Johnny R. Almond's Posts (425)

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The Invisible Christ

 The Invisible Christ

It was by faith that Moses, when he grew up, refused to be treated as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.

He chose to share oppression of God’s people instead of enjoying fleeting pleasures of sin.

He thought it was better to suffer for the sake of the Messiah than own treasures of Egypt,

for he was looking ahead to the great reward that God would give him.

It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt. He was not afraid of the king.

Moses kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible.

                                                     Hebrews 11:24-27 NLT



Motivated by an unseen face,  leave the sinful world behind you.

You have never seen Me, but trust Me anyway and you will be blessed.

Thrill of physical pleasure, comfort of things, and pride of ownership

     cannot match the joy of My company and the reward of My approval. 

Professing faith in Me, you are under obligation to live like Me—

     Christlikeness is a moral imperative, not just an ethical ideal.

When I return to reign over the earth, you will see Me as I really am.

     If you really believe this, make a conscious effort to be ready. 

Like Enoch, walk in habitual fellowship with Me.

You live in two worlds—one visible, one unseen except with heart eyes.  

Radically hoping for a better life on the other side of resurrection,

     rest assured you will see your living Redeemer with your own eyes.

Looking forward to a tearless, deathless, painless, sinless place,

     anticipate unimaginable surprises and eternal ecstasy.

Live honorably—uncompromisingly purify your heart. 



Worshiping an invisible King,  refuse to be intimidated by Earth’s ruler. 

The snake that sank hateful fangs into My body was pulverized at the cross. 

The spirit at work in unbelieving hearts will be defeated by My Holy Spirit.

Your Accuser will ultimately lose his battle against your Advocate. 

You have never seen your Defense Counsel, yet I take your side faithfully. 

When you stand before Me acquitted, you will celebrate like never before.

Until then, draw near Me and experience joy too wonderful for words. 

At My return, every eye will see Me—in the meantime, continue.

Like David, be a person who develops a heart like Mine.

Like Noah, hammer away until you finish the task I assigned you.

Like Sarah, learn that nothing is too hard for Me, then laugh for joy.

Like Abraham, move out in confidence and find I take good care of you.

Live courageously—unflinchingly persevere in following My orders.



Serving the behind-the-scenes God,  keep Me first until you see My face. 

Live by faith, not by sight—remember the truly essential is invisible. 

Allow nothing to take the first place in your heart I alone deserve. 

Make My cause your focus—make My grace your survival technique.       

Like Abraham, look forward to a promised land beyond what you can see. 

Live purposefully—untiringly proclaim My story until you see My smile.



© Pastor Johnny R. Almond             10739225063?profile=RESIZE_180x180Gentle Whispers from Eternity     

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Eternally Grateful

                                                              I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.

                                                      I will praise you forever, O God, for what you have done.

                                                    I will wait for your mercies in the presence of your people.

                                                                                   Psalm 52:8b-9 NLT


    You are liberated from yesterday’s guilt by my unfailing love. 


     Praise My Son forever what He has done!  Condescending from an eternal throne to earthly trouble, He became a human being.  Caring about how you live your life, He came to show you the best way.  Carrying your sins on his shoulders, He was crucified in your place. Conquering death and evil, He came back to life. 


     Jesus is your pardon for the past.  He forgives all your sins and heals all your soul’s dis-eases.  I am merciful and get angry very slowly.  I do not treat you as you deserve, or you would last no longer than a dandelion in a windstorm. I remove your rebellious deeds infinitely away from My mind.    


     Look forward to tomorrow’s glory in My unfailing love.


     I am the one and only God—I alone deserve your total allegiance.  Joining the bandwagon of naïve reliance on sophisticated technology will only make you feel hollow. Becoming part of the masquerade at the shrine of self-glorification will lead you to see something’s missing and unreal about that lifestyle.  I alone satisfy your heart.


     Jesus is your promise for the future. The current multiplicity of gods will someday give way to the one true God.  False gods of the heart will be forgotten when Christ reigns as King over the new creation. 


     Live gladly today by My unfailing love.


     Stand in the free air I give you to breathe, with your feet on My free turf, and thank your Creator for the gift of physical existence.  Gratefulness toward heaven is the most nearly perfect way to pray.  Praise Me in company with My faithful friends.  Sing your heart out to Me with songs I give you in the night and daytime melodies I inspire. 


     Jesus is your power for the present.  March forward in Christ’s triumphant procession, keeping in step with the Spirit cadence and holding your head high on your way home.  I will always be who I have always been—I have always loved you and I always will. Whatever I ask of you, I enable you to accomplish. In the strength I infuse into your innermost being, you are ready for anything life brings. 




© 2022 Johnny R. Almond                                         10638552698?profile=RESIZE_180x180                                                   Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Servant's Orders



       Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this:

    ‘Hear, O Israel!  The Lord our God is the one and only Lord.

       And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart,

             all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’

                      The second is equally important:

                      ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

             No other commandment is greater than these.”

                              Mark 12:29-31 NLT


So many things seem important to you, you get confused and frustrated.

Keeping all those plates spinning can be exhausting—

     so many critical projects demanding your immediate attention,

     so many people expecting so many things of you,

     so many tasks appearing on your to-do list.

How in the world can you ever hope to find the time to get it all done?

How can you decide which priorities deserve immediate, closest attention?


Listen to My voice—hear well the orders from your Commander.

There is nothing more important in your life than loving your Creator.

There is nothing more critical to do than worshipping your Redeemer.

There is nothing more significant than staying in step with your Sanctifier.

Love Me wholeheartedly—divided allegiance produces mediocrity. 


Love Me with all your emotions—be sincere in your feelings. 

Gaze at Skull Hill and see proof of My love, then love Me more.

Walk with Me joyfully—enjoy the pleasure of My company.


Love Me with all your ego—be serious in your faith.

Creatively serve Me—love Me through your unique personality.

Honor Me supremely, above all else—avoid false gods of the heart.


Love Me with all your energy—be strong in your focus.

Go beyond announcing affection—demonstrate it by everyday actions.

Obey Me conscientiously and passionately—walk in My steps faithfully.


Love Me with all your education—be sharp in your fact-finding.

Ennoble your mind by daily intake of Scripture—intelligently serve Me.

Change the way you think and you will change the way you live.


Let Me be more than just words to you—let Me be your First Love.

You do not get near My heart by traveling, but by loving.

Fall in love and stay in love with the Lover of your soul.

Whatever you plan today, do not overlook orders from Higher Headquarters.



   © Johnny R. Almond                                       Gentle Whispers from Eternity




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The Savior's Company



     The Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details!

                   There is really only one thing worth being concerned about.

                    Mary has discovered it—and I won’t take it away from her.”

                                                 Luke 10:41-42 NLT

Distracted by trivial pursuits? My Kingdom is life’s noblest quest.

     Beside yourself? You are better off beside Me.

     Falling apart? Fall on your knees.

     Wringing your hands? Take My hand and I will take good care of you.

     Worried sick? Follow My prescription for excellent health.


Give careful attention to My words—wiser than Satan’s propaganda.

     Rest in green meadows of trust—calmer than the world’s rat race.

     Relax beside peaceful streams—better than the comfort of noise. 

     Walk obedient paths—more honorable than rebellious detours.

     Live fearlessly, even in death’s shadow—bolder than bravado.

     Enjoy the pleasure of My company—sweeter than sin’s temporary thrill.


Stay close to My heart and avoid the stranger from hell out to hurt you.

     The evil one wants to steal enthusiasm, kill joy, and destroy influence.

     I want to give you high purpose, invulnerable joy, and eternal impact.


Sit at My feet—let Me settle down and be at home in your heart.

     I am your Most Honored Guest—give Me your undivided attention.

     Do not fret over the work you must do, turning life into a long rush hour.


Worship begins with silence—hush so you can hear My voice.

     If you ever hope to really get to know Me, you will have to slow down.

     If you yearn to find deep rest, I can teach you how to relax.


More than self-confidence, you need faith in your Savior.

     More than Scripture memorization, you need devotion to the Living Word.

     More than assent to My claims, you need intimacy with your Master.

     More than regimented obedience, your need genuine love for your Lord.

     More than zealous hectivity, you need heartfelt loyalty to your heart’s King.

     More than dead-end legalism, you need to walk the high road with Christ.


To-do list impossible? Fragmented? Going in circles, getting nowhere?  

     I can calm your restlessness and give you proper direction.

     Let Me vector your mind and heart in the direction of the cross—

          only then will you make spiritual headway.

     Concern yourself with one absolute essential—relationship with Me—

          only then will your life make sense. 




         (c)  Johnny R. Almond 

Gentle Whispers from Eternity                            

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The Savior's Challenge


           If anyone wants to come after Me                                     

                   he must deny himself,

 take up his cross day after day and follow Me.

                        Luke 9:23 MLB



If you want an extraordinary life, you must make extraordinary choices.

If you wish to stand out from the crowd, you will have to stand up for Me.

If you yearn to reside in the highlands, you must move out of the swamp. 


Self-denial is not the way of the world, but it is the way of true wisdom.

“What’s in it for me?” worldlings ask—“How can I help you?” is better. 

Epicureans party and make merry, but they live empty and pointless lives. 

My followers cry their heart out over sin, then live rich and meaningful lives.

The cross is I, crossed out—your ego put in its place in the light of Calvary.

Egocentricity paves the road to hell, but self-sacrifice reflects heaven’s heart.


Cross-bearing is the last thing most want, but it is the first thing I ask of you.

Egotists hold life tightly, then miss the deeper meaning of existence.

My followers lose themselves in My service, and discover true significance.

Shouldering a cross means splinters, reminding you of My sacrificial love. 

Initial enthusiasm often dies when trouble hits, but real disciples persevere.


Discipleship means following Me, your Master, wherever I lead.

Do not run from suffering—it is part of the territory of obedience.

I endured excruciating pain for you—now it is your turn to hang in there.

Who you say I am determines your staying power—conviction keeps going. 

Follow Me not just on some ideal future day—today is the day of service. 

Avoid procrastination of life’s most serious business—seize the day!


A selfish, warped world is out to get all it can for itself.    

But I call you by My Holy Spirit to live a better life—for Me, for others.

Do not begin all your prayers with I — do not conclude them with me.

I did not expect to be waited on hand and foot—neither should you.

I am your Example—do you really think you are too good to live My way?

Move beyond your own wants—consider the needs of your neighbors. 

Avoid exclusive focus on personal ambition—think of others’ agonies. 


Determine in your heart to go with Me all the way to the cross.

Do not pay attention to the crowd’s ridicule or waving palm branches—

     just ride your little donkey as best you can. 

Even in pain and loneliness—even when it gets rough—keep following.

The Via Dolorosa was not a cake walk—following Me has not gotten easier.

But if you walk in the steps of My wounded feet, you will never regret it.







© Pastor Johnny R. Almond              Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Trail of Tears





                     Why am I discouraged?  Why so sad? I will put my hope in God!
                  I will praise him again—my Savior and my God!
                            Psalm 42:11 NLT


     In your grief, surrender through your trials. Crying sad tears as society scoffs at faith’s radical perspective? Heartbroken as skeptics make fun of your optimistic creed? Sighing and singing blues as cynics deride your hopeful stance? Wondering where I am as atheists question My existence? Return to Me.


     In your grappling, search through your trouble. Thirsty for significance in a world experiencing spiritual drought? Reach out for Me. Yearn for My Presence as a deer pants for the brook. Do not settle for anything less than infinite joy. I do not ration My Holy Spirit—it cascades from My heart to yours—drink deeply at the Fountain.


     In your gladness, sing through your travels. Nostalgic about how it used to be? Reflecting on good old days when crowds celebrated My love? Remember high points of worship. Conduct therapeutic self-talk—respond to disturbing inner voices. When you are down-in-the-mouth, place your hope in your Creator.  Fix your eyes on your Face Healer—I will put a smile on your face. Reflect on your relationship to the One who will always be here for you.


     In My goodness, struggle through your tension. Whatever disturbs or dismays you will pass, but I never change at all. Look forward to looking back on whatever has worried you on earth. Remembered from eternity’s perspective, difficulties will be blessings. Heartaches are steppingstones along an upward-winding trail. Be patient and poised—heaven will never be surprised by any emergency.


     Trust My guidance and unfailing love—gladly sing My praises. Faith quakes will stop. Storms will subside. The sun will shine again. Rely on Me—       nestle near My loving heart. In your midnight hour, believe in Me and you will hear nocturnal echoes of heaven’s melody of hope. Trust Me, no matter how sad life gets—then you can dance the jig of joy. Remember what a Jewish girl named Etty Hillisum wrote in her diary as she endured a World War II concentration camp: “There will always be a small patch of sky above, and there will always be enough space to fold two hands in prayer.”


     In My grace, smile through your tears. 



                © Pastor Johnny R. Almond                    
Day 207, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Deep Treasures





                                   We know how dearly God loves us, 

because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

                                          Romans 5:5 NLT







Faith is the key to heaven’s infinite resources

     unlocking a treasure chest enriching the depths of your innermost being. 

Jesus’ redeeming cross work brings forgiveness of sins to contrite hearts.

His death in your place makes friendship possible with your Creator.

Kneeling in repentance and trust, you enter a place of highest privilege—

     ruled by the King of kings, loved and cared for as the apple of God’s eye,

     inseparably united to the Sovereign of the universe.

Explore these deep treasures placed in your heart—live humbly.


Hope in God’s promises is a powerful antidote to the poison of despair.

Looking around can be discouraging, but looking forward lifts your spirit.    

Faith is more than believing I can—it is knowing I will.

Rest assured I will keep My Word—the future is as bright as My promises. 

Listen to hope’s future melody—laugh cheerfully in anticipation of heaven.

In the meantime—until glory materializes—dance to heaven’s jig of joy.

The Bright Morning Star shines in your heart—live confidently.


Joy in problems is a precious alleviation for the pain of despondency. 

Adversity University teaches valuable lessons you’d never learn otherwise.

Hang in there—character-building experiences draw you nearer Me.

My Spirit cascades through your personality bringing out-of-this-world joy. 

I intend to finish what I started in your life—enjoy the divine process.

The Mighty God energizes your heart—live delightfully


Peace in perplexity is a practical answer to the puzzle of distress.

Pressure will not crush you;  perplexity will not make you give up and quit;

     and getting knocked down will not stop your forward progress 

     if you follow My recipe for peace—

          pray about everything, and thank Me for answers;

          in response I will guard your mind and heart by thoughts of My Son. 

Peace is My gift—something the world cannot give or take from you. 

When perplexing cares crowd your inmost self, I am near to cheer your soul. 

When anxieties fill your mind, I am near to comfort and renew your faith.

The Prince of Peace reigns in your heart—live calmly.


Love in My Presence is priceless assurance in the pressures of doubt. 

I have marked you as belonging to Me by placing My Spirit in your heart.

Adam’s family line brings death, but Christ’s family line brings life.

Celebrate your identity, call Me Father, and count on your Greatest Friend.        

The name of the eternal city is The Lord Is There—that is why it is heaven

The Everlasting Father lives in your heart—live optimistically. 





 © Pastor Johnny R. Almond

Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Holy Hurricane



Without warning there was a sound like a strong wind—

no one could tell where it came from. It filled the whole building.

Then, like a wildfire, the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks

and they started speaking in a number of different languages

as the Spirit prompted them.

                                Acts 2:2-4 THE MESSAGE



Let My Divine Wind blow through your life and cleanse you of iniquity.

     I sweep away moral trash if you turn your heart in My direction.

     I move you toward My will if you turn your heart away from all evil.

     I flood you with light if you firmly refuse to walk in perverse darkness. 

     I purify you if you let My holy hurricane roar through your inner being.

     I burn away all undesirable elements if you let Me baptize you with fire.

     I reassure you of My love if you nestle near My heart and detest sin.

     I give you joy too wonderful for words if you trust My omniscient mind.


Let My Vitalizing Breath ignite your passion and set your soul aflame.

     I resurrect you to new life if you desert your egocentric deadness.

     I soak you with My Spirit Rain if you grow tired of emotional drought.

     I help the young envision a brighter future if you believe My promises.

     I help the old dream of a painless, tearless, deathless day if you trust Me.

     I let you find life’s noblest purpose if you serve Me wholeheartedly.

     I embolden you to live courageously if you hold My omnipotent hand.


Let My Holy Spirit change you from inside out and revolutionize your life.

     I cheer your heart if you become intoxicated with heaven’s sweet wine.

     I lead you to know the truth if you turn a deaf ear to Satan’s propaganda.

     I help you speak My native tongue if you are weary of the Devil’s dialect.

     I teach you to speak beautiful languages if you want to learn them—

       sacrificial love, not selfish talk; invulnerable joy, not ungrateful whining;

       calm peace, not restless chatter; lasting patience, not ignorant criticism;

       kindness, not insensitive small talk; lavish generosity, not stingy self-talk;

       dutiful loyalty, not dropout talk; angelic gentleness, not rude sarcasm;

       supernatural self-control, not indulgent devilspeak.

     I inspire spontaneous creativity if you do not extinguish My eternal flame.

     I energize you to do what pleases Me if you rely on My unlimited grace.

     I empower you to accomplish all I ask if you trust My almighty power.

     I grant you pleasure of my company if you seek My omnipresent Spirit.


I am able to do infinitely more than you could ever ask, wish, or imagine.   

     Pray your highest prayer—I will answer by sculpting you into My image. 

     Tell Me your deepest desire—I will bless you by giving you My desires. 

     Share your fondest dream with Me—I will make it come true in My time.

     I am your Center of Gravity—be sure you never stifle My Spirit!





© Pastor Johnny R. Almond

Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Last Word





  See, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me,

            to repay all according to their deeds.

               I am the Alpha and the Omega,

   the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. 

                       Revelation 22:12, 13 NLT





I am the Omega, the Last—the Immortal, Ever-present, Unchanging God.

My Kingdom is coming—sin’s night will not restrain salvation’s dawn.

My promises will materialize—heaven’s perfect peace will last forever.

I will write the end of earth’s story and the beginning of eternity’s—

     a never-ending story of unimaginable love.

Until then, Light beyond light illumines the winding road home.


Omniscient—My truth outweighs the trivial.

     I am the Counselor, wisely guiding you through life’s perplexing maze.    

     Exercise uncommon sense to trust Me, and I will teach you how to live.

     I reward humility with the incomparable perfection of My counsel.


Merciful—My tenderness out-loves the transgression.

     I am the Wonderful One, helping you persevere in moral struggles.

     My grace helps you succeed; My mercy helps you recover from defeat.

     I reward repentance with the infinite pardon of My compassion.


Eternal—My tomorrow outlasts the temporary.

     I am the Everlasting Father, stabilizing you in life’s changing situations.   

     Focus on the Bright Morning Star—you’ll see My face when night is over.

     I reward hope with the inevitable promise of My coming.


Gracious—My tranquility outshines the turmoil.

     I am the Prince of Peace, quieting you in the chaos of life’s trouble.

     Do not wring your hands—fold them in prayer and I will care for you.

     I reward prayer with the incomprehensible peace of my calm.


Almighty—My triumph outdoes the trembling.

     I am the Mighty God, energizing you for battles with the evil one.

     I reward trust with the inspiring pleasure of My company.

     I spoke the first word—and darkness was dispelled by light.

     I will have the last word—and guilt will be conquered by grace.



                           © Pastor Johnny R. Almond

                  Day 366, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Way to the Truth of Life




                       I am the way, the truth, and the life.

          No one can come to the Father except through me.

                                     John 14:6 NLT




Sallman Head of Christ 





I am the only Road that leads to the destination of glory.

     Convicted of sin, do a repentant U-turn and travel the King’s Highway.     

     Challenged by righteousness, set out to be like your Sinless Savior.

     Convinced of judgment, make a conscious effort to prepare yourself.

     My death on the cross paved the highway to the Father’s future.

     My blood on your soul marks you as a child of God He will not disown.      

     Follow the Way—and be confident of reaching heaven.


I am the only Reality that defines goodness.

     Lied to by the dark prince, turn a deaf ear to his brainwashing.

     Led by the Spirit of truth, listen well and learn life’s greatest lessons.

     Loved by the One knowing you best, stay near and enjoy My company.

     My light liberates you to sing for joy in the Father’s freedom.

     My Spirit in your mind teaches you truth you would not learn otherwise.

     Learn the Truth—and be changed for good from the inside out.


I am the only Redeemer who distributes grace.

     Attacked by the evil one, do not forget that he is a hateful killjoy.

     Attracted by the Holy Spirit, surrender and know life in all its fullness.

     Approved by the Father, revel in His love and rest assured of heaven.

     My promise guarantees the bright tomorrow of the Father’s festival.

     My melody in your heart instructs you in faith’s dance of joy.

     Celebrate the Life—and be cheerful in all circumstances.


I am the Way to the Truth of Life.

     Your search for heaven, significance, and vitality ends in My heart.





© Pastor Johnny R. Almond

Day 323, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Wearing God's Name

In Antioch the disciples were first given the name of “Christians.”

                                Acts 10:26 NTME




Wear My Name humbly.

     You did not choose Me—I chose to charm you to My heart.

     Stay out of dark, dingy places—walk as a child of the Light.

     Remember who you belong to—conduct yourself as one of Christ’s.




Wear My Name freely.

     I save you from evil’s power, removing hellacious handcuffs—rejoice.

     Let My Holy Spirit cascade through your inner being—dance for joy.

     You are My subject in time and eternity—live royally, like your King.


Wear My Name confidently.

     By faith you will reach the tearless, painless, deathless, sinless place.

     Trust Me, and rest assured My promises will all come true.

     You are named for One who is Truth—never doubt My Word.


Wear My Name honorably.

     Do not try to get your name up in lights—I am the Light of the world.

     You are part of My kingdom of priests—heaven’s nobility on earth.

     You are My ambassador to the world—represent Me well.


Wear My Name joyfully.

     Satan destroys influence, kills joy, and steals enthusiasm—watch out.

     My Presence comforts, guides, instructs, and defends you—be glad.

     A frown is a poor advertisement for Christianity—whistle in the dark.


Wear My Name comfortably.

     I direct traffic patterns of constellations—I also orchestrate your life.

     I hold the universe together—and I understand and stand under you.

     I cheer your soul when you are down—remember you are Mine and relax.


Wear My Name optimistically.

     Mention of My Name will bring the universe to its knees—count on it.

     My promises brighten the future—march forward with head held high.

     Because You wear My Name, I remember yours—look forward to glory.


                                        © Pastor Johnny R. Almond                               
                            Day 328, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Refreshing Christ


They washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.

They stand in front of the throne of God, serving him day and night in his Temple.

He who sits on the throne will live among them and shelter them.

They will never again be hungry or thirsty.

The Lamb who stands in front of the throne will be their Shepherd.    

He will lead them to springs of life-giving water.

God will wipe away all their tears.

                                                                                                    Revelation 7:14-17 NLT



Christ’s deliverance refreshes our soul.

Guilt can only be removed by the blood of the innocent Lamb.

When our heart is purified, we can have a spring in our step again.

God’s pardon makes us holy.

Jesus is our salvation—performing the miracle of complete forgiveness.


Christ’s dynamic refreshes our strength.

Falling to our knees, He helps us get on our feet again so we can        

     soar above mediocrity, outrun evil, and continue beyond faintheartedness. 

God’s power is our help.

Jesus is our strength—blessing our mission with capable fulfillment.


Christ’s defense refreshes our serenity.

Sealed by the Holy Spirit, we’re marked as belonging to God’s family forever.

Surrounded by his love, we enjoy safe refuge in life’s storms.

God’s peace is our hiding place.

Jesus is our shelter—granting us mercy in faith’s comforting fortress.


Christ’s delight refreshes our song.

Satan is a kill-joy, a spoiler of reputation, and a thief after our enthusiasm.

God’s love is a deeper well, God’s life better water, God’s laughter higher joy.

God’s pleasure is our happiness.

Jesus is our satisfaction—inspiring music in our soul like a cascading fountain.


Christ’s direction refreshes our search.

He walks before us into tomorrow—right beside us, every step of the journey. 

God’s Providence is our hope. 

Jesus is our Shepherd—leading us to the bright mystery of the celestial future.


Christ’s destiny refreshes our struggle.

Tears of regret will be over when we’re totally redeemed—sins all forgiven.

Tears of pain will be over when we’re finally relieved—suffering forever gone.

Tears of bereavement will be over when death dies—shadows of grief history.

God’s Presence is our heartbeat.

Jesus’ smile will reward us when we meet him in face-to-face celebration.





 © Pastor Johnny R. Almond

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The Revealing Christ





















                                           Warner Sallman  Head of Christ  


                                     This is a revelation of Jesus Christ.

                                When I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.

                                  He laid his right hand on me and said,

                              “Don’t be afraid! I am the First and the Last.

            I am the living one who died. Look, I am alive forever and ever!

                                And I hold the keys of death and the grave.”

                                         Revelation 1:1, 17, 18 NLT                                                                                                                              


Envision the Almighty—able to do anything He pleases, unrivaled in power.

Ponder the Holy One—unable to do anything wrong, untarnished in purity.

Revere the just God—sure to make everything right, unstoppable in plan.

Picture the loving God—dying for all on a cross, unmatched in passion.


God’s wisdom is beyond our ability to decipher—infinitely profound.

God’s awareness of us is beyond our comprehension—intimately personal. 

God’s message of ultimate truth is beyond our intellect—infallibly perfect.

God’s heart of mercy is beyond our vilest transgression—incredibly poignant. 


Jesus Christ is God’s Holy Alphabet—A to Z, First to Last, all God has to say to us.

Eons ago, He spoke the first word and radiant light dispelled sin’s darkness.

At the end of time, He will have the last word and eternal life will conquer death.


God is the only One in the cosmos who will always be who He has always been.

Generations have made God’s heart their Home, and God made their hearts his.   

Before Jesus sculpted mountains or whispered stars into being, He cared for us.

Before we were born, He knew our name and drew the blueprint of our life.

He loves us today no less than He did yesterday—His love for us will never fail. 


Standing in awe of Jesus, we never lose the wonder of who He is.

     When we come to Christ, we find purpose for our life.

          But first, we must get over our self.

                Falling on our knees, we discover meaning. 


Paying attention to God’s’ Word, we put our hand over your mouth and listen.

     When we come to Christ, we learn timeless truths.

          But first, we must understand we can’t figure everything out alone.

                Hushing, we get to know God.


Adoring Christ, we do more than meditate; we worship him with all our being.

     When we come to Christ, we experience joy too wonderful for words.

          But first, we must become dissatisfied with the world’s empty promises.

                Following his orders, we really come alive.   


Giving Jesus undivided allegiance, we surrender our will to the King of hearts.

     When we come to Christ, we find rest.

          But first, we must become restless in our spirit and desperate for him. 

                Falling at his feet, He makes himself real to us.   




     © Pastor Johnny R. Almond

    Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Rest Assured

 Rest Assured


                 Were not our hearts greatly moved and burning within us
while He was talking with us on the road as He opened and explained to us
                                 the sense of the Scriptures?

                          Luke 24:32 THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE

Saddened by emptiness?
     Obey Me, and I will make Myself real to you.
     Trade a long face for a smile—be a good advertisement for the gospel.
     I am your Source of Music—sing out for the entire world to hear.

Entombed by loneliness?
     You are never alone—I walk alongside you on every road you travel.
     When perplexing cares crowd your heart, I console and cheer you.
     I am your Greatest Friend—you have not lost Me, so dance for joy.

Afraid of death?
     Hear My reassuring voice and overcome Satan-coaxed anxiety.
     Death Valley terror disappears as you realize shadows mean Light.
     I am your Life—I will defeat all enemies, so count on ultimate victory.

Losing hope?
     Open the eyes of your heart and envision My promised bright future.
     Wait patiently for My new world to materialize—be brave-hearted.
     I am your Center of Gravity—hide in Me and unflinchingly trust.

Perplexed by despair?
     Guilt, death, hopelessness, angst, and gloom burden your heart.
     Grace, vitality, hope, faith, mercy, and freedom bless your heart.
     I am your Redeemer—hang on for dear life—all is well.

Walk life’s road with Me—and I will change dejection to delight,
     skepticism to optimism, despair to hope, restlessness to tranquility,
     depression to ecstasy, self-pity to praise, and doubt to worship.
     I am your God—rest assured. 


                                   (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                          Day 319, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Victory Parade



Look, your King is coming to you. He is humble, riding on a donkey.
Most of the crowd spread their coats on the road ahead of Jesus,
and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.
He was in the center of the procession, and the crowd all around him were shouting,
“Praise God for the Son of David! Bless the one who comes in the name of the LORD!
Praise God in highest heaven!” The entire city of Jerusalem was stirred as he entered.

Matthew 21:5, 8-10

We walk prayerfully on the parade route God has mapped out for us.
     Jesus is the Way to the Truth of Life—free, real, rich, full, eternal life.
     The evil one would steal enthusiasm, kill joy, and destroy influence—
          Christ yearns to guide us to a genuinely significant and fulfilling life.
     The Humble King practiced downward mobility to save us.
          Walking in His steps, we have His frame of mind and serve others.
     We are a beautiful work of art God envisioned long before our birth—
          yielding to Spirit brushstrokes on the canvas of our circumstances,
          we are displayed for angels and saints to admire in heaven’s gallery.

We dance joyfully with praise that lasts—celebrating blessings God gives.
     To avoid a fickle heart, we do not call Jesus king one day and desert Him the next.
     To keep our Savior in the center of our life’s procession, we bow to nothing else.
     We are privileged to give our Most Honored Guest a royal welcome every sunrise.
     If we would keep joy alive in our heart every mile of the journey,
          we must not let cheap thrills compete with the ecstasy of His Presence.
     No matter how rough the road, we can always find reasons for thanks.

We march in Christ's triumphal procession leading to a promised bright future.
     Jesus is our Personal Friend, never letting us down or running away.
     He is our Pardoning Savior, forgiving our sins and setting us free.
     He is the Powerful God, helping us accomplish all He asks of us.
     He is the Perfect Lamb, redeeming us from sin’s penalty and power.
     He is the Drumbeat of hope, fighting for us until the battle’s over.
     He is Alpha and Omega, speaking the first word and having the last.
     He is the Prophesied Messiah, winning the last war and defeating evil.
     One day we will wave palm branches along golden streets—
          until then, we can celebrate victories He gives on the roads we travel today.


                                          (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond 
                                  Day 310, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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A Bottom-line Question



                      Then he asked them, “Who do you say I am?”

  Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

                                       MATTHEW 16:15-16

Opinion polls reveal that from the world’s viewpoint the jury is still out.
     But what about you? Who do you say I am?

Do you confess I am your Savior?
     Then leave your eternal destiny in the hands of the King of Love.
          Trust Me to forgive your sins—I will save you from hell, sin’s penalty.
     Then lean on Me to experience victory over sin’s addictive power.
          Do not depend on your own imagined virtue to conquer temptation.
     Then look forward to total redemption—freedom from sin’s presence.
          Do not be shaped by your guilty past—be shaped by My glorious future.

Do you claim I am your Sovereign?
     Then advance My kingdom, and do not just try to build your own.
          Give Me the wheel—if I am not in the driver’s seat, you will crash.
     Then promote My cause—do not be preoccupied with your interests.
          Copy Christ’s example of downward mobility—the way up is down.
     Then build your life on Solid Rock, not on the quicksand of selfishness.
          Stand on the Gibraltar of My government, not the fault line of your ego.

Do you testify I am your God?
Then worship Me with your emotions, personality, intellect, and energy.
     Then revel in My mercy and unfailing love.
          Be glad I do not treat you as you deserve—or you would not survive.
     Then struggle to live a radically holy life.
          If you claim you know Me, I expect you to live in a Christlike way.

Do you say I am your Master?
Then put aside selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and walk in My steps.


          (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond

   Day 309, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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                                           Warner Sallman  Head of Christ 

                                      Come to me … and I will give you rest.
                                                  Matthew 11:28 NLT

Consider this your personal invitation from the King of hearts—
     written in blood, dispatched from grace, stained by tears, signed with love.

Come to Me—not human resources, sinful pleasures, or popular opinions.
     Surrender to Me and experience the best conquest of all—a conquered heart.

Come to Me—not obsessive-compulsive rituals, not pious-theatrical religion.
     Yield to Me and experience an uncommon miracle—a calm heart.

Come to Me--not false gods of the heart—ego, money, status, possessions.
     Augustine was right—your heart will be restless until you rest in Me.
     I hide wisdom from sophisticated smart-alecks—I reveal it to trusting children.
     Worship Me and I will be real to you and give you true riches—a contented heart.

Come to Me—not imagined self-sufficiency; you are made of dust, not steel.
     My peace is an extraordinary out-of-your-world gift—receive it—relax.
     Depend on Me and I will help you succeed and give you more—a confident heart.

Come to Me—and learn how to live—
     Purposefully—not trudging and toiling; yoked to Jesus, patiently productive.
     Peacefully—trading hectivity for My home, giving up madness for My mastery.
     Calmly—bravely riding out storms on life’s sea, relaxing in faith’s quiet zone.
     Meekly—traveling the only road that leads you to Me—humility.
     Easily—keeping My commands, which does not chafe like Satan’s bondage.
     Gently—not stepping on those who are down, not quenching hopes of the sad.
     Lightheartedly—letting Me carry your burdens for you, so you can travel light.
     Learn My lessons well—advance toward My dream for you—a Christlike heart.

Come to Me—you are invited to nestle near My heart; here is how—
     Exchange your yoke of self-imposed stress for My yoke of sustained repose.
     Drop your overburdening cares, and delight in My overshadowing concern.
     Step off your unrealistic schedule treadmill, and rest in My gentle way.
     RSVP yes to heaven’s invitation and find the secret of peace—a consecrated heart. 


                                               (c)  Pastor Johnny R. Almond 
                                        Day 308, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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A Prayer for Life




         With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like this:
              Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. Set the world right.
      Do what’s best – as above, so below. Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you, forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
       You’re in charge! You can do anything you want! You’re ablaze in beauty!
                                                    Yes. Yes. Yes.

                                   Matthew 6:8-13  THE MESSAGE

Be reverent—remember who you are talking with.
     Speak life’s most glorious and awesome Name with respect and awe.
     Everything Jesus did was to honor his Father—we should do the same.

Be hopeful—look forward to the new heaven our Father will establish.
     Listen for the trumpet sound—the first notes of the prelude to peace.
     Do not despair over current events—believe in God’s bright tomorrow.

Be submissive—do not focus exclusively on getting your way.
     We do not resign to fate when we place our self in our Father’s hands.
     Demonstrate your faith that God is in control and knows what is best.

Be dependent—trust your Heavenly Father to care for your earthly needs.
     Hunger for God above all else, and He will never let you starve.
    Thirst for God over all, and His joy will cascade through your inner being.

Be repentant—turn from sin and turn to your Savior for a new direction.
     Self-sacrifice cannot atone for wrongdoing—cross pain paid the high price.   
     Forgiven, forgive others—God does not hold grudges; neither should we.

Be holy
—struggle against evil and make a conscious effort to be like Jesus.
     Pray around the clock that you will not be tricked into sin by the evil one.
     Never compromise God-given convictions—aim for Christlikeness.

Be worshipful—keep God at the center and circumference of your life.
     Advance His Kingdom, not your own.
     Rely on His power, not your own.
     Seek His glory, not your own.

Be confident—say Amen, so be it, make it so, God; rest assured He will.
     The future is as bright as God’s promises—He will keep every one.
     Until His Kingdom dawns, pray as you go—you will always be glad you did.


© Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 307, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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To Beat the Devil


Then Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted there by the Devil. 
                                                         Matthew 4:1 NLT

Satan’s favorite time to attack is immediately after high points.
     Jesus felt the Holy Spirit Dove resting on His shoulder.
     He heard his Father's voice expressing love and commendation—
          and then He was fiercely assaulted by the Devil.
     The evil one carefully decides times for his attacks—so be on guard!

The Holy Spirit may lead us into the wilderness of difficulty.
     Jesus was not tempted at the magnificent Temple or scenic Jordan,
          but when He was exhausted and hungry—thus susceptible.
     When we are under pressure, facing crucial decisions, or anxious—
          when we are hungry, aggravated, lonely, tired—HALT!

The tempter is a real being—not an imaginary concept.
     The Devil who tempted Adam and Eve in Eden also tempted Jesus.
     Satan is not merely a symbol of evil—Satan is prince of the dark side.
     More than an idea invented to explain conscience, he is the evil one.

Temptation itself is not sinful.
Jesus, Holy Son of God, was the prime target for the Devil’s temptations.
     The more we try to be holy, the more the unholy one will try to trip us up.
     We may feel dirty after hearing the evil suggestions of the world’s god,
          but if we do not give in, we have not sinned against God.

The Spirit Sword can help us achieve victory over temptation.
     When Jesus was tempted to get quick gratification of physical urges,
          He quoted Scripture reminding us people need more than bread.
     When Jesus was tempted to show off and impress others,
          He quoted verses cautioning people not to try to force God's hand.
     When Jesus was tempted to strike a bargain with hell to get the world,
          He quoted Scripture's command requiring exclusive, wholehearted worship.   

The King of heaven won His battles with the tempter from hell.
     If we rely on His grace, and skillfully brandish His Word—we too can win!


                                            (c)  Pastor Johnny R. Almond 
                                  Day 306,  Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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The Name Above All Names


You are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.
                                         Matthew 1:21  NLT

Jesus means Joy—He saves from despair and hopelessness.
     Alexander conquered the world by force and was called great—
          Jesus captures hearts from all nations by love and is called God.
     In contrast to fleeting happiness, Immanuel gives invulnerable joy—
          His cross brings deep peace, His Presence inexpressible ecstasy.

Jesus means Everlasting Life—He saves from death and hell.
     Tutankhamen’s tomb was found treasure-filled, making him famous.
     Jesus’ tomb was discovered empty, making Him King of Eternity.
     Abundant life here and now, eternal life in the hereafter—
          a grand duet of wonder brought to light by the Dayspring from on high
          who has visited your tilted planet.

Jesus means Separation—He saves from deceit and hypocrisy.
     The clear difference between heaven and hell, Christians and worldlings,
          is made by the One who died on the middle cross.
     At the name of Caesar, millions offered incense and called him lord.
     At Jesus’ Name, the universe will fall to its knees and call Him Master.
     His Name will be forever paramount in minds of those who worship God.

Jesus means Understanding—He saves from devastation and helplessness.
     The names of famous kings and fearful kingdoms all fade into oblivion,
          but Jesus’ incomparable Name increases in glory while ages roll on.
     When we feel like we’re falling apart, Jesus holds us together—
          no one understands us, or stands under us, like He does.

Jesus means Salvation—He saves from self-destruction and homelessness.
     Charlemagne and Napoleon changed the face of the world by war—
          the King of hearts changes lives in time and eternity by His grace.
     Jesus saves believers from sin’s addictive horrors
          and makes His heart our eternal home.
     God’s dream for us—and our destiny—is that we become like His Son.
     Jesus is the most glorious and awesome Name—address Him reverently.



         © Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 305, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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