A place to connect with others in Sactown who desire to "make disciples" and be discipled themselves. Those who desire to live the Kingdom Life here and now as apprentices of Jesus Christ . . . discipleship, spiritual formation, missional.
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  • My fellow soldiers in the kingdom.
    Praise the Lord,
    I am a pastor  from Western Kenya. My passion is evangelism
    and church planting. I traveled in the some areas in Kenya and I have
    really been touched because the gospel has not been fully reached
    there. This is why I am writing to you so that we can partner to reach
    the souls there for Christ and plant churches. May God help us to
    focus our eyes on the harvest and make it our business to bring it in.
     Please check these videos of my recent mission below.
    I hope to hear from you soon.
    God bless you and grant you good health-3John2.
    Yours In His Service,
    Pastor Davis Ochieno Juma- email: davisjuma@gmail.com





  • Hi all Chuck Carter here just getting started and wanted to say hello!
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How is discipleship being done in your life and the life of your faith community?

Patti and I are involved in several "ministries" which have been birthed by "listening" to God during our quiet time. More and more we realize that Christ can only be formed in us when we participate through discipleship (spiritual disciplines practiced in community) to position us for the ultimate work of the Holy Spirit.  We find great assistance in this journey from Navpress, Renovare and other resources and authors, but in the final outcome we must intentionally apply ourselves . . .…

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