to share their concerns and know other grandparents are praying with them for their grandchildren. Our grandchildren are growing up in a troubled fragmented world needs a lot of prayers.

Christian Grandparents Network has guidelines and more information available to help you get started. Today is a good time to start asking some friends who are grandparents to meet with you to pray for the grandchildren on September 8, Grandparents Day of Prayer.

To learn more about the prayer groups go to

By Lillian Penner, Co-prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network,

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What is Your Passion for your Grandparent?

 9651041870?profile=originalMy passion is to intentionally pray my grandchildren will love Jesus and follow Him wholeheartedly. What is your passion for your grandchildren? Does this picture reflect your passion for your grandchildren?

Christian Grandparenting Network has a passion for encouraging and equipping grandparents to pray for their grandchildren. Our mission is to challenge grandparents around the world to intentionally and regularly come together to pray, interceding for their grandchildren, children, and communities. In the Pray! Magazine, Arlyn Lawrence writes, “Intercession is one of the ways God designed for us to partner with Him in bringing His loving presence into our aching world.”1   

In Isaiah 58:6, we read that we can “loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke” in our world. One of the ways we can break these chains is by “standing in the gap” with a prayer for our dear grandchildren. 

Just as Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Jews when physically threatened. Grandparents can stand in the gap today with a prayer for their grandchildren as the enemy threatens their spiritual lives and tries to distract them from God’s Truth.

Christian Grandparents Network has introduced Grandparents intercessory prayer groups as a way to call grandparents together to pray for each other’s grandchildren and their families. Groups meet in retirement centers, schools, churches, and homes weekly, bi-weekly or monthly as often as the group desires. The grandparents meet together in small or large groups regularly to unite in prayer at a designated location for 1 hour or so of guided prayer and fellowship.

Participating grandparents comment that they appreciate having a safe place to share their concerns and know other grandparents are praying with them for their grandchildren. Our grandchildren are growing up in a troubled fragmented world needs a lot of prayers.

Christian Grandparents Network has guidelines and more information available to help you get started. Today is a good time to start asking some friends who are grandparents to meet with you to pray for the grandchildren on September 8, Grandparents Day of Prayer.

To learn more about the prayer groups go to

By Lillian Penner, Co-prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network,

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Guest post by Sherry Schumann, Prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network9651041893?profile=original

If you wander through a Hallmark store during the final weeks of August, you’ll notice cards celebrating National Grandparents Day. You won’t find any cards for Grandparents Day of Prayer, even though its date coincides with National Grandparents Day. Grandparents Day of Prayer isn’t a day for grandparents to receive flowers, candy, or cards. It’s a day for grandparents to pray corporately for their grandchildren.


Every year, National Grandparents Day and Grandparents Day of Prayer occur on the second Sunday of September. This year, it falls on September 8th. If September 8 does not fit into your schedule for an event for grandparents plan your event at another time in September. It’s an excellent time to introduce a grandparents prayer group to your congregation.


Like it or not, we are in a spiritual battle for the hearts, souls and minds of our children and grandchildren. The enemy is using media, technology, education, social influences, and political pressures to launch an aggressive attack on the family unit. If we are in a spiritual battle, we need a spiritual weapon. Prayer is the greatest weapon in our arsenal.


Grandparents Day of Prayer can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. Your options are limitless. Some churches host a prayer breakfast before the Sunday morning service, while others host afternoon teas or evening desserts in someone’s home.


Food isn’t necessary. Last year, our church celebrated Grandparents Day of Prayer by recognizing the grandparents in the congregation and setting aside time during the service for grandparents to pray for their grandchildren. It’s essential, though, that grandparent realize the importance of praying for their grandchildren.


Grandparents Day of Prayer also offers a wonderful opportunity to launch a G@P (Grandparents @ Prayer) group at church or in your community. A G@P group consists of two or more dedicated grandparents who gather to pray regularly for their grandchildren. A G@P meeting normally lasts 1 to 1-½ hours, and the format varies among the different groups.


Will you unite in prayer on September 8, 2018,

with grandparents around the world?

Will you consider launching a Grandparents Day of Prayer event at your church?

Will you consider starting a G@P group in your area?


For more information about Grandparents Day of Prayer, please visit

For more information about G@P, please visit


Deborah Haddix and  Lillian Penner, Coordinators for Grandparents Day of Prayer









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Has your computer been hacked?

 It seems like our social media, financial, and email accounts get hacked now and then. When that happens, we change our passwords to protect our privacy since we don’t want intruders to have access to our accounts. Passwords protect our 9651041670?profile=originalaccounts.

I recently heard a message that spoke to my heart about guarding my heart just as I protect my Internet accounts.  We read in God’s Word that we are to guard our hearts. In Proverbs 4:23, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”  Don’t let the enemy hack your heart.

How Do We Guard Our Hearts?

We can protect, defend, and shield our hearts from Satan by developing an intimate relationship with God. Paul tells us, “Set your hearts on things above . . . Not on earthly things.”(Colossians 3:1, 2) The enemy wants to rob our hearts; he tries to get us overwhelmed, defeated, tired, and so busy that when God wants to get our attention, His call goes to “voice mail”. As grandparents, we can set an example by demonstrating that our relationship with God is a high priority for us.

We must guard our hearts because God valued our hearts and the hearts of our grandchildren and their parents so much that He sent his Son, Jesus into the world to die on the cross for our sins.

Do you have a password to guard your heart against the distractions and business of your life?My favorite password is Joshua 1:5 “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. When the enemy tries to hack my heart, I claim my password. Do you have a password to keep your heart from being hacked, if you don’t have one already?

If we as grandparents guard our hearts, we will have a part in nourishing the souls of our dear grandchildren by our example. Our grandchildren need grandparents who will model how they guard their hearts.  

Our grandchildren are living amid a cultural and spiritual battle; a brutal and vicious war against a subtle and friendly enemy (Satan) who knows his time is short. We have a responsibility to pray for them and encourage them to guard their hearts.

Don’t let the enemy rob your heart;he tries to get you overwhelmed, defeated, tired, and so busy that when God wants to get your attention, His call goes to “voice mail”. Spend time in His Word. Don’t forget your password when you need to guard your heart against your busy schedule, and you don’t have a chance to cover your grandchildren and their parents in prayer.

This is the reason Christian Grandparenting Network is asking grandparents throughout the world to unite in prayer for their grandchildren and their parents.

 Sunday, September 8, 2019, is the National Grandparents” Dayin the United States, but we are asking grandparents throughout the world to join us, making it a Day of Prayer. If you cannot schedule and event on that day, do it sometime in September when it is convenient or whenever you have a Grandparents’ Day in your country.

Many grandparents have signed up to participate and volunteered to organize events because they realize the urgency for a Day of Pray for their grandchildren.

We have two ways that you can participate in our

  1. Click on “I will pray” button and give if you will commit to joining us as a prayer warrior on Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.
  2. If you are willing to organize an event in your church, home, or retirement complexes, etc. click on “To find out more about becoming a volunteer” to follow the process

If you realize the urgency for a Day of Prayer for our grandchildren and their parents, will you help us call grandparents to join in prayer on September 10th? Christian Grandparenting Network is prepared to provide step-by-step guidelines, resources, and online tools for creating successful events.

Please check our website http://www.grandparentsdayofprayer.comfor more information, testimonials, promotional materials, and free downloads.

Thank you for your consideration to participate in this event.

For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact us.

Lillian Penner

Sherry Schumann

Deborah Haddix


My prayer is that you will experience

God’s most abundant blessings as you pray for your grandchildren,

invest in the spiritual lives of your grandchildren, their parents, and future generations. In Jesus’ name.





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Grandfathers - Spiritual Warriors

Guest Blog by Cavin Harper, Executive Director of Christian Grandparenting Network

Pray for Protection and Victory in the Battlefields of Life9651032259?profile=original

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the whole armor of God so that you may take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:10, 11).

A grandfather understands the nature of warfare and that our grandchildren are prime targets for the enemy who is seeking to devour them (and us). Gentlemen, we are soldiers engaged in the battlefield of war for the hearts, minds, and souls of our grandchildren. If we fail to engage in battle, then we set the enemy loose to do whatever he wants with our children and grandchildren.

Our grandchildren need grandfathers who are good soldiers—soldiers who understand they are not on vacation but at war. Men who grasp their calling committed to fulfilling it and pleasing our Commanding Officer (Christ). Men who have learned how to endure hardship with courage and faith, and clothed themselves with the full armor of God and are engaged in fervent prayer on their grandchildren’s behalf.

Such soldier grandfathers will pray that for their grandchildren to grow strong in their walk with the Lord. They will pray for and show them the importance of the armor of God to stand firm against schemes of the devil who will tempt them to lie, to cheat, to disobey their parents, and to follow all the ways of the world. The enemy is cunning, deceptive, and powerful. He will do everything he can to distract our grandchildren from walking with the Lord and seek, instead, to gratify the sinful desires of the flesh.

Grandfathers, pray that your grandchildren will:

  1. Recognize the deception of the world and resist temptation.
  2. Gird themselves with the belt of truth (God’s Word) and stand firm in the truth
  3. Take up the shield of faith so that they may stand firm against and extinguish all the

      flaming arrows of the evil one.

  1. Put on the helmet of salvation by the Holy Spirit will guard their hearts and minds,

      and fill them with hope and courage to live life to the fullest in Christ Jesus, their

      Lord and Savior.

  1. Be alert, self-controlled, and firm in faith—faith in God and the work of Christ on

      the Cross-.

  1. Persevere and endure hardship in the face of hostility and ignorance.

One final thought for grandfathers…

Men, soldiers are not supposed to fight the battle alone. They fight as a company or platoon, part of unit watching out for each other’s back. The Scriptures are clear as well that we are to fight this battle as a unit—we are the body of Christ. I urge you, therefore, to band with two, three, or more brothers who will stand shoulder to shoulder with you, and you with them, to do battle for the hearts and minds of our grandchildren (and children). A band of righteous men gathered to pray is a powerful force against our enemy.

Decide right now to ask other grandfathers to form a band of grandfathers who will pray together and develop a strategy for fighting in the power of God on the battlefield for life. Grandparent’s @ Prayer is a perfect staging area for this purpose. Talk to a few other men in your church, neighborhood or place of work, and ask them to join you to form a Grandfather’s G@P group—a band of brothers who will do battle for the souls of the next generations. Our Commander In Chief has issued the call. Will you respond?

I would also like to invite you to join a “Grandparents’@ Prayer” group. If you have any questions or would like additional information, go to


“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” III John 1:4.






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 Since you received my blog last week, I am praying you have been thinking about how God would have you to influence other grandparents to pray intentionally for their grandchildren in their sphere of influence? I hope you have checked out our website with guidelines, endorsements, and testimonies.  Printed Prayer cards are also available for a small charge at It's only about 45 more days until September. 


This is just one of many headlines I have read this week that makes me feel the Grandparents' Day of Prayer is an urgent need. Grandparents need to get on their knees, asking God to protect our dear grandchildren physically, emotionally, and spiritually, especially as they go back to school.

Because of the urgent need at this time, Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) is partnering with the Legacy Coalition to invite you to be a part of this movement to intentionally pray for our grandchildren, our families, our nation, and our world making it a Grandparents' Month of Prayer.

Planning an event for grandparents during September is a great time to introduce a grandparenting prayer ministry into your church.  If it doesn't fit in the schedule at your church to plan an event for grandparents on September 8, you may do it any time in September.

A grandmother in Missouri shared about their Grandparents' Day of Prayer at her church last year. "We had a great time of prayer and reading the scriptures on Sunday. We had around 70 in attendance. We started with a box lunch then kind of followed the outline in the Resource booklet you provided. We had two testimonies of grandmas praying for their grands and how God answered prayer. Then we had the grandfathers read the prayers out of the book, and a grandfather prayed over them and did the same for the grandmothers. We had three different men who read scriptures. Then the pastor led us in a guided prayer time. We finished up by everyone reading the Grandparents Declaration than the Steve Green video of Find us Faithful. It was a good time of prayer and fellowship. I have heard great comments about it and people wanting to do it again next year. Thank you for providing all the great resources."

Check out the Free downloadable Resources available for you to copy at this website

Will, you join many other grandparents in September planning to bring together grandparents in their sphere is influence to cover this next generation with prayer?

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 Why a Grandparents’ Day of Prayer?

Where has time flown by? Many of our grandchildren will be heading off to school next month. Summer will be gone before we know it. We need to uphold them in prayer

as the church is becoming less significant today in our everyday lives, a moral influence becomes more important as they go back to school. Culture tends to shape our grandchildren by what it presents as normal, which is very different from the normal in which we grew up. Grandparents who love the Lord can help them and their parents navigate their worldly culture with prayer and godly counsel.

 I am going to share with you the story of Daniel because he was shaped by a godly example by his parents to obey God growing up in Judea.

Daniel’s story

Daniel was taken from his home country in Judea to captivity into Babylon, a very ungodly environment. Daniel was to be trained to serve in the king’s palace. However, he resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine. King Darius made a decree that no one could pray to anyone other than him for 30 days. Daniel went to his room and prayed three times a day facing Jerusalem, giving thanks and praying as he always did to his God. He did not allow the worldly king to transform him into the patterns of Babylon. As a result, Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den. God closed the mouths of the lions, and he was brought out unscathed because Daniel trusted God. King Darius acknowledged that the God of Daniel was a living God. Daniel was taught to trust and obey God while living in an ungodly culture.

I am sharing a brief summary of the culture our grandchildren, and their parents are navigating today.

Today’s cultural norm

Porn: Pray that God will protect the eyes of our dear grandchildren and give them the strength to flee from the temptation when they are enticed.

Alcohol and drug addictionis a result of the emptiness of the soul; it doesn’t take away the pain. Only their faith in Jesus Christ will give them fulfillment.

Entertainmentvies for the souls of our grandchildren in the movies, television, music, and video games.

Affluence & commercialism: Our grandchildren are exposed and influenced by a world of opulence, commercialism, and entitlement by our media today. Our goal should be to not shower them with material wealth but teach them to work and earn the things they want.

Sexual orientation: The Gay, Lesbian, Transgender Movement is an issue today. Our children are exposed to it at an early age in their families, in school, media, and peers. Homosexuality attempts to exchange their God-identity with self-identify.

Witchcraft:Wicca is among the fast-growing religions. Wicca has effectively repackaged witchcraft for millennial consumption. Wicca’s website is one of the most visited religious sites on the Internet.All forms of witchcraft are strictly forbidden in the Bible as being tied to the occult and the work and the world of the evil one.

Jesus prays for his disciples

Shortly before Jesus was arrested, He prays for his disciples asking God to protect them, and I believe it is for us, too. Jesus prayed, “I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one”.John 17:15 (NLT) 

Again, Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) along with Legacy Coalition invites you to be a part of this movement to intentionally pray for our grandchildren, our families, our nation, and our world making September a Grandparents’ Month of Prayer.This year we see such an URGENT NEED in our culture and ungodly environment to declare the month of September as “Grandparents’ Month of Prayer”. We believe the battle for the hearts and mindsof our dear grandchildren and their parents can be won by praying grandparents who sense the urgency and unite to do battle in prayer and give Godly counsel.

In the past, united prayer has always bridged the gap between a great need and a great awakening!We are praying many churches and groups will participate in prayer around the world for this intentional day of prayer on behalf of the next generation.

This event could be in your church, in your home, in a retirement complex, or any meeting location you choose. CGN will provide step-by-step guidelines, resources, and online tools to help you create a successful event that will engage grandparents in prayer for your event. If it doesn't fit your schedule to meet with other grandparents or plan an event on September 8, due to the urgency do it any time in September.

You may want to host a prayer breakfast or a luncheon following your morning worship. Or you may want to offer an afternoon tea or evening dessert in your home. Perhaps your minister is willing to address the importance of praying grandparents and set aside a particular prayer time during the worship service. The possibilities are endless.It is imperative; however, grandparents gather to pray for their grandchildren.

To learn more or indicate participation in the movement and/or organize a time of prayer for grandparents go to the website You will learn more on our website with endorsements, testimonials and promotional materials and free downloads or email me.

We are looking for grandparents who believe in the power of prayer

to participate in this event.

Will you help us call grandparents to join us in prayer

on September 8 or another time in September? 

By Lillian Penner,

Sherry Schumann

Debrorah Haddix

Grandparents’ Day of Prayer Coordinators




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God'a Timetable vs My Timetable

 Is God's timetable too slow for you sometimes? I sometimes think it is too slow. In John chapter eleven, we read about the death of Lazarus. Mary and Martha sent word to their dear beloved friend Jesus to let him know their brother Lazarus had become very ill. They expected Jesus to come to heal their brother, but he did not come, and they wondered why. However, Jesus had different plans, He told the disciples, and "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it". He loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus very much but stayed in Galilee teaching and healing the sick.


Two days later, Jesus told his disciples that it was time to go to Judea to see Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. When they arrived, they learned that Lazarus had been dead for four days. Martha told Jesus that if he had come sooner, her brother would not have died. Nevertheless, Jesus went to the grave deeply moved, asking to have the stone removed from the tomb. Martha said, "But Lord, he's been dead four days and stinketh." Jesus told her, "Didn't I tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God." Then Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out," and Lazarus came out of the tomb.


We can learn several lessons from this story.  We often get discouraged as Mary and Martha did because God does not answer our prayers immediately or on our timetable. However, think of all the people Jesus had the opportunity to heal and teach during those two days. Jesus was God's Son and knew the Father's plan and His timetable. It was not God's plan to heal Lazarus. He wanted to glorify his Son by raising Lazarus from the dead. Isn't it great that when we think God is four days late by our timetable, He is still on time? 


Our finite minds simply cannot grasp God's infinite ways of answering our prayers. We have no idea how many times we have prayed, and He is waiting for the proper time to respond. Sometimes God needs to work on our hearts, our character, or another person before he can answer our prayers. We often have to remind ourselves that God's way and timing are perfect. He knows best! Even when we think God is too late, He is still on time.


I just talked with a friend on the telephone that has been praying for a prodigal grandchild to come back to the Lord for a long time. Many grandparents have been praying for their prodigals to return. It is hard to wait, but we have to continue to pray and wait for God's timing. 


Is God's timetable too slow for you sometimes?

  • Are you getting tired of waiting on God to answer your prayers for your grandchildren?
  • Are you disappointed and frustrated because God is not answering on your timetable?
  • Does God want to develop character in your life or in the lives of your grandchildren before He is ready to answer?
  • How do you respond when God does not answer your prayers according to your plans?


Prayer: Dear Father, I want to thank you for the privilege to bring my concerns to you. Give me patience as I wait for you to work out your plan and your timing to answer my prayers. Help me to trust you and your Word as I wait for you to answer my prayers.  In Jesus Name, Amen 

By Lillian Penner, Author, Grandparenting with a Purpose,

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Today our nation is being attacked like never before educationally, socially, financially, and spiritually. Christianity itself is under assault, and parents and grandparents are involved in a tug of war for the hearts and minds of their children. Our grandchildren are finding it hard to navigate in a world hostile to truth. Satan has launched an aggressive attack on our families, schools, and our nation to desensitize our children to truth and righteousness.Perhaps at no other time in our history is a call to prayer more urgently required than it is today for our grandchildren.


Can grandparents make a difference?

Grandparents can help their grandchildren and their parents navigate the rapid culture shift we are experiencing. The enemy is undermining God’s design for our grandchildren by filling our headlines, and social media feeds with a worldview. However, God has begun a powerful movement to awaken Christian grandparents to make a spiritual impact on the next generation. 


God has given grandparents a sacred trust – an opportunity to imprint another generation with His love and faithfulness. Grandparents need to be intentional about the power of prayer to keep the hearts and minds of their grandchildren from falling captive to the enemy’s deception. We are engaged in a spiritual battle that requires prayer as the weapon.


Making September, “A Grandparents’ Month”

Over the last nine years, thousands of grandparents have united in prayer on the National Grandparents Day in September, making it a Day of Prayer for their grandchildren and their parents. Again, Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) invites you to be a part of this movement to intentionally pray for our grandchildren, our families, and our world making it a Grandparents’ Day of Prayer (GDOP). This year we are declaring the Month of September as “Grandparents’ Month” If it doesn’t fit your schedule to meet with other grandparents or plan an event on September 8 do it any time in September.


We are looking for volunteers who will take the lead to organize an event, calling grandparents to join in prayer on September 8 or throughout September. This event could be in your church, in your home, in a retirement complex, or any meeting location you choose. CGN will provide step-by-step guidelines, resources, and online tools to help you create a successful event that will engage grandparents in prayer for your event.  We have received reports from grandparents organizing an event at their church for GDOP because last year's event was very well received.  


Join grandparents throughout the world uniting in prayer for their grandchildren and their parents during September,

“Grandparents’ Month”.


Check out this website for blogs, endorsements, testimonials, and promotional materials and free downloads.


For additional information, contact Coordinators

Lillian Penner,

Deborah Haddix,






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Guest blog Written by Sherry Schuman

Grandparents Day of Prayer and National Grandparents Day are similar but not the same. To understand their similarities and differences, we need to examine both, starting with National Grandparents Day.

National Grandparents Day

After a three-year battle that began in 1970, West Virginia housewife Marian McQuade convinced her state Congress to commemorate grandparents with a special day. This commemoration honored grandparents, provided them an opportunity to express their love for their grandchildren, and raise community awareness about the gifts grandparents can offer. The flower of the U.S. National Grandparents Day is the forget-me-nots.

Five years later, the United States Congress passed legislation declaring the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day. They selected September because September denotes the autumn season of life. President Jimmy Carter gave his endorsement by signing the proclamation.

Grandparents Day of Prayer9651037264?profile=original

In 2010, author Lillian Penner suggested a day of prayer to coincide with National Grandparents Day. Thanks to Mrs. Penner’s efforts, churches around the world observe Grandparents Day of Prayer. They encourage grandparents to pray for their grandchildren, both in private and corporate settings.

  • Do you recognize the importance of praying for your grandchildren and their parents?
  • Do you want to encourage others to pray for their grandchildren?
  • If so, may I suggest hosting an event to celebrate Grandparents Day of Prayer?

You may want to host a prayer breakfast or a luncheon following your morning worship. Or you may want to offer an afternoon tea or evening dessert in your home. Perhaps your minister is willing to address the importance of praying grandparents and set aside a special prayer time during the worship service. The possibilities are endless. It is imperative; however, grandparents gather to pray for their grandchildren.


Both Grandparents Day of Prayer and National Grandparents Day occur on the first Sunday after Labor Day. This year's date is September 9th. Both commemorate the vital role of grandparent’s play in the family. The fundamental difference between the two is Grandparents Day of Prayer encourages grandparents to pray for the hearts, souls, and minds of their grandchildren.

We are asking grandparents throughout the world to unite in prayer for their grandchildren and their parents. We realize that Grandparents Day in your country may not be on September 9 this year. We would like you to participate on your Grandparents Day making it a day of prayer whenever it is observed.

On our website,,you will find two ways that you can participate in Grandparents’ Day of Prayer.

  1. You can pray. Click Here to Signup and Download your copy of the 30-Day Challenge. Participants who register will receive an eBook “30 days of Prayers for your Grandchildren”.
  2. You can gather and lead other grandparents in prayer. If you are willing to organize a Grandparents’ Day of Prayer event in your church, home, retirement complexes, etc., click on “To find out more about becoming a volunteer.” to follow the process. You too will receive the eBook “30 Days of Prayers for your Grandchildren”.

If you realize the urgency for a Day of Prayer for our grandchildren and their parents, will you help us call grandparents to join in prayer on September 8th? Christian Grandparenting Network is prepared to provide step-by-step guidelines, resources, and online tools for creating successful events.

Please check our website grandparentsdayofprayer.comfor more information, testimonials, promotional materials and free downloads.

For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact me.


Thank you for your consideration to participate in this event.

Guest blog by Sherry Schumann, Co-Prayer Director for Christian Grandparenting Network,

If you have questions or additional information, email

Lillian Penner, lpenner@christiangrandparentinng.netor

Deborah Haddix,, Coordinators.







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Resources for Intentional Grandparenting

A Grandparent’s Challenge

I received the special gift of grandparenting as I approached my midlife season. It was exciting to become a grandparent! However, I learned that along with this gift came a sacred trust to imprint another generation with the message of God’s faithfulness. Reflecting on my new responsibility, I realized my prayers were too general and vague and I became frustrated with how I was praying for my grandchildren.9651037664?profile=original

After I asked God for wisdom and read several books about prayer, my praying changed dramatically. I discovered God’s Word was a great resourceto help me with my praying, not only for my family, but also for myself.

In Hebrews 4:12 we read, “The Word of God is full of living power”. When I pray according to God’s Word, I am in line with His will, enabling me to pray with direction, power, and wisdom. I not only find myself in intimate communication with God, but my mind is renewed to think His thoughts about the situation for which I am praying, instead of my own thoughts.Ultimately, God shrinks the situation that I thought was overwhelming and impossible into a viable possibility. He gives me peace as I wait for His answer.

As I started claiming God’s promises and personalizing the scriptures, I experienced more boldness and confidence in my praying. Nothing threatens the enemy (Satan) more than when we are intentionally praying God’s Wordfor our children, grandchildren, and ourselves. Many scriptures in Psalms, Proverbs, the Gospels, and Paul’s writings can be used in our prayers.

While surfing on the Internet looking for help in my praying, God directed me to the Christian Grandparenting Network. After sharing my passion with them, they invited me to become their National Prayer Coordinator, writing devotionals and prayer suggestions on their website.

Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) is devoted to challenging Christian grandparents to live intentionally as representatives of Christ for future generations. It is committed to providing a network of resources and opportunities for grandparents to have powerful opportunities for inter-generational dialogue to strengthen grandparent-grandchild relationships and spiritual growth.

We live in a time when the darkness of sin and unrighteousness ravages our land seeking to capture the minds and hearts of our youth and young families. The enemy is determined to steal their faith and the plans God has for them.The enemy’s attacks against our families and our nation’s moral foundations are relentless. It is urgent that grandparents stand in the gap praying for the spiritual, emotional, and physical protection of these who are under attack and CGN can help you.

Resources available from Christian Grandparenting Network

  1. Scriptures to Pray for Your Grandchildren
  2. More Scriptures to Pray for Your Grandchildren
  3. Scriptures to Pray for Children
  4. Suggestions to Pray for Your Grandchildren in School: Preschool, Elementary, Teenagers, and College Students by Lillian Penner.
  5. Scriptures and Suggestions to Pray for Teenagers
  6. Suggestions for Grandparent to Pray for themselves
  • Book:Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for your Grandchildren by Lillian Penner, National Pray Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network. The book challenges grandparents to stand in the gap for their grandchildren by living a godly example and being their prayer warrior.It provides creative suggestions for prayers based on Scriptures, and other helpful tools, utilizing everything from cell phone to photo prayer journals. This book is
  • Book:Courageous Grandparentingby Cavin T. Harper, Executive Director of Christian Grandparenting Network is a call for grandparents and parents to rise above the conventional view of grandparentingto embrace radically courageous life that stands apart from the politically correct crowd. It’s a call to intentionality—not settling for simply being good parents and grandparents, but choosing to stand in the gap and live as conduits of grace and truth for the next generations. Cavin Harper appeals to the emerging masses of Boomer grandparents to create a movement of godly men and women resolved to not let another generation grow up on our watch that does not know the Lord or His amazing grace. There’s too much at stake if we don’t.
  • CGN has proclaimed the second Sunday in September as Grandparents Day of Prayer,coinciding with National Grandparents Day designated by a Senate proclamation in 1978. It is a way of engaging grandparents to unite in an intentional day of prayer for their grandchildren. Many participants reported how they were blessed as they united in prayer with other grandparents in a common cause. The next Grandparents Day of Prayer will be Sunday, September 8, 2019.
  • Small groups called Grandparents@Prayer (G@P) assist grandparents in praying for their grandchildren. Just as Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Jews, when they were threatened, likewise grandparents can stand in the gap with prayer for their grandchildren today. G@P groups are meeting in many areas of the United States and England praying together for their grandchildren on a regular basis.
  • CGN provides many other resources for grandparents such as weekly blogs, GrandCampsfor grandparents and grandchildren, and Courageous Grandparenting conferences.
  • Learn more on our website at http://www.grandparentingwithapurpose.comor contact me at lpenner@christiangrandparenting more information about Grandparents Day of Prayer orGrandparents @ Prayer.

Lillian Penner, Co-Prayer Director for Christian Grandparenting Network




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A good friend focused my attention on Isaiah 60:1-2 as a word from the Lord for the New Year:  “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.  See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” 9651021699?profile=original

I can feel the invading darkness of evil that is like a heavy moral and spiritual fog infiltrating our nation at every level. At the very same time that our nation is enveloped in thick darkness, God commands us to arise, let our Light shine, and the distinctive glory of our Lord will be evident to all.  It is wonderful to know that God is in control and we read in his word in Psalms 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength”.

As grandparents let’s not let the enemy dull our desires to intentionally pray for our grandchildren and their parents. Prayer is our most strategic weapon. The enemy wants to disintegrate and divide our families, rendering them chaotic, restless, and unfruitful.I believe it’s our place to get on our knees, humble ourselves, seek God’s face, repent of our sin, and intercede for our nations, our children and grandchildren. Then having done all, we stand firm in our faith that God has heard and will answer our prayers according to His will.

Years ago, Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Jews when their lives were physically threatened. Today grandparents can stand in the gap with prayer for their grandchildren in the same way as their spiritual lives are threatened.  

There is an urgency for the power of prayer to keep the hearts and minds of our grandchildren from falling captive to the enemy’s deception and lies. We are engaged in a spiritual battle that requires the spiritual weapon of prayer.

As grandparents, we can make a significant difference in the world by praying regularly and intentionally for our grandchildren and their parents. We have an opportunity to join together to powerfully touch the lives of another generation.

Grandparent @ Prayer (G@P) intercessory prayer groups consist of small or large groups of people meeting once or twice a month for approximately one hour at a designated location for prayer and fellowship. Groups are meeting in retirement centers, schools, churches, and homes weekly.

Now would be a great time to get started, just ask a few grandparents to join you, try it for a few months, and see what you think. Many grandparents have told me that they appreciate a safe place to share their concerns for their grandchildren.

I would like to invite you to become a part of a prayer group for grandparents to pray together for each other’s grandchildren and families.

Recently a grandparent shared with me she had read my previous blogs about the Grandparents @ Prayer groups. She thought it would be a good idea and felt God speaking to her to sign up to start a group but hadn’t done so. If this has been your experience, please follow God’s voice will you sign up today you will not regret it.

Please go to sign up to receive some helpful information. We will also send you some prayer resources you can download free.

By Lillian Penner, Prayer Coordinator, Christian Grandparenting Network,








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How to I learned to Pray for my Grandchildren

 Early in my life, I felt my prayers were too general for my family, I asked God to give me wisdom and insight on how I could pray more intentionally. I discovered praying God’s Word was a great resource to help me to pray not only for my grandchildren and their parents but also for myself. 

When I pray according to God’s Word, I am in line with His will, enabling me to pray with confidence, direction, power, and wisdom according to Hebrews 4:12, “The Word of God is full of living power.” I have found it helpful to spend time in God’s Word to know his promises and commands because my mind is renewed to think His thoughts. His Word helps me to see the needs for which I am praying from His perspective.

As I started claiming God’s promises and personalizing the scriptures, I experienced more boldness and confidence in my praying. I believe that nothing threatens the enemy (Satan) more than when we are intentionally praying God’s Word.

Our finite minds just cannot grasp God’s infinite ways of answering our prayers since He doesn’t answer our prayers according to our agenda. We have no idea how many times He is waiting for the proper time to answer our prayers because He needs to work in our hearts, or the other person before He can answer our prayers. When we get discouraged and impatient, we have to remind ourselves that God’s agenda is always perfect, since He knows what is best for us.

Results - Promises

The seeds of prayer we sow today will yield a harvest of blessing in the future. As we seek the Lord ourselves and invest in our own walk with the Lord, we are investing spiritually in our families, and future generations, by laying a foundation of treasures in heaven for them. 

God has placed our children and grandchildren in our lives so we can pray they to have an authentic faith in Jesus Christ and live wholeheartedly for him. He has given my husband and me the excellent opportunity to partner with Him on behalf of our 3 sons, 3 daughters-in-law, 12 specific grandchildren, and 4 great-granddaughters. He has given you the opportunity to invest in your family members with an intentional prayer on your journey.

Our children and grandchildren are our mission field and our responsibility so they will not be helpless before their spiritual enemy.  A family’s faith can be lost in one generation Scripture tells us; however, we as parents and grandparents have the opportunity to powerfully touch the lives of another generation for Jesus Christ.

My prayer is that you will experience God’s most abundant blessings as you grandparent with a purpose, as you invest in the spiritual lives of your children, grandchildren, and future generations.  

The most precious gift we can give our families is to show them how they can have a personal relationship and live wholeheartedly for Him.

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children and grandchildren

are walking with the Lord”    3 John verse 4

PS: It is crucial for us to pray specifically and individually for our families. Next week I will share suggestions of how to pray for them in the various stages of life—infants, toddlers, elementary-age, teenagers, young adults, and married grandchildren.

By Lillian Penner, Co-prayer Director for Christian Grandparenting Network,

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Families have a tremendous need for prayer

Why should we pray for our families?

Cultural pressures are increasing on our grandchildren and their parents. However, grandparents can help the next generation navigate these cultural issues. Just as Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Jews, when they were threatened, physically, we can stand in the gap with prayer for our families as the enemy threatens their spiritual lives.  9651037488?profile=original

Our culture is whittling away at our godly heritage, as they have removed prayer from the school, Christians are being scorned, and mentioning Jesus is unacceptable. The world calls wrong right and right wrong, live for self in an entitlement society where no one wins and authority is challenged, not respected. We are living in a time where the enemy is going around roaring like a lion seeking those he can distract from trusting Jesus.  However, the battle is not ours, it is the Lords. 

So what do we do when we live in a culture of spiritual, social, and moral decay? Are we completely without hope and at the mercy of the merciless and the politically correct?   No, We are not without hope. We read in Psalms 46:1, “We have a God who is our refuge and strength, our stronghold in times of trouble”. 

God has given us a powerful resource in the avenue of prayer to bring power and blessing to their lives, it is a gift from God, it’s not a production; it is a personal intimate conversation with God, the creator of the universe, Prayer is the most important thing we can do for ourselves and our loved ones. We read in Jeremiah 33:3, where God told Jeremiah “Call to me and I will show you great and mighty things…”  

We read in John 10:10, where Jesus said, “The thief comes only to kill and destroy; I am come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. In today’s broken world, we see the family unit very fragile, I believe we have an enemy who is desperately trying to distract and destroy the family. It’s important that we cover our families with prayer that they will recognize the distractions from the enemy and not allow him to destroy our families.  

The parents of our grandchildren have a great responsibility for parenting our grandchildren in these insecure, unstable times. It is important that we as grandparents pray God will give them wisdom and time management in their monumental task of guiding our grandchildren in the ways of the Lord. Their lives are busy with their employment, and distractions in their marriages, parenting issues and spiritual lives in an evil environment filled with many moral and spiritual battles. 

Our grandchildren are greatly influenced by movies, music, TV, video games, and the Internet. Today’s media desensitizes our grandchildren. They are faced with legal recreational marijuana, drugs, sex trafficking, alcohol, sexual identity, homosexuality, pornography, pre-marital sex and more.  Our prayers should be that they recognize the evil in the world and ask God to place a hedge of protection around them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Occasionally, ask the parents, “What are some of the issues you are dealing with right now and how can we pray for you?”  To pray effectively, we as parents and grandparents need to know the frustrations, fears, concerns, and expectations of the children.

Next week I will post Families need our Prayers #2  “How I learned to pray for my grandchildren”

By Lillian Penner, Co-prayer director for Christian Grandparenting Network







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