Chuck Proudfit's Posts (12)

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For a Call Such as This

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .

What a blessing it is that our work world is filled with gifted architects, physicians, plumbers, teachers, governors, scientists and farmers, to name just a few.


God created us with a diversity of gifts so we could offer a diversity of blessings.  When we submit to God’s call on our work, we can begin harnessing God’s gifts for our work.


It’s just like in Exodus 31:1-5, when God says to Moses . . . “I have chosen Bezalel, son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts – to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship.”


Let’s praise God for the privilege of being His craftsmanship!



  1. In your work life, where has God given you skills, abilities and knowledge?


  1. Do you have an “attitude of gratitude” for the work God created you to fulfill?




Dear Lord, just as You chose Bezalel for important work, You have chosen us as well.  Help us grab hold of this privilege, and hold fast to You every step of the way.


At work on Your purposes - Amen

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at



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His Saving Hand

When God’s direction lines up with our expectations, things seem to us as they should.  But what happens when God’s direction is not what we expected?


A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .

What happens when God seems to be turning our work world upside down?


This is a good time to consider if our expectations have too much to do with the world, and too little to do with God.


Our work world bombards us with expectations for success – money, power, prestige, just to name a few.  But these things are only significant to God when they serve His purposes and bring Him glory.


Sometimes we all need to clear out the clutter of our culture, and replace it with our God.


Remember the words of Psalm 17:14 . . . “O Lord, by Your hand save me from such men, from men of this world whose reward is in this life . . .”


  1. 1. What aspects of your work seem the most significant to the people around you?  Are their perceptions clouding your own?

  1. 2. Where do you draw the line at work between worldly success and spiritual significance?


Dear Lord, Your hand can usher us past the fleeting goals of the work world, to the eternal gifts in our relationship with You.  Please help us to stay focused on the things that matter to You.

At work on Your purposes - Amen

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at


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The Spirit Speaks

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .


It’s the Holy Spirit that often knocks on our hearts and heads, helping us to understand God’s will for our lives, inside and outside of work.


What an underutilized resource is the Holy Spirit!  We Christians are often more influenced by the call of our culture than the call of our God.


First Corinthians 2:12 reminds us that . . . “We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.”


Once we embrace that gift, we can forge forward with it.  At work, we can press on with an anointed calling straight from our ultimate Boss. 


Things may look far different from our plans or expectations; but if it’s from God, it will be one of the contributions for which we were created.




  1. Have you spent time considering the significance, and the role, of the Holy Spirit in your life?


  1. How are you spending time with yourself, to better connect with the Spirit alive and at work in you?




Dear Lord, in the Holy Spirit, You have granted us a gift that we often overlook.  Help us to appreciate Your work in us, through Your Spirit, and in pursuit of Your kingdom.

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at



At work on Your purposes - Amen


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Effort Has Purpose

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .

I’ve had times at work when it seemed like I was using my talents for nothing.  I’d put out my best effort, but few results seemed to come back.  It was discouraging, and I’d wonder if something was out of sorts with me.


How comforting it was to read this scripture from the famous prophet Isaiah, Isaiah 49:4, when he struggled with it, saying . . . “I have labored to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing.  Yet what is due me is in the Lord’s hand, and my reward is with my God.” 


Isaiah was able to look past the fruitless reality of the present, and anticipate a noble purpose in the future.  He knew that in eternity, God would reveal the reasons, and release the reward. 


If your current work seems devoid of purpose or reward, rest in this future assurance.

1. Have you had work experiences where your effort seemed to have no purpose?  How did God use them?
2. Where do you see God moving through the efforts of others, and what purpose does that work fulfill?

Dear Lord, we are grateful that our work matters to You, even when it seems to have little purpose for us.  Help us appreciate the spiritual significance of work, even when it can seem to be elusive.
At work on Your purposes - Amen

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at


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Desire in the Desert

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .

God sometimes uses the desert experience to get our undivided attention.  It’s a good thing, too, because most of us have a lot of trouble paying attention.

We don’t need sand and camels to find ourselves in a desert season at work.  It could be a time when we find ourselves unemployed, or seemingly trapped in a dead-end job.

Hosea 2:14 says “I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her” . . . it alludes to the idea that God can lead any of us into a workplace desert, all so that he can reach us. 

Don’t be afraid of the desert.  Just as with Moses, David, Paul and others, God uses the desert to prepare His people for greater spiritual service.  Think of a desert experience as a time of purification, when we release the things of the world that hold us back; and as a time of direction, when we realize the things of the heavens that God is holding forth.



  1. Have you had a desert experience in your work history?  What did you learn from it?


  1. What steps can you take to hear God more deeply in these stark seasons of work life?




Dear Lord, without You, our lives are nothing more than a desert.  With You, they become a spiritual oasis in a parched work world.  Lead us closer to You through our desert experiences at work, so that we can then be a stronger witness to others.


At work on Your purposes - Amen

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at


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Courage to Come Close

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .

“The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.”  This scripture in Exodus 20:21 paints a powerful picture of the hunger Moses had to know God personally, even when it meant overcoming the fear of the unknown.


How many times have you held back from a divine encounter?  It can seem unbelievable that God would want to spend time with each one of us, but that’s the way it is.  God created us for relationship with Him, and He is waiting right now to connect with you.


When we have the courage to step forward, God is right there to take our hand.  He loved us so much that He sacrificed His one and only Son, paving the way for our salvation.  If God can give that much, don’t you think he can give you the wisdom you need for work?


Take that first step to encounter God, and experience the full pleasure of His presence.




  1. When you encounter something unfamiliar, is your first instinct to explore it or to keep a wary distance from it?


  1. Does it excite you, or make you nervous, to consider what God would have to say about the spiritual state of your work?




Dear Lord, it can be emotionally overwhelming to contemplate an audience with You, an audience with the great I AM.  We know in our heads that you cared enough about relationship with us to take human form.  Please help our hearts to accept this gift.


At work on Your purposes - Amen

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at  


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A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .

It’s hard to discern God’s will for our work when we aren’t tuned in to his direction.  When we get discouraged or distracted, we can tune God out.  This is the absolute worst thing to do!


God’s voice is never more important to hear than when we have a pressing need to hear it.  We’re limited in our ability to communicate, but God isn’t. 


As scripture reminds us in John 8:47 . . . “He who belongs to God hears what God says.  The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”


Belonging to God is more than just trusting Jesus Christ as our savior – it’s following Him as our Lord.  Belonging is about accepting the Good Shepherd, embracing, listening and responding to His voice.  My friend, let Him direct your path in the marketplace.



  1. God’s voice takes many forms in our lives, sometimes as subtle as a “nudge” in our spirit.  Have you experienced that before?  Do you respond?


  1. Do you have friends and colleagues in your life who seem “tuned in” to God’s voice in their lives?  What can you learn from them?




Dear Lord, Your voice is the most important voice in our lives.  Please give us the ears to hear Your guidance, and the heart to embrace it.  Thank you for caring about the work of each and every one of us.


At work on Your purposes - Amen

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at  


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The Focus Factor

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .

Does work life sometimes seem like a spiritual maze, where you’re looking for purposeful direction but consistently coming up with blind alleys and dead ends?  This isn’t God’s design – it’s our typical “trial and error” approach to understanding His will.


When we journey with God, we can’t stay where we are.  God always wants to develop us.  He desires a deep relationship with us.  He wants an ongoing dialogue with us about our work life, its ups and downs, and the spiritual purpose behind it.


Psalm 40:8 says that “I desire to do Your will, O my God; Your law is within my heart.”  In other words, living out God’s will for our work is directly connected to internalizing his law.


If we want God to steer our course at work, we need to give him the steering wheel!  We need to focus on God, studying His word, praying and meditating.  It’s never too late to start.




  1. In what areas of your work life do you sense a lack of clear or consistent direction?


  1. Are you spending time in prayer, scripture, and reflection?  Are you seeking out Christian friends or colleagues for some outside perspective?




Dear Lord, we live in a world of distraction that often keeps us from our most important relationship – our relationship with You.  Help us to step off the merry-go-round so that we can truly be still, know You in a deeper way, and lean on You for the direction we so desperately need.


At work on Your purposes - Amen

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at


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Adversity for Advantage

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .

There have been many times in my work life where everything seemed to be going wrong, and I couldn’t understand God’s purpose in it.  Not only that, the harder I tried to “fix” things, the worse they seemed to get.  Yet, I would look back months or years later, discovering retrospectively that those painful work experiences were actually helpful!


Scripture speaks to this in 2 Corinthians 1:6 . . . “If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer.”


My friend, God allows faith experiences in our work lives to grow us spiritually through our work lives.  When you wrestle with the spiritual purpose behind adversity at work, rest assured that God is working all things for the good of those who love Him.



  1. Are you at a time in your work life when things just seem to be going wrong?


  1. Can you look at your own work history, and see a pattern of God working all things – even the hard things – for good?  Do you have a peace in your heart that God wants the best for you, even when outward appearances suggest otherwise?




Dear Lord, You have eyes to see far beyond our present circumstances, and wisdom to find the good in even the most difficult of challenges.  Help us to find a measure of Your sight, and a measure of Your wisdom, so that we can better understand and appreciate the many ways that You work for the good of those who love You.


At work on Your purposes - Amen

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at

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Relationship Comes First

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .


You know, sometimes we can be so frustrated with our work, everything from surviving relentless demands to finding the perfect position, that we can forget to put work into context.


My friend, God didn’t create us to live for work.  He created us to live with Him, in a close and candid relationship.


If you’ve lost motivation in a job, or perhaps even lost your job entirely, that doesn’t mean you’ve lost your identity or your calling.


Remember the wise counsel of Romans 11:29 . . . “For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.”


Your identity comes from relationship with Christ, and your calling at work is progressively revealed through that relationship.  Jobs come and go.  Careers rise and fall.  But our God is the same yesterday, today and forever.




  1. Are you placing your relationship with God at the top of your “project list”?


  1. Are you struggling to have a strong sense of identity because something’s gone wrong for you at work?  Deep in your heart, do you have a peace that the only identity that ultimately matters for you is your identity in Christ?




Dear Lord, in the midst of striving to “move ahead” at work, we sometimes forget that You’ve already moved us ahead to the best place of all – to an eternal relationship with You.  Please help us find peace through spiritual identity in Christ, regardless of how things are going at work.

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at



At work on Your purposes - Amen



The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at

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Calling versus Career

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .


Have you ever felt like your work doesn’t matter to God?  That the only way to do real ministry is to leave the marketplace and find employment at a local church or charity?


We can forget that ALL work is a form of worship and a path to ministry.  In the Book of Genesis, the first thing God did for Adam, before the Fall, was to give him a job.


Fulfilling God’s purpose for our work is an important part of fulfilling His purpose for our life.  If we’re serious about loving the Lord with all our heart and soul and mind, as Jesus counsels in The Great Commandment, then we must apply it to our work.


God may be calling you to deeper spiritual service in your current work, or perhaps to a new kind of work.  Whatever the case, it’s only when we ask, listen and submit to His will that our work is elevated from a worldly career to a spiritual calling.



  1. Where do you see spiritual value in the work you are currently undertaking?


  1. When you wrestle with calling versus career, do you ask for God’s guidance?  Can you discern His response?  Will you submit to His will for your work?




Dear Lord, please help us to see the spiritual significance of work through Your eyes.  As we pursue spiritual growth at work, please help me to fulfill Your will. 


At work on Your purposes - Amen

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at




The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at


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Promise in Obedience

A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .

Have you ever struggled with career choices?  I sure have.  Consider these wise words, from Isaiah 48:17 . . . “This is what the Lord says – your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: ‘I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.’”


This scripture is speaking of obedience.  God is the teacher, and we are the students.  He knows what is best for us; He shares that with us, and we need to follow His instruction.


Obedience alone tells us that this is the right thing to do.  But God also offers a promise in our obedience.  Isaiah 48:18 cuts right to the chase . . . “if only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea.”


Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from God -- there is no greater marketplace trainer anywhere in the universe!



  1. Are there areas of your work life where you are not being obedient to God’s teaching?  How can you make improvements here?


  1. What disciplines are you following to stay connected to scripture as a resource for your career choices?




Dear Lord, we often forget to celebrate the fruits of discipline in our lives.  Yet we know that in staying true to Your commands in life, we move our careers forward in the right direction.  Lord, help us find the strength of will to do work Your way.


At work on Your purposes - Amen

The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at




  1. Are you placing your relationship with God at the top of your “project list”?


  1. Are you struggling to have a strong sense of identity because something’s gone wrong for you at work?  Deep in your heart, do you have a peace that the only identity that ultimately matters for you is your identity in Christ?




Dear Lord, in the midst of striving to “move ahead” at work, we sometimes forget that You’ve already moved us ahead to the best place of all – to an eternal relationship with You.  Please help us find peace through spiritual identity in Christ, regardless of how things are going at work.


At work on Your purposes - Amen



The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at

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