Please keep my daughter Sabrina in your prayers...(its a very long story) so I wont go into all the details because God already knows, but pray that God will give her wisdom and guidance and that His Holy Spirit will speak to Sabrina and guide her back to God and that she will be a loving mother...please pray that God would restore her motherly instincts and that God would give her the patience,understanding that she needs to take good care of her almost 3 year old son when she has him...pray that God will guide her to a Christian man if its not his will for her to go back to her x husband that she left...(she has a boyfriend that she has been living with over a year now and she tells me at times how emotionally abusive he is and that he has anger problem, but yet she wont leave him;;also she is not the easiest person to live with, she is real bossy and selfish) pray that God will help her to think of others before her self all the time, and please pray that God will help her get her priorities in order;;;God first, then her precious son, then whomever....and please pray that God will give my Grandson peace and watch over him and protect him physically and mentally as he goes back and forth between his father and mother...he stays with one every other weekend and my daughter gets him a few times a week after work and he spends the night with her...pray that Kemp (her boyfriend) will not pick at Tyler and not mock him and that he will treat him with kindness...(Kemp has never been married and he does not have any kids and he is 31 yrs old) pray for him also, for Kemps salvation....Tylers Dad has the main custody of him and He will be leaving for overseas for 6 months in April and my daughter and her boyfriend will have to take care of my grandson until the x husband gets back(hes in the Air Force) they live over 3 hours away so I do not get too see them much and my daughter rarely calls its a bad situation..but please pray for all of us involved..for peace, wisdom and guidance...thank you in advance!
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Jeanie I pray God will speak into Sabrina's life and her son and boyfriend's life. Thank you God that you are a Father with a heart for the lost. That You giver of wisdom and You guide the lost back to You. Thank You Jesus that You intercede for people who far from The Father. Please God guide Sabrina to become a mother who that is lead by Jesus. Please help Kemp to get to know You God. Help Him become a Godily man that speaks words of love to Sabrina and Tyler. I palso pray for the safety of Sabrina's ex husband. I pray that You protect Tyler's mind, and spirit. I pray You put Godily people in His life to deomostrate the love of Jesus. I pray that you give peace to the whole situation. God I thank You that You are a God who hears and answers prayers. I praise You God that Jesus will be seen and exalted and Your name will be glorified when You answer this prayer. in Jesus Holy name. Amen.
May God give you wisdom as you pray for all involved ...
I feel your pain. I have a son who has had a heroin addiction. Praise God, he's now almost four years sober. It only by God's grace that he was pulled from that horror. It's difficult when our children are not making good decisions and suffering for it. I will pray for Sabrina, Tyler, and Kemp. Also for you, as I know how frightened you are and how badly you need some peace. God is good and sometimes it's difficult to trust Him, but there is peace in trusting and letting go.