“To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, / is courage in a man. The coward despairs.” [Euripides, 422 B.C.]
Love’s eternal flame is inextinguishable—death’s horrors are unable to kill it; life’s busyness cannot suffocate it; demonic opposition will not quench it; fear never overshadows it; worry only intensifies it; hell’s hatred will not disturb it. The fire of God’s passion for life never cools; the light of God’s presence never dims.
God stirs the flame of eternal hope in our hearts—quickening the spark of love into worship, fanning faith into service. The fire on our heart’s altar may flicker in doubt’s wind, but God expects us to tend the flame for His honor.
Living as a child of the Light is never easy. Lesser lights attract us, but we should keep in mind that evil advertises pleasure but poisons the soul; it promises illumination but delivers insanity.
We can refuel zeal by drawing on Christ’s infinite strength. We can burn fervently for God by relying on His Holy Spirit energizing our soul. Walking with the Light of the world we learn the secret of surviving tough times with equanimity, taste the recipe of invulnerable joy, and find reasons to sing an uninterrupted praise song through all our days.
Here are heaven’s directions for avoiding burnout—place ego on the altar, letting self-centeredness be consumed by the blaze of absolute holiness; never allow devotion’s fire to be extinguished, proving our love for God by undying obedience; surrender to God’s holy purpose, daring to be His fuel. If we follow our Lord’s orders, He will transform us into “a burning and a shining light” (John 5:35) that will never burn out.
Johnny R. Almond
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
[This devotion based on Day 62 of Gentle Whispers]
Interim Pastor, Nomini Baptist Church; Montross, Virginia
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