If you believe in the power of prayer, join grandparents throughout the world to make National Grandparents Day on September 12, 2021, a Day of Prayer for our grandchildren and their parents.
Today our nations are being attacked like never before educationally, socially, financially, and spiritually. As a result, our grandchildren live in a desperate moral and spiritual climate navigating in a world hostile to truth. “The world is working diligently to assimilate our young people to its way of thinking. What a young person believes about gender identity, marriage, and sexuality has major implications for the child and the adult they will become. Scripture is the source the shapes our views about God and his world and must be the focus for worldview development. We take our principles and practice from God’s Word, not the world.” 1
Many years ago, Queen Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Jews, when their physical lives were threatened. Today, grandparents can stand in the gap for the spiritual lives of their grandchildren and their parents just as Esther.
Grandparents who believe in the power of prayer can pray their grandchildren will not become casualties from falling captive to the enemy’s deception. We are engaged in a spiritual battle that requires prayer as a weapon. Christian Grandparents have an opportunity to imprint another generation with God’s love and faithfulness intentionally.
Over the years, thousands of grandparents have united in prayer on the Grandparents’ Day of Prayer for their families. Again, Christian Grandparenting Network (CGN) invites you to participate in this movement to intentionally pray for our grandchildren, our families, and our broken world.
In addition, would you take the lead to organize an event, calling grandparents to join in prayer on September 12? This event could be in your church, in your home, in a retirement complex, or any meeting location you choose. CGN provides step-by-step guidelines, resources, and online tools to help you create a successful event that will engage grandparents in prayer for your event.
Will you accept the challenge to join grandparents throughout the world to unite in prayer on September 12 for their grandchildren?
“One generation will commend your (God’s) works to another,they will tell of your mighty acts” Psalm 145:4
Check out our website for blogs, endorsements, testimonials, and promotional materials, and free downloads. www.grandparentsdayofprayer.comFor additional information, contact Lillian Penner, lpenner@christiangrandparenting.net
By Lillian Penner, Prayer Director, Christian Grandparenting Network, lpenner@christiangrandpaarenting.net
- Biblical Worldview, Dr. Josh Mulvihill, Renewanation, page 14,15