South Africa and the rest of the world...

Dear Lord,

Please touch South Africa and protect its people against the Coronavirus as the economy opens up again. Please touch the worldwide economy and provide for everyone's needs, especially those that are hungry and without an income. Thank you Lord! In Jesus Name. Amen,

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  • Lord God, we thank You for all the people whose eyes were opened during this pandemic to see their need of You.

    Let what happens next show again how faithful and gracious You are to provide and care for and protect. Many are in great fear now regarding finances, not only the disease. Use these harsh circumstances to reveal Your power and grace to all - in South Africa, the US and all over the world, especially the countries where people had already been suffering greatly before the pandemic and financial collapses. 

    Ps 79:8-9 CEV

    Have pity and come quickly! We are completely helpless.

    Our God, You keep us safe. Now help us! Rescue us.

    Forgive our sins and bring honor to Yourself.

    In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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