Dear Lord

Dear Lord,

Please touch the earth during this challenging time. Protect our planet against natural disasters, earth quakes and floods.

Please guide the governments across the world with regard to their decisions, especially when it comes to the vaccine. Please protect the world against the second wave of the Corona-virus.

Please intervene where people and governments don't acknowledge your Almighty presence and power. Change their hearts and lead them towards your grace and eternal life.

I ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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  • Lord God,

    I pray with Anne. Thank You that where two or more pray together, You are with us and hear us. 

    We pray for Your guidance and  protection over all Your people.

    We especially pray for Your intervention in the nations and governments of the world. Yes, please change hearts and lead them towards Your grace and eternal life. Only You can.

    Ps 106:30 BSB But Phinehas stood and intervened, and the plague was restrained.

    Lord, You are so much greater than Phineas. Please intervene and restrain.

    Ps 138:2 ESV You have exalted above all things Your Name and Your Word.

    Let Your Words be fulfilled and Your Name glorified.

    Thank You for Your grace and many mercies.

    In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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