Johnny R. Almond's Posts (422)

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A Soldier of the Cross

9570802897?profile=originalHe was 23 years old, married to a girl back in Ohio. He had been trained to become part of the elite battle-ready 82nd Airborne. He was ready for anything the war on terror might bring. From his observation post on a housetop in Baghdad, his sniper-sharp eyes scanned the streets for signs of the enemy.

Separated from his partner, he was ambushed by a squad of insurgents. He was helpless against their cruel, methodical shooting at him. Taking aim beginning from his feet, they slowly worked their way up his legs to his abdomen, approaching the threshold of murder.

Seconds from death, he was rescued by his buddies. Then he was evacuated from the combat zone to a military hospital in Germany, and eventually to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in D.C., where both of his legs were amputated. A double prosthesis did not cancel his will to walk again. Searing pain did not stop his desire to achieve. Self-pity did not even seem to enter the picture

Observing this authentic patriot and American hero, now part of the Warrior Transition Brigade, I saw an object lesson in endurance and the personification of perseverance. Not only was he daily placing cones and agonizingly stepping over them, he had chosen to live in a third-floor apartment, because he liked the challenge and wanted to get strong again—so he could return to the front.

I thought to myself—here is a man “who more than self his country loves.” I wondered where there might be found that kind of unflinching courage and devotion in Christian soldiers “who more than self their Savior love”—believers willing to die with their boots on, facing the enemy.

Marveling at his dogged determination to fight again. I wondered how followers of Christ find the tenacity to fight on when self-pity threatens to quench the fire of our resolve.

Then I remembered the Scripture—We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.  2 Corinthians 4:8-9, 16-18 NLT


With these truths cascading through my heart, I recalled the lyrics of an old Isaac Watts hymn—Am I a soldier of the cross, a follower of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own His cause or blush to speak His name? Sure I must fight if I would reign; Increase my courage, Lord! I’ll bear the toil, endure the pain, supported by Thy Word. 

High-sounding words indeed—but If you and I are truly honest, we must admit there have been times we’ve been tempted to quit the fight of faith. Gazing at the figure of the One on the cross dying in our place sends us back to our tasks again.

I believe that if we ask Jesus to help us, He will (Philippians 4:13). Music historians say many Bach manuscripts have J.J. at the beginning—Jesu juva (Jesus, help me), and at the end of the manuscript S.D.G.—Soli Deo Gloria (To God alone be the glory). In between are found some of the most uplifting music phrases and compositions ever heard by human ears. If you and I are ever going to “make music for our Lord to hear,” we’re going to have to live life like Bach composed music. If  we’re going to soldier on for God’s glory, we need Jesus’ help.


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

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Awesome Name


Fear the glorious and awesome name of the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 28:58 NLT


My Awe-inspiring Name reflects My ability to meet every need.

I am the Becoming One—becoming whatever you need.


I am God, Absolute Goodness—the One and Only.

I am the Prince of Peace—enabling you to sail through troubled seas on an even keel.

I am the Mighty God—carrying you whenever you cannot carry on.

I am the Wonderful Counselor—unerringly giving right advice.

I am the Everlasting Father—Rock of Ages in a quicksand world.

I am the Holy One—the Sole Source of righteousness.

I am the Lamb—the Vicarious Sacrifice for your transgressions.

I am the Prince of life—satisfying your search for significance.

I am King of kings—orchestrating order out of chaos.

I am the Lion of Judah—the Ultimate Solution to earth’s problems.

I am the Author and Finisher of your faith—Center of Gravity of your life.

I am the Advocate—your Perfect, Understanding Defense Counsel.

I am the Dayspring—changing midnight crying into sunrise joy.

I am Jesus—the Heartbeat of your salvation.

I am Christ—King of hearts, Sovereign of the future.

I am the Way—the One Way to heaven, the Highway of holiness.

I am the Truth—the Quintessence of reality.

I am the Life—Fountainhead of exuberance and eternity.

I am the Light of the World—Window to health, hope, and joy.

I am the Door—the Only Access to paradise.

I am the Bread of Life—Rich Nourishment for your heart’s hunger.

I am the Good Shepherd—caring for you in your sheepishness.

I am the Resurrection—making possible real life before and after death.

I am El Shaddai—All-Sufficient One, the One Who Is Enough.

I am Lord God Almighty—absolutely nothing is too difficult for Me.

I am the Light—illuminating dark corners of your mind.

I am the Great Physician—healing the sick and your soul’s diseases.

I am the Creator—I made people to begin with; I am making you like Me.

I am Alpha and Omega—Holy Alphabet of unsurpassed wisdom.


I Am the One Who Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been.

Reverence My Name—live in holy awe, hate evil, and trust Me forever!


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional is Day 104 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity



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Reverse Evil -- Live!



Reverse evil—live!


Purge such evil from among you.

Deuteronomy 22:21 MLB


Our Heavenly Father knows us through and through. He is aware when we sincerely want to get rid of the evil in our life. He knows we struggle with addictions we would like to conquer and undesirable attitudes we would like to change.


If we are honest to God, we must admit that we brag sometimes, eat too much, sigh now and then, feel that we are a little better than others, get irritable when interrupted doing our thing, are impatient with people who do not quite measure up to our moral standard, choose selfishly, lack heartfelt compassion, and lose sleep worrying about contingencies.


God understands that we are imperfect. We really desire to do right, but in the course of pursuing perfection we are bombarded with wrong suggestions. Our sinful nature sabotages what we know is best. We are in a constant tug-of-war between the compelling desire God has given us to be Christlike and our inherited human nature to have it our way. We are never free from the civil war raging within between opposing forces of light and darkness. We tackle life’s noblest quest to be like our Savior, but miserable failures sidetrack us.


We sometimes grow weary of this life of contradictions—struggling with sin gets next to us. But we should never give up. Though we are far from perfect, God does not condemn us—any friend of His Son is a friend of His. Trusting Jesus, the Father does not judge us. Instead He views us through eyes of mercy.


If we keep giving in to our sinful urges, we will self-destruct—if we yield to God’s ennobling Holy Spirit, we will be freed from the ravages of sin.

If we allow our nature to be in charge, we will be agitated—if we let the Spirit control us, we will enjoy serenity.

If we get preoccupied with trinket gods, we will be perpetually dissatisfied—if we let eternal treasures

permeate our thoughts, we will be content.

If we strut in our accomplishments, we are in for a fall—if we glory in the Master’s cross, He will promote us to a glorious destiny.

If we go off on our own, we will ruin our life—if we nestle near God’s loving heart, we can rest assured.

If we rely on our power to conquer wickedness, we will fail—if we rely on supernatural power, we will celebrate expansive, exhilarating vitality.

In light of these contrasting consequences, it is the highest wisdom to let God execute sinful desires lurking within us and run from all sin.


Here’s heaven’s challenge—reverse evil and live!



Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 103 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity




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Cross Shadows


If someone has committed a crime worthy of death and is executed and then hanged on a tree,

the body must never remain on the tree overnight. You must bury the body that same day,

for anyone hanging on a tree is cursed of God.

Deuteronomy 21:22–23 NLT


Rereading this ancient command thoughtfully and prayerfully, we detect shadows of Calvary. This Hebrew law gives a preview of Love.


Centuries later, a high priest rudely demanded that the Son of God answer spurious charges hurled against Him. On the verge of slaughter, Jesus remained silent. When the high priest misused God’s name to pressure Him to reveal whether He was the Messiah, Jesus replied, “Yes, I am. And what’s more, in the future the world will see Me majestically enthroned at God’s right hand and returning triumphantly on the clouds of heaven.” Horrified, the high priest tore his robe and ruled Jesus had committed blasphemy, a capital crime.


The Sanhedrin returned a guilty verdict, and innocent Jesus was deemed worthy of the death penalty. The flawless Lamb was sacrificed so you and I could be friends with God. His death in our place commends Him as worthy of our highest devotion.


When God’s dear Son was crucified, punctilious Jews did not want to see His body left on the cross the next day, since that was the Passover. So they requested that the Roman governor take the body down. The day of Jesus’ vicarious death was more critical than their “special Sabbath.” That dark day the Father’s obedient Son was wounded for humanity’s rebellion, flogged mercilessly so people could find mercy in relationship with God, and hurt to the depths of His soul so the spiritually sick could get well.


Jesus was mocked, so we could inherit a mansion. He was deserted, so we could delight in the pleasure of My company. He was spat upon, so we could be shielded from the effects of sin. He was bruised, so we could be blessed. He shouldered a heavy cross, so we could wear a crown. He was crucified, so we could be changed. He experienced agony, so we could experience ecstasy. He went to hell for a while, so we could go to heaven forever.


Hanging on a tree on Skull Hill, Jesus took upon Himself the insult for our wrongdoing. Others may curse the Savior, but He has transformed our life, so we show our love by blessing Him. Jesus offers us life’s greatest challenge—self-denial, cross bearing, and walking in His footsteps. To the world, this appears to be suicide; in reality, it is the only path to life. 



Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 102 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Love Always


Always love the LORD your God and walk in his ways.  Deuteronomy 19:9 NLT



We have composed many heart letters to God, signing them “love always.” We really meant what we wrote at the time; however, our love has waned now and then. Is it our true intention to love the Lord with undying love?



God’s mercy saved us from the penalty of sin—rescuing us from eternal death. God’s grace saves us from sin’s power—morally resurrecting us from the corruption of an unbelieving society to a better life. God’s power will ultimately rescue us from the very presence of sin—sculpting us into His Son’s likeness, escorting us into paradise.



God has always loved us and He always will—His faithful love endures forever. We should see that we never outlive love for God, that we allow no condition dissuade us from heartfelt devotion to our Creator, Protector, Redeemer, and Friend.



We should always love God in our worship. Every moment we can enjoy His constant Presence and rejoice in His unfailing friendship. Whatever happens, we can depend on His sustaining grace and trust His loving Providence. No matter how discouraging current events get, we can anticipate fulfillment of His bright promises. Worship involves being grateful for God’s’ lavish blessings, hiding behind faith’s indomitable shield, yielding to heaven’s perfect will, running from spiritual adultery, and reverently entering the throne room to enjoy the privilege of conversation with our Father.



We should always love God in our lifestyle. Obedience proves authentic love—only the obedient genuinely love God. Christ’s true friends stand out from those who are not because they follow His orders—they love each other in the same way Jesus loves them; they are busy making disciples and teaching them to carry out His commands; they are telling people about Him everywhere they go; they give as freely as they have received from Him. Real affection is expressed in actions, not only in love letters. We should not just talk about loving Jesus—we should walk with Him.



We should always love God—at all times. At sunrise, we can thank God for giving us a new beginning. At sunset, we can bless God for getting us through the day. When we feel stressed out, God is right beside us, and promises to stay. His love never quits—ours should not either.



We should always love God—in all our ways. God opens heaven’s windows and pours out blessings we do not have enough room to store. We can say thanks through preaching the good news from the pulpit of our personality and loving God with all our intelligence and energy. If we always give God first place in our heart, God will always give us first place in His.



Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 101 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity




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Mind Gate


Be on your guard not to let the base thought get the upper hand in your heart.  DEUTERONOMY 15:9 MLB


As we read God’s Word, we should pay attention to waving red flags repeatedly warning us to be careful as we make our way through life. God cautions us to beware of falling into the evil one’s clever trap of compromise and idolatry. Over and over Scripture counsels discretion—telling us to avoid faddish foolishness and seek timeless wisdom.


At all costs, we must never give in to mindlessness. We would not think of swimming in shark-infested waters—then why live recklessly in a world ruled by invisible forces of the dark side? Wisdom stays on the alert spiritually!


We are not what we think we are; but what we think, we are. We are the product of our thoughts; so we should be careful what we permit to enter our mind. What we put into our mind may eventually come out in words and actions. It’s a good idea to occasionally review what we are feeding our mind through television, movies, magazines, and the Internet. It’s certainly a good idea never to consume moral garbage! Most importantly, we should daily read heaven’s Textbook for Living.


Over the course of our lifetime, we can learn to focus our mind on what is good, and make it a habit to fix our thoughts on wholesome ideas. It takes practice to change how we think, but faith makes it possible. Guarding our mind, we can fill it with the beautiful, not the ugly. Programming our mental computer with true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, kind, lofty, and worthy thoughts—we make this formula for excellence the charter for our thought life.


We should never tell our self that our thoughts are hidden from God. Our inner life is transparent to the One who perfectly understands human nature. Our Creator understands us better than we know our self. This being the case, it is best for us to be open and honest with the Lord.


To ensure that vulgar and low ideas do not predominate our mind, we can overcome the deadly poison of evil with the antidote of goodness. With God’s help, we can cancel dishonesty with truth, self-centeredness with sacrificial love, perversion with purity, obscenity with decency, criticism with compliments, and mean-spiritedness with generosity. Above all, we should give God first place—running from false gods of the mind threatening to steal loyalty we owe him.


Letting God be our Best Thought is the best way to conscientiously guard our mind gate.



Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 100 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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God's Tests




The Lord your God is testing you to see if you love him with all your heart and soul. De u t e r o n o my 13:3 NLT


Christianity is not just a mind game played for entertainment—Higher Education is serious business! Life is a battery of tests designed to bring out our true colors.


God’s intelligence test determines our spiritual IQ; it indicates whether we are wise or just smart. As we learn his way, we become a new person from the inside out.


God’s practical test reveals how far we will go in obeying him. To make a passing grade, we must do more than ponder his Word—we must translate it into action in everyday relationships.


God’s authenticity test checks the sincerity of our love for him. To prove our love, we must devote our self to God 24/7. This essay question will take a long time to answer—in fact, it will take the entire course of our life. To give evidence of our genuine love—we must follow God closely, seek to bring other people to him, carry our cross daily, value friendship with God above all things, and keep our mind in tune with Truth.


God’s cross-examination demands the ultimate in introspection. Looking within, we can verify the authenticity of our faith. If Christ lives in us, we pass heaven’s most critical test. This is a true/false question—it demands an either/or response. Either we have Christ in our soul, or we do not. The final answer demands total honesty.


God’s daily quiz tests our motives. If we do what we should, we will enjoy the fulfillment of doing quality work for the right reason. There is no need to compare our work with others; it is only imperative that we follow Christ’s example and do our best for him. At the end of the day, that is all that matters.


God’s endurance test gauges perseverance through severity. Time educates for eternity by strengthening character. We are running in the Faith Marathon—we should not even think of quitting. We are students in Adversity University—we should never disenroll. Ignoring sideline distractions and focusing on Jesus is the wisest way to live. Start to finish, we can rely on the Spirit Wind for adrenaline. Holding on to the Lord for dear life, we will ultimately celebrate victory.


God’s final exam will inspect our life’s building materials. Fiery judgment will incinerate inferior work. Quality construction will shine brightly forever. We should do more than merely aim to survive—we should live so we will graduate with honors!



Pastor Johnny R. Almond

Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Devotion based on Day 99 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity



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Costly Imitation



Do not be trapped into following their example. Do not say, “How do these nations worship their gods? I want to follow their example.” Deuteronomy 12:30 NLT



God is absolutely holy, and He yearns for us to reflect His holy nature. Worshipping God with all our heart’s passion, all our soul’s personality, all our mind’s intelligence, and all our health’s energy is what God asks of us—obeying His will, we walk life’s noblest path.



Satan’s bandwagon propaganda entices us to join the crowd, but the majority is dead wrong. The world system has no time for God and no respect for His law. Sincere worshipers of the one true God are challenged to ruthlessly destroy all centers of false worship—questionable activities, selfish attitudes, pride in possessions, and evil habits—anything that occupies the first place in our heart due to God. We should never naïvely flatter our self by thinking we are too strong to be tempted. Israel learned the hard way, but we do not have to. Curiosity with the world’s ways need not turn our head; fascination with sin need not capture our heart—if we stay in love with our Creator, Redeemer, and Friend.



We can worship God, no matter what the coordinates. On the mountain, we can celebrate His majesty. In the valley, we can celebrate His vision. By the river, we can celebrate His resources. In the desert, we can celebrate His delight. In any country, we can be grateful for His care. In any place, we can revel in His peace. At any location, we can be thankful for His love.



We can worship God, whatever the time. At dawn, we can celebrate His mission. At dusk, we can rejoice in His encouragement. At night, He is our Light. In the daytime, He is our Defender. Every hour, He is our Hope. Every minute, He is our Mercy. Every second, He is our Savior.



When we surrender to God, we find strength to resist the urge to copy behavior and customs of the world. Without God, we are liable to fall into seemingly harmless practices. We do not play volleyball in a minefield, so we should be careful how we conduct ourselves morally. The prowling lion would love to tear our soul to shreds—we should stay alert!



Folly imitates the ungodly; wisdom imitates God. Apathy indulges self; passion crucifies ego. Simpletons follow the evil one’s suggestions; the sincere follow Jesus’  example. Rebels run from God; the reverent walk in Jesus’ steps.



Copying the world’s ways merely produces a cheap imitation. Emulating Christ’s ways transforms our life into a costly imitation.



Obedience cost God’s Son His life; obedience will cost us ours—yet it is the only path to holiness. Are we willing to pay the price?


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 98 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity





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One Nation under repair


“It is what comes from inside that defiles you. For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you.”  (Mark 7:20-23 NLT)


The picture above was taken last week by our youngest son, Brandon. His caption “One Nation Under Repair” is apt, in light of recent tragic events in our country. The flag at half-staff reminds us of grief at the loss of innocent lives. The scaffolding is part of the process of cleaning and repairing damage on the outside, but what happens INSIDE needs even more repair.


The shootings in Saint Paul, Baton Rouge, and Dallas have prompted the repeated statement that violence is not the answer to brutality and murder. Such generalizations do not address the source of evil. For that we must turn to the Master.


Jesus summarizes 13 actions and vices that defile a person, and teaches that they all emanate from the heart. He does not paint a pretty picture of human nature—depravity, unchastity, stealing, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, double-dealing, unrestrained sexual drive, envy, malicious misrepresentation, arrogance, senselessness. These bad habits of the heart corrupt and spoil life.


The condition of the heart is so important to God, that the word heart is mentioned nearly 1,000 times in the Bible. Our physical hearts are very important to us—our lives depend on our hearts, so we want to avoid heart disease. It stands to reason that we should be just as interested in avoiding the diseases of the spiritual heart.


During his time in the Gulag, Solzhenitsyn wrote: “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties, but right through every human heart. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. Even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained; and even in the best of all hearts, there remains a small corner of evil. If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”


We should humbly recognize that our hearts are in daily need of repair. Repentance is the path to a clean heart. In the holy land of the broken heart—there is joy never felt in sin’s garbage dump; there is light never seen in dark, dingy places; there is peace never experienced in dens of iniquity; there are songs never sung in rebellious hearts.


We are all by nature sinful. The human heart, Jeremiah reminds us, is the most deceitful of all things and desperately wicked. In fact, no one really knows how bad it is. Billy Graham said, “The heart of every problem is the problem of the human heart. That is why Jesus said we must be born again.”


It is obvious, to any thoughtful person, that force or legislation cannot change the inner condition of the heart. Only Christ, the Sovereign of the human heart, can transform us.  


Our nation is in need of repair—one heart at a time.  


Pastor Johnny R. Almond

Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Friends on a Journey of Faith


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The Choice


Today I am giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse!  

De u t e r o n o my 11:26 NLT

The sun is rising--bringing choices about the road we will travel. Decisions are incredibly accurate boomerangs. We are at a crossroads. So which will it be today—a dark alley or a magnificent boulevard?

Prayer or presumption? Faith in Almighty God or self-reliance? Zero accomplishment in our strength or unlimited capability in God's?

Care or egomania? A lifestyle of sacrifice or of selfishness? Love in our heart was not put there to stay; love is not love until we give it away.

Purity or carnality? Will we fill our mind with heaven’s truth and loveliness or pollute it with hell’s garbage? Will we focus on ennobling excellence or imbecilic filth?

Understanding or criticism? Will we fret because we cannot shape others up morally, overlooking the fact we cannot change ourselves? Or will we wish the best for every person, hating only our own latent evil?

Composure or impatience? When we feel everyone passing us is an idiot, and those going slower are morons, we are out of line! God's timing is perfect--wisdom slows down and obeys heaven’s speed limit.

Attention or preoccupation? Will we permit the Holy Spirit to conquer our inner space and teach us to love people who wander through our days? The surest sign of love is listening--how is our hearing?

Intentionality or wandering? Jesus went around doing good, but we often just go around. It's high time we wrote our mission statement, and lived it.

Serenity or agitation? On high seas, the Master can still calm the waves. He will if we let Him.


Sensitivity or rudeness? Everyone has a silent struggle, unknown agony, unresolved dilemma, or unvoiced pain. To the extent we're like Christ, we will be kind.


Self-control or profligacy? Addiction or liberation? There is no need to shuffle in chains--Jesus is the Key to thorough-going freedom.


It is a joy to catch boomerangs of thoughtful, wise decisions; it is a pain to nurse a bruised skull from foolish ones, made without thinking! If we make the right decisions, then sunset’s benediction will conclude a happy day.

Johnny R. Almond, Pastor

Hull's Memorial Baptist Church--Friends on a Journey of Faith

Devotional based on Day 97 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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A Prayer for America


God of the nations,

How easy it is for us to decry downward spiraling moral trends in America. The majority ignores your commandments and lives by their own rules. Many worship their work, work at their play, and play at their worship. Most people in our country appear self-centered, pleasure-seeking, materialistic, and proud of possessions. Still known in the world as a superpower, Americans sometimes forget that “all the nations of the world are only a drop in the bucket, nothing more than dust on the scales” (Isaiah 40:15).


God of holiness,

How difficult it for us to be completely honest in admitting our personal shortcomings. We criticize other people for sinning in ways that we don’t. We harshly judge others for bad habits different from ours. We rarely take time to ponder the condition of our own inner being


God of justice and mercy,

Remind us again of your promise. If – a little word with big repercussions, the hinge on the door of blessing. My people – not unbelieving society, but your children by sincere faith in your Son. Called by My name – honoring your authority, pledging allegiance to the cross. Humble themselves – coming down where we belong,  acknowledging your Sovereignty. Pray – pouring our heart out to our Creator, Redeemer and Guide. Seek My face – yearning for your Presence more than the comfort of noise. Turn from their wicked ways – repenting of our evil, quitting our sins. I will hear from heaven – granting us an audience with the living God. I will forgive their sins – cleansing our hearts of iniquity. I will heal their land – curing the epidemic of individualism with the rewards of community, curing the disease of restlessness with tranquility, curing the sickness of rebellion with commitment to righteous living, curing the illness of fear of terrorism with trust in Your protection, curing the malady of anxiety with confidence in Your bright future, curing the disorder of chaos with calming assurance all will be well.


God our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,

Though it sometimes feels everything nailed down in this world is coming loose, we believe You are the One who holds everything, including us, together. Though we often sense our weakness, we trust your power to enable us to walk the high road. Though nations are unsettled – European Union fragmenting, the Middle East torn apart by war, our country divided politically – we believe You will unite the world when the King of kings reigns from the new Jerusalem. Though we’re aware of America’s goodness, we also acknowledge her flaws. Privileged to live in a great country, we look forward to your promise of a better country to come, a heavenly one.


God of our hearts,

Help us to be patriotic – loving our country and doing our best to improve her character. Help us also keep in mind we are citizens of heaven—investing in eternal treasures, keeping our eyes on the bright Morning Star.




Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

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Victory Formula


It is not at all because you are such righteous, upright people that you are about to occupy their land. The Lord your God will drive these nations out ahead of you only because of their wickedness, and to fulfill the oath he had sworn to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  DEUTERONOMY 9:5 NLT


Despite countless warnings against self-righteousness, we still sometimes have the nerve to take personal credit for spiritual conquests. Human egocentric arrogance is unbelievable. When we sense we’re making moral progress and we’re reveling in overcoming temptation, we may begin to feel we have reason to congratulate our self for what we have accomplished. I doubt if we have any idea how ridiculous we look when we strut with pride.


We should have learned by now that ego trips invariably end in crashes. Pride paves the road of self-destruction. A haughty spirit is black ice causing moral catastrophe.


The true reason for winning is not our righteousness, but Christ’s. Spiritual victory happens not because we are ever good, but because God is always God. We are not saved based on our labor, but our Savior’s love. God’s heart is filled with compassion for us, so He deals with us mercifully. Unfailing Love shelters us. God said He would always love us, and He will stand by His word. The cause of triumph is not our integrity, but God’s intervention; not our resolve, but God’s fidelity; not our strength, but God’s Spirit; not our smartness, but God’s wisdom; not our plans, but God’s Providence.


The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob blessed them as they pulled up stakes, worshipfully obeyed, and dreamily struggled. God is also our God—blessing us in our moving experiences, joyful maturing, and visionary hoping.


Praise God publicly for His guidance and strength that enable us to live victoriously and win our battles with the evil one. We can depend on God to conquer adversaries occupying our promised land. Our Commander in Chief is on the front line battling for us. Without divine help, there is no way we could win. With heaven’s assistance, we cannot lose.


It is the highest wisdom to factor God into the equation of every situation we face in our life—“impossible” circumstances, “unsolvable” problems, and “endless” struggles. Here’s a good formula for celebration—Jesus + Any Problem = Victory.


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 96 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Book available at

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A Christian Response to Violence

“This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.” (Leonard Bernstein)


With yesterday’s awful news of the worst mass killing in American history saddening our hearts, my wife and I joined others in St. Paul’s Adult Masterworks Chorus in King George to rehearse the beautiful St. Cecelia Mass by Gounod. As we lined up to process into the sanctuary, I noticed this quote by Bernstein on a bulletin board. It struck me as a poignant reminder of eternal love, encouraging hope, and transforming faith.   


In the shadow of hate, we can choose to sing the music of love. The killer was filled with hate and expressed it in an unspeakably horrible act of violence. Christians believe in the God who is love. We follow His Son’s example in “living a life filled with love” (Ephesians 5:2). There is no room for hate toward anyone. Love should guide our actions in relationship to every human being. God loves everyone—so should we.


In the valley of despair, we can choose to sing the music of hope. Recurring news of a killer attacking with an assault rifle has inclined some people to expect more of the same. Christians believe God has a plan—to bring heaven to earth in the return and reign of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We never lose hope because we believe “the future is as bright as the promises of God.”


In the downward spiral of cynicism, we can choose to sing the music of faith. Skeptics and pessimists view current events as a preview of terrorist acts making bloody headlines. Christians believe that one day, in God’s time, unsettled nations will be united under the sovereign rule of the Messiah. Christ is our peace in pandemonium, our calm in chaos, our courage in a dangerous world, and our confidence that at the end of life’s little day all will be well. We refuse to give in to total cynicism, despite the many signs that planet earth is the insane asylum of the solar system—because we believe the new Jerusalem will be deathless, painless, sinless, and tearless.


“My life goes on in endless song above earth’s lamentations; I hear the real, though far off, hymn, that hails a new creation. Through all the tumult and the strife I hear its music ringing. It sounds an echo in my soul. How can I keep from singing?”


Whatever happens in this crazy world, may God’s grace enable us to keep joyful music in our life—with intense love, beautiful hope, and devoted faith—until that glorious day we join the chorus of millions of the redeemed singing praises to the Prince of Peace.   


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

Book available on Amazon



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A Heart for God



You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.

Deuteronomy 6:5 NLT


God is Love, not law. God is not interested in compulsive religiosity. He is unimpressed by punctilious rule keeping. His standing order is crystal clear—love Him with all we are. It is the highest wisdom to place our love for God above all—nothing could make our life sadder than a heart estranged from our Heavenly Father. God expects intensity in our love—half-heartedness is totally unacceptable!


Devotion is more than ideal—it is imperative. To avoid disappointment, we should refuse to give allegiance to counterfeit gods. To avoid heartbreak, we should refuse to give contemporary rivals a hearing. To advance in holiness, we should not be enamored by pleasure or fooled by the treadmill of advancing in social status. To find real joy, we must trade society’s dissatisfying lifestyle for Christ’s restful way and exchange our vicious cycle for His victory celebration.


We should love God with all emotions—being sincere in our feelings. If we consider love’s deepest meaning at Calvary’s cross, we will love our Savior more and prove our love by wholeheartedly obeying Him and affectionately serving Him.


We should love God with all our ego—being serious in our faith. The Holy Spirit sensitizes our conscience to distinguish good and evil. If we wholeheartedly love God, we will love the world through our personality and find ways to creatively serve Him.


We should love God with all our energy—being strong in our focus. Commitment to our Master will motivate us to use our vitality to demonstrate we have a heart for God. We’ll do more than announce to the world that we love God—we will prove it by our actions. The Almighty reinforces us with response-ability for responsibilities. If we surrender wholeheartedly to the King of kings, we can enthusiastically serve Him.


We should love God with all our education—being sharp in our fact finding. Ennobling our mind through daily Scripture intake changes how we think as we wholeheartedly think God’s thoughts. It does not take a great mind to be Jesus’ disciple; it does take all the mind we have. Realizing nothing could make our mind more distressed than to be of a different mind than our Lord, we will seek to intelligently serve Him.


God wants to be more than words to us—He wants to be intertwined with our innermost being. It is not far from where we are to where God is—He is nearer to us than our hands and feet; He is closer than our breathing. We do not reach God by traveling, but by loving.


The best way to live is to fall in love with Love and stay in love with Love. When we give God our heart, He gives us His.


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 95 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Book available on Amazon




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Practice makes Perfect


So be very careful to act exactly as God commands you. Don’t veer off to the right or the left. Walk straight down the road God commands so that you’ll have a good life and live a long time in the land that you’re about to possess. Deuteronomy 5:33 THE MESSAGE


A trusting heart listens prayerfully to God’s laws, reads His Word very closely, and pays strict attention to timeless principles. Our ears must be open if we are to hear what our Lord has to say. Our heart must be open and receptive if we are to detect His voice.


A wise heart learns God’s rules, prioritizes study of the Book from Heaven, and reflects on the meaning of Christ’s teaching. Our mind must be open if we are to receive insight to interpret Scripture.


A committed heart lives by God’s Book. Not content with meditation only, the serious disciple obeys. Responding to our Lord’s instructions, we apply His Word to everyday life. When we translate orthodox beliefs into correct behavior, we write the finest translation of the Bible.


Sincere study of Scripture brings light into our dark world, wisdom into our searching mind, hope into our uncertain heart, life into your sagging spirit, and love into our relationships—provided we go beyond casual perusal and academic investigation to radical obedience. Here is the best Bible study plan: 1) read it over glacially; 2) think it through carefully; 3) pray it in earnestly; and 4) live it out practically. We prove our love by obeying Christ. He is present when we quote His lines.


Life is different from thinking about life. The relationships arena, not a philosophizing balcony, is where a heart for God is lived out. Fighting the good fight of faith is a far cry from donning spiritual armor and then awkwardly reclining in an easy chair.


Eons before we were born, God loved us and planned for us to ultimately become like Jesus. His Spirit charmed us to His heart. His compassion forgave our sin and made us His friend. He has charted a glorious destiny for us. We are His children, so He wants us to really enjoy life.


Even more than our personal happiness, our Father wants us to grow up. We are a subject in His Kingdom—and He expects us to live like it. To refine our character, God passes us through the crucible of tough times. Walking in Jesus’ steps is never easy—the path to glory is treacherous. Claiming to be acquainted with God, we are compelled to imitate Jesus’ lifestyle.


We are far from perfect—we need to keep practicing.

Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 94 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity




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Review for a New View

The Lord your God has blessed everything you have done and has watched your every step through this great wilderness. During these forty years, the Lord your God has been with you and provided for your every need so that you lacked nothing. Deuteronomy 2:7 NLT


If we let God take care of our fortune, we can look around in gratitude. God has blessed us in our work. Insight, intelligence, and income are all heaven’s gifts. Our ambition and ability do not ensure wealth—God is the One who empowers us to make money. When we sit down to pay our bills, we have two choices—complain because we owe a lot, or celebrate because God gives us enough money to pay our debts. It might be a good idea to designate one day a year to get griping out of our system, and use all the other days for heartfelt thanksgiving. The Lord has blessed us spiritually in our work. Opportunities to serve God are a sacred trust—so we should work conscientiously and cheerfully, keeping in mind who our Supervisor is. It is wise to keep a Master “to do” list and put our heart into the Master’s service.


If we let God take care of our food, we can look within in praise. Our Father has blessed us in our wants. Because He has cared for us, we have never gone hungry. God has blessed us generously in every way—spiritually, emotionally, domestically, physically. Desirable gifts cascade like a river from His heart of love. El Shaddai is the Enough One. Heaven’s well never runs dry, so our cup constantly overflows. It is rewarding to put our energy into the number one priority of His kingdom.


If we let God take care of our future, we can look up in faith. God has blessed us in our wandering—guiding us through life’s maze, testing our character to see if we are serious about obeying Him. As we have journeyed through a vast desert, God has watched over us all the way. We may sometimes feel we are going in circles; but we should remember that though the Holy Spirit sometimes leads us around, He never leads us astray. Our Lord is always thinking about us and concerned about what aggravates us. Wherever we have lived, God has loved us. The faith road is not always easy, but it leads to the promised land of purpose and serenity. There are battles to fight, but we do not have to freeze in fear—Jesus will engage in combat right alongside us until we march in a victory parade down heaven’s High Street.

If we let God take care of our forever, we can look forward in joy. God is our Greatest Blessing. He is our Travel Companion every mile. He has made our heart His home and He will never move away.


 Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 93 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity







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Hiding Place



You must give the Levites six cities of refuge where a person who has accidentally killed someone can flee for safety.  Numbers 35:6 NLT



God is our Hiding Place from sin. If we got what was coming to us, we would be destroyed as quickly as a dandelion in a windstorm, but thankfully judgment is softened by mercy. God’s heart is a city of refuge. In Calvary’s shadow, we are home safe—the crossbeam stained with the Lamb’s precious lifeblood is an eternal storm shelter. Satan accuses us, but our Priest-Friend is also our Defense Counsel. Guilt will never get the best of us, if we nestle near our Father’s heart—we are inseparable.



God is our Hiding Place from the strategies of Satan. Resisting the Devil prompts him to leave us alone. When we wash our hands, that is cleanliness; when we purify our heart, that is godliness. The highest wisdom is to don sacred armor—truth belt to counteract hell’s propaganda, witnessing shoes to battle barefoot lethargy, faith shield to extinguish fiery arrows of temptation, salvation helmet to protect our thought life, and Holy Spirit Sword to combat the evil one. Armed and ready to fight sin, we can win!



God is our Hiding Place in the stress of life. If we ever feel we cannot take another step, God is our Resting Place. If burdens are about to crush us, we can take refuge in the sanctuary of His company and find relief from unbearable strain.



God is our Hiding Place in the storms of life. Walking the trail of tears, we find asylum in His companionship. Crying the blues, our Face-Healer inspires us to sing His praises. When scary waves on high seas threaten to engulf us, He keeps us from drowning in despair. In lonely nights, Jesus is our Night Light. Listening carefully, we hear the future melody of hope. Taking His hand, the Lord of the dance teaches us how to dance for joy.



God is our Hiding Place in the shadows of life. Inside Holy City limits, we will experience unlimited ecstasy. We will see Christ’s smile, and His name will forever preoccupy our mind. There will be no need for artificial light, because the Light of His Presence is always shining to illuminate the golden streets.



God is our Hiding Place whatever happens. Hiding in rituals is a poor substitute for hiding in our Redeemer. Hiding in thoughts is not as liberating as hiding in Truth. Hiding in defense mechanisms cannot match the liberation of hiding in Love. Hiding in legalism is destructive; hiding in Grace is delightful. Hiding in routine is not as rewarding as hiding in Reality. Hiding in the comfort of noise is the world’s way; hiding in Peace is the Christian’s. Hiding in our guilty past is a downward spiral of gloom; hiding in the promise of His glorious future is a staircase of joy. Hiding from God causes us to miss the blessed assurance of hiding in God.


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 92 - Book is available from Amazon





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Geography and Gratitude

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“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Give these instructions to the Israelites: When you come into the land of Canaan, which I am giving you as your special possession, these will be the boundaries.’” (Numbers 34:2 NLT)


Providentially, God engineers the lay of the land to develop our spiritual maturity. In all possible coordinates, He lavishly provides for His children.


In the desert, God is our Delight. We can be cheerful even in wilderness meanderings. We can survive any situation, relying on our Travel Companion.


At the Dead Sea, God is our Life. Satan is a thief out to steal hope, kill joy, and destroy enthusiasm—his pleasure is our pain. But God’s purpose is peace. When we walk through life’s dark valleys, if we gaze beyond towering mountains we can envision the bright future God promises.


At Scorpion pass, God is our Praise Song. Unbelievers call such locations “God-forsaken,” but we have learned better. Wherever we live, maintaining a thankful attitude is God’s will for all who love Christ’s name. In stressful environments, Jesus teaches us how to sing.


When life’s sea is wide and our boat is small, God is our Captain. The Mediterranean need not intimidate us. On the coastline of “impossible situations,” we can count on accomplishing infinitely more than we dare pray or dream. In stormy waters, our Savior keeps us on an even keel.


At the Sea of Galilee, God is our Teacher. Mount Hermon’s melting snow flowed into and out of a harp-shaped lake, reminding us that God wants us to receive and distribute grace. If we think getting makes us happy, we should try giving!


At the Jordan River, God is our Joy. Rivers of living water cascade through our trusting heart. Thrilling convictions of unseen realities flow through our innermost being.


At Jericho, God is our Victory. God conquered that “invincible” city for Israel, and He captivates us to march in Christ’s triumphal procession. By faith, we can claim the territory heaven has assigned us and win our battles even before they are fought. God gives us a guaranteed conquest formula—Jesus + Any Problem = Victory.


If we find it difficult to be thankful for the topography, we should remember God is the Land Lord. Our Father knows what is best for us, so we can trust Him and be humbly grateful. Whatever our address, God is our Home. 


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 91 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Book available at




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Radical Religion


"Phinehas, son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites by displaying passionate zeal among them on my behalf." (Numbers 25:11 NLT)


Christians should be zealous for heaven’s sake. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse; on the other hand, knowledge without zeal is a dead horse. A live wire improperly grounded and insulated is dangerous; but a dead wire cannot conduct light, heat, or energy. Immobility gets people nowhere. Indifference makes God want to vomit. Sincere faith does more than just fill our mind with ideas—it permits God’s ideas to possess our mind. Opinions, like suitcases, can be carried around and easily set aside; but convictions carry us around. If we let the Holy Spirit Dynamo stir our soul to live passionately, some people may ridicule our goings-on and label us fanatics; but we should not let our critics’ lack of excitement stifle ours. It’s time we quit sleeping in! It’s time we listened to heaven’s wake-up call! It’s time we let the Fire in our heart melt the lead in our feet! Loving the Lord with all our mind will keep us awake.

Christians should be zealous for holiness’ sake. We should never imitate Balaam, who was more interested in money than mission. We should refuse to emulate Zimri, who flagrantly violated God’s orders and disregarded His law. It would be foolish to copy the Israelites by allowing ourselves to be seduced by the Devil’s wiles, compromise with culture, descend sin’s slippery slope, and commit spiritual prostitution. It is the highest wisdom to submit to our Sovereign Lord and let Him change the way we think so we can transcend the slavish thinking of majority opinion. If we are like Phinehas, we will be like God—hating sin. Inspired by the indwelling Holy Spirit, we will run from half-heartedness. Serving the King of kings, we will avoid laziness and whistle while we work. Loving the Lord with all our strength will keep us busy.


Christians should be zealous for God’s honor. His Presence within creates enthusiasm without. Burning and shining lights never turn into icicles. An inner Flame blazing within our heart glows on our face, makes us intensely alive, and motivates our good works. We should not make mediocre plans—we should aim for the stars! Loving the Lord with all our soul will keep us excited.


Christians should be zealous for God’s house. Jesus got angry at sin—so should we. Passion for the Temple caused him to bound loan sharks from the vestibule of his Father’s house turned shopping mall and unplug their cash registers. We should expel everything from our inner being inappropriate for one named after Christ. We should upend shiny, reflective tables of narcissism. Loving the Lord with all our heart, we will keep on.


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity-Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 89 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity




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More than Words



“God is not a man, that he should lie. He is not human, that he should change his mind. Has he ever spoken, and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through”  [Numbers 23:19 NLT]



I’m sure you’ve noticed that our wordy world is filled with many basically meaningless messages. Media verbiage is rampant 24/7. God has the Word we really need—creative, illuminating, forgiving, gracious, and authentic.



In contrast to human dishonesty, God is the heart of reality. We cannot depend on erroneous proclamations, but the Book from Heaven is our lodestar. Grass of popular opinion withers, and flowers of human insight fade, but God’s Textbook never needs revising. Galaxies will melt into nothingness on Judgment Day, but timeless lessons are here to stay. God is not just talking—He means every word He says. The Bible is more than words—it is eternal wisdom. There is more than grammar in the Spirit-breathed book—God is between the lines. The Bible is the only book whose Author is always present when we read it. As we draw near God’s heart—searching beyond paper and ink and syllables—we can sense His Presence. To live honestly, we must always tell the truth.



Unlike human deviation, God is the God of fidelity. We cannot depend on elusive philosophical ponderings, but God’s predetermined thoughts are absolutely reliable. God Will Always Be Who He Has Always Been—He has always loved us, and He always will. To live decisively, we must quit wavering back and forth and make up our mind to believe God’s Word and honor Him with every dimension of  our life.



Different from human declination, God is the God of follow-through. We cannot depend on evasive plans, but God’s decreed transaction is our final and absolute answer. God never speaks without acting. To live truthfully, we must follow through on our word—doing what we say we will do.



In distinction from human deception, God is the God of the future. We cannot depend on empty pledges, but God’s destined time is our complete assurance. God’s invisible clock keeps perfect time—Truth will materialize when He landscapes earth with righteousness. False advertising disappoints, but God is our Trustworthy Anchor, brightening the future. The Living God has spoken in the Bible; He means every word He says, and He will keep every promise. To live purposefully, we must make our devotion more than words.



Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized

This devotional based on day 88 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity




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