Egypt: A country on the verge of change
In Egypt massive protests against President Hosni Mubarak's authoritarian regime have been gathering momentum over the past week. The growing unrest might end in a revolution, with radical islamists capitalizing on the crisis to seize power. Also in a few other countries in the Middle East there is a growing mood and momentum for radical change. Commentators have warned of a domino effect from Tunisia across the Arab world, as instability grows in Algeria, Lebanon, Yemen and Jordan.
The protests in Egypt follow targeted attacks against the country's Christians, most notably the suicide bombing at a church in Alexandria on New Year's Day that killed at least 21 worshippers. Christians took to the streets in protest over the lack of protection and justice for their community. They are second-class citizens in their own country and suffer severe discrimination in education and employment.
However, the believers in Egypt are praying and trusting God. "Christians in Egypt need our immediate practical help and prayer support as they find themselves embroiled in this unfolding crisis," says director Patrick Sookhdeo of Barnabas Aid. "We must also pray that as Egyptian citizens seek freedom from an autocratic leader, they will not fall into the hands of a strict islamic regime that will only further oppress its people, especially Christians." Also, these shifts could change the global international relations in significant ways.
Prayer pointers:
- That stability will soon be restored in Egypt and that the outcome of the current crisis will bring greater fairness, freedom and peace for every Egyptian citizen.
- That Egyptian Christians will know the Lord's protection, presence, peace and provision during this tumultuous time.
- That the Gospel will be advanced throughout the Middle East.
Source: Barnabas Aid and various news sources
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Father, please restore order in the communities impacted by recent fighting. Ease the tensions between Christians and Muslims and strengthen your church to consistently respond with grace and love to those who set themselves against You. Strengthen the hand of the government to keep the peace.
Lord, please prevent the spread of sharia law in Egypt. Keep the government free from radical, oppressive influence. Raise your hand against terrorism.
In Jesus' name,
Father, please shine the light of Your Word throughout Egypt. Protect your Church from extremist activity during this time of violence and transition. Open new avenues for the spread of the Gospel. Raise up your Church to offer helping hands to those in need in uncertain and violent times. Pour out your love and grace through your people.
Grant wisdom to President Mubarak and other government officials in determining a plan for transition. Let your Holy Spirit loose in this land to quell the violence and bring about peaceful change. Hear the cries of those who are most vulnerable in often desperate situations - the widow and orphan, the poor and the jobless. Take care of them, Father. See the misery of those who are suffering persecution for their faith or their politics and rise up on their behalf.
Lord, set the course of these events so that your Word may spread in Egypt, so that your Church is empowered to serve and proclaim the Gospel. Root out corruption in government and raise up leaders who will truly serve the people. Defeat the plans of the evil one to oppress your people and restrain your church; fulfill your promise that the gates of hell would not prevail. For your honor and glory. Amen.