A few thoughts from Chuck Proudfit with the Marketplace Minute™ . . .
God sometimes uses the desert experience to get our undivided attention. It’s a good thing, too, because most of us have a lot of trouble paying attention.
We don’t need sand and camels to find ourselves in a desert season at work. It could be a time when we find ourselves unemployed, or seemingly trapped in a dead-end job.
Hosea 2:14 says “I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her” . . . it alludes to the idea that God can lead any of us into a workplace desert, all so that he can reach us.
Don’t be afraid of the desert. Just as with Moses, David, Paul and others, God uses the desert to prepare His people for greater spiritual service. Think of a desert experience as a time of purification, when we release the things of the world that hold us back; and as a time of direction, when we realize the things of the heavens that God is holding forth.
- Have you had a desert experience in your work history? What did you learn from it?
- What steps can you take to hear God more deeply in these stark seasons of work life?
Dear Lord, without You, our lives are nothing more than a desert. With You, they become a spiritual oasis in a parched work world. Lead us closer to You through our desert experiences at work, so that we can then be a stronger witness to others.
At work on Your purposes - Amen
The Marketplace Minute™ is brought to you by At Work on Purpose, a non-profit work life ministry on the web at www.atworkonpurpose.org.