Adding a new discussion to encourage daily prayer using Operation World through 2015-2016. Starting a few days early!!
The country of the day can be found at the OW home page:; click on the 'Pray Today' header picture to get to the country info. The info in the page is an excerpt from the book. For anyone who is interested, you can sign up for a daily e-mail on the site as a reminder to pray; the e-mail basically contains a link to the home page and also a link to the specific country of the day.
Please feel free to join in the prayer! Don't feel like you need to pray through the whole day in OW or even for every request on the website excerpt; just pray as God leads through that day's country.
June 20: India, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam
Father, thank you for the growing ministry among the Dalits in India. We praise you, Lord, because you don’t show favoritism, and we thank you for your call to the church to love all people regardless of class, race, social status, or any other characteristic.
May the ministry of your church among the Dalits reflect your compassion for the outcast in society and your love for "the least of these". Please cause believers in India to see the Dalits as you see them - as equals in your eyes and as people you love. Give wisdom to the church's efforts to reach the Dalits; help church leaders and mission organizations to know how to break down the barriers to the Gospel among the Dalits and how to serve them with whole hearts and with compassion, humility, and grace.
Bless the work of the Dalit Freedom Network - grant them favor in the eyes of higher castes both inside and outside the church. Lead this organization by your Spirit as they advocate for the Dalits.
Thank you for the growth of the Church in Arunachal Pradesh. Thank you for your blessing on the pioneer work done in this area and for the fruit you have brought. Please bring unity and cooperation among the many different churches now in the area; unite them around a hunger for your glory and honor, a commitment to discipleship, and a vision for evangelism.
Please strengthen the small Church in Assam. Bring revival, vision, and impact on society to congregations that have been lukewarm. Change your people and your church from the inside out, and grant to her a credible prophetic voice in Assam.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
June 19: India, Andhra Pradesh
Father, thank you for the growth of your church in so many areas in India. Thank you for the growing Pentecostal and Charismatic movements and for their penetration of denominations and regions. Thank you for the springing up of evangelical denominations across the country and for the networks linking them together. Thank you for the many groups in northern India growing outside the established structure of the church and for the people that you are reaching through these groups in areas not yet penetrated by established denominational structures.
Thank you, Lord, for raising up prayer for India in thousands of different movements and for the many believers praying for this great nation. Thank you for the vision you have raised up among these intercessors. And thank you for the ways you're answering prayer through media and other outlets spreading your word.
Lord God, please penetrate the less-reached areas in Andhra Pradesh with your grace and with the truth of your word. Reveal yourself to the unreached groups, especially the Telaga, Balija, Shaikh and Nai. Raise up workers to take the gospel to the forward castes and to the districts with less than 0.1% Christians. Raise up a flourishing, witnessing Church among these groups, Lord, so that everyone in these groups may have a chance to hear and respond to the Gospel.
Please resource your church with great plans to reach out in strategic areas of India - in the city of Hyderabad, where so many immigrants from other parts of the country come, and in Tirupathi during the time of the annual Hindu pilgrimage.
In all of these areas, Lord, please raise up a witness for yourself and please reveal yourself through dreams, visions, and media to those who are currently far from you. Reap a great harvest among these groups, Father, for the sake of your glory.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Jun 18: Iceland
Father, please revive your church in Iceland. Replace nominalism with a renewed zeal for you and for the advancement of your kingdom. Call people to yourself as their first love. Bring about repentance from apathy and materialism and renewal with hearts and minds set on things above, not on earthly things.
Thank you for the young leaders you are raising up for the church - please train them well in your word and in ministry, and use their influence to bring revival to others.
Thank you also for the growth of the Evangelical church in Iceland. Please use their faith and unity to open the hearts of many to the good news. And please don't let the evil one blind those who may be Christian in name only - call them to living, vibrant relationships with yourself.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Jun 17: Hungary
Father, thank you for the openness among youth in Hungary to spiritual truth. Please protect these youth from those who would prey on that openness and lead them down paths of darkness. Please keep open the doors and even open them more widely for witness and evangelism in the primary and secondary schools. Strengthen Christian groups in the colleges and universities, and plant groups in those colleges that don't yet have one. Continue to use the summer outreach programs to grow youth in both the knowledge of you and the practice of your word as they live out the Gospel.
Please bring about reconciliation between Christians and Jews in Hungary. Train your people to share the gospel effectively with those who have a part of the truth but not all of it.
Lord God, please break through the barriers to reach the Romani community in Hungary. Thank you for the churches beginning to reach out to them holistically and for the new fellowships you are raising up. Give your people effective means of reaching this community and showing your love, grace, and compassion - and bring the fruit of salvation to them.
Please watch out for the homeless in Budapest. Provide resources for your church to be able to reach out to them. Make your church a channel of your blessing - both spiritual and material - to the homeless. Raise up both institutional and individual responses among your people.
Thank you for the immigrants you have brought to Hungary, especially those who have a better chance of encountering the gospel while there than in the nations from which they came. Open their hearts and minds to the gospel, break down any barriers to reaching them, and send forth your word to these groups. Raise up workers for these harvest fields.
Please bring reconciliation between Hungarian minorities abroad and the various national majorities in Vojvodina, Transylvania, and Slovakia. Empower your church in Hungary to reach out to their own who are living abroad. Bless them in ways that will bring you honor in their lives and in the eyes of those around them.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Jun 16: Honduras
Father, please look down on the suffering, poverty, drug addiction, and corruption running rampant in Honduras and have mercy on the people through your intervention. Root out corrupt government officials and leaders and replace them with leaders who know you and who will lead with wisdom and with the hearts of servants. Grant the government wisdom, courage, and the will to address key issues of poverty and drug addiction, especially among children.
Please raise the level of collaboration and unity among churches in Honduras. Thank you for the increasing missions vision in the Honduran church. Thank you for the mission agencies, both denominational and interdenominational. Thank you for the role the foreign agencies still play in Honduras. Please give them wisdom and great strategies for strengthening the Honduran church, reaching all the unreached in Honduras, and reaching surrounding countries like Nicaragua and El Salvador.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Jun 15: Holy See
Father, we ask your blessing and guidance on the Holy See. Please protect the health and safety of the Pope in all of his travels, and of cardinals, bishops, and priests throughout the church. Lead these servants not into temptation, Father, but deliver them from evil. Protect them from people, situations, and places where they will face unnecessary temptation.
Please guide the church on the key issues facing her. Grant wisdom to the church's leadership, and put your word in the central place in the decisions they make on issues like homosexuality, AIDS, the position of women, and others. Thank you for the increasing diversity in the church - please use this diversity to strengthen the church. Bring not only unity within the church, Lord, but unity with Christians outside the Catholic church.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Jun 13-14: Haiti
Father, thank you for the growth in the Evangelical church in Haiti. Thank you for strengthening the church in evangelism and outreach, and for giving the church courage to stand against voodooism. Protect your church as she battles against these spiritual forces of darkness. Reveal your power through your church, that people far from you would see that you are the One True God. Hear and respond to the prayers of your people for your power to be displayed - repeat Mt. Carmel over and over in Haiti.
Thank you also for the improvement and maturity of church-mission relationships - for bringing about a spirit of unity and collaboration and a focus on fruitfulness for the kingdom.
Lord God, please grant wisdom to Haiti's leaders in ongoing efforts to rebuild the nation after the 2010 earthquake. Root out any corruption that would keep resources from going where they are needed. Give to the country's leaders hearts of servanthood and a spirit of wisdom. Bring in the resources needed from outside the country to help in the rebuilding. And please use this time of starting over to build up social and economic structures far more effective than the ones from the past.
Thank you for the spiritual openness and hunger in Haiti as a result of the earthquake. Thank you for the outpouring of prayer. Please reveal yourself to those who are seeking you in Haiti. Move people away from spiritual darkness into the light of the gospel. Call your church - both within Haiti and abroad - to these harvest fields. May your love and compassion be obvious in the lives of your people, drawing to you those who are far from you.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Jun 12: Guyana
Father, thank you for the responsiveness to the gospel throughout many ethnic groups in Guyana. Thank you for preparing hearts and minds to hear and receive your word, and to turn to you.
Purify your church, Lord, in practice and in doctrine. Saturate your people with the truth of your word, and strengthen them to fully put off old practices and put on the new life in Jesus. Rid your church of syncretism and nominalism. Strengthen families in you.
Make of your church an agent of transformation in Guyana. Provide resources so that she can be a channel of your blessing to the poor. Place her at the forefront of racial reconciliation - of true peace between people and you, and among people.
Please give the government wisdom to lead the people fairly and in a way that meets the needs of all the people. Root out corruption. Replace it with integrity, servanthood, humility, and compassion. Raise up leaders who will serve you first and serve others before themselves. Grant wisdom to make decisions that will benefit the country as a whole.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Jun 11: Guinea-Bissau
Father, thank you for ongoing openness to the Gospel in Guinea-Bissau. Thank you for using your church as peacemakers in this country and for the cooperation you have raised up among Evangelicals, Catholics, and Muslims in working toward political reconciliation. Thank you for the good reputation you have built for your church in this process and for the freedom to operate in the country. Please continue to provide opportunities for the church to take the lead in showing your love and grace. Continue to make of her your agents of reconciliation - both reconciling people to you and reconciling people to each other.
Thank you for the solid, indigenous leadership of the church in Guinea-Bissau and for using the Bible Institute of the Evangelical Church to grow and train leaders. Please raise up leaders willing to go to the more remote parts of the country to serve congregations there. Place a vision in the church in Guinea-Bissau for the growth of the church country-wide, and send out workers to the remote and unreached parts of the country.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Jun 09-10: Guinea
Father, thank you for the stability you have brought to Guinea on many fronts. Thank you for bringing peace to this country and even making it a refuge for displaced people from neighboring countries where violence is a way of life. Thank you for bringing spiritual peace also - freedom for Christians to worship and honor your name.
Thank you also, Lord, for the mission efforts going on among nearly all of the people groups - for the mission agencies and missionaries you have raised up, for the proclamation of your word and the planting of your church.
Please revive and strengthen your church in Guinea, Lord. Call the believers to lives of holiness and discipleship - to fully put off the old and put on the new. Bring unity and vision in reaching the unreached peoples in Guinea, in expanding the work of Bible translation, church planting, and disciple making. Call back to yourself those who have fallen away over the years; don't give up on them, Lord. In your faithfulness, draw them back to their first love.
Thank you, Lord, for the widespread ministry of the JESUS film and of cassette recordings. Please use these and other media means like radio to reach the large segments of the population who cannot read. Reveal yourself through your word - whether written, spoken, or acted out - so that people may know you and may know the truth of your word. Please protect the radio station that has started up and use it to reach into homes around the country.
Raise up teams of translators, Lord, to bring your word into the heart languages of all the people groups. Please hasten the day when people from every language group in Guinea will have access to your word in their own language.
In Jesus' name. Amen.