A network of Churches, Pastors, Prayer Leaders and Intercessors who desire to Increase the Prayer Efforts of their Lives and Congregations.
A Reformation of Transformational and Missional Prayer
Five-hundred years ago, God began to restore the fallen tabernacle of David. And the Church entered into a reformation – and that reformation continues. Each article of furniture in the tabernacle is being restored, though not with its legalism, its rituals and rites, but with the spiritual intent for which it stood.
Luther rebuilt the altar – justification by faith. Wesley rebuilt the laver – the sanctified and consecrated life, the ‘holy club.’ In the great missionary thrust by Moffat and Livingston, Carey and the Moravians, bread began to be taken from the table and carried to a world that had not yet received the invitation to come to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And then, in the Pentecostal outpouring, God relit the lampstand, restoring apostolic gifts and graces to his church, and proliferating experiences in the Spirit in the Charismatic renewal.
Now we stand at the Altar of Incense, and God is calling the church to become a house of prayer. He is restoring worship and the joy of the sweetness of His Presence.
The next step will be, through the torn and ripped veil, the global embrace of the cross-experience by the church – a church that will be rejected just as its bridegroom was rejected – and in such dark days, already as (more than 400 of our brothers and sisters in Christ die as martyrs daily) the glory of the Lord will be seen over his people as the glory was seen over the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant.