Open Doors publishes annually a "World Watch List" of the top 50 countries where being a Christian is most difficult.
On this site, they list the 50 countries, with links to prayer information for each one.
They also explain the methodology used to create the list and to evaluate the level of persecution in a country.
Heavenly Father,
We praise You for sending Your Holy Beloved Son to come to earth, suffer and die to pay for our sins, so we may be forgiven. Thank You, Lord Jesus for being willing to do so. Only Your Father knows fully how much this really cost You.
We pray now for those who are persecuted for believing in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Messiah. During this time of year, Easter, churches are especially targeted for awful attacks. This week while believers were at church for a Palm Sunday service in Indonesia, people died and others were wounded during such an attack.
We pray for the safety of our brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world. We pray for the wounded to heal, physically and emotionally. We pray that their suffering will not be in vain, as Jesus' suffering was not in vain. The blood of Jesus saved us. The blood of the martyrs is the the seed of the church. Bring in the harvest, Lord God!
Father, we long for the time when Lord Jesus will be King here on earth, the Prince of Peace will become King of Peace. Come Lord Jesus! The Bride and the Spirit pray.
Until then, please comfort Your suffering people, especially the children. We cry with them.
We thank You, God.
In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.