Do not be trapped into following their example. Do not say, “How do these nations worship their gods? I want to follow their example.” Deuteronomy 12:30 NLT
God is absolutely holy, and He yearns for us to reflect His holy nature. Worshipping God with all our heart’s passion, all our soul’s personality, all our mind’s intelligence, and all our health’s energy is what God asks of us—obeying His will, we walk life’s noblest path.
Satan’s bandwagon propaganda entices us to join the crowd, but the majority is dead wrong. The world system has no time for God and no respect for His law. Sincere worshipers of the one true God are challenged to ruthlessly destroy all centers of false worship—questionable activities, selfish attitudes, pride in possessions, and evil habits—anything that occupies the first place in our heart due to God. We should never naïvely flatter our self by thinking we are too strong to be tempted. Israel learned the hard way, but we do not have to. Curiosity with the world’s ways need not turn our head; fascination with sin need not capture our heart—if we stay in love with our Creator, Redeemer, and Friend.
We can worship God, no matter what the coordinates. On the mountain, we can celebrate His majesty. In the valley, we can celebrate His vision. By the river, we can celebrate His resources. In the desert, we can celebrate His delight. In any country, we can be grateful for His care. In any place, we can revel in His peace. At any location, we can be thankful for His love.
We can worship God, whatever the time. At dawn, we can celebrate His mission. At dusk, we can rejoice in His encouragement. At night, He is our Light. In the daytime, He is our Defender. Every hour, He is our Hope. Every minute, He is our Mercy. Every second, He is our Savior.
When we surrender to God, we find strength to resist the urge to copy behavior and customs of the world. Without God, we are liable to fall into seemingly harmless practices. We do not play volleyball in a minefield, so we should be careful how we conduct ourselves morally. The prowling lion would love to tear our soul to shreds—we should stay alert!
Folly imitates the ungodly; wisdom imitates God. Apathy indulges self; passion crucifies ego. Simpletons follow the evil one’s suggestions; the sincere follow Jesus’ example. Rebels run from God; the reverent walk in Jesus’ steps.
Copying the world’s ways merely produces a cheap imitation. Emulating Christ’s ways transforms our life into a costly imitation.
Obedience cost God’s Son His life; obedience will cost us ours—yet it is the only path to holiness. Are we willing to pay the price?
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized
This devotional based on day 98 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity