Dear Lord...

Dear Lord,

I come to You in the Holy Name of Jesus. Lord, please touch America and its people during this challenging time. Please let Your peace prevail and sanctify the American nation.

Please touch the president, his wife and all the people who are struggling with the virus. Please give us as the human race mercy. Deliver us from the virus and let Your Holy Spirit dwell in the hearts of every person on the face of the earth.

Thank you Lord for Your peace and Mercy. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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  • Lord God,

    Thank You that You love us all and want to be merciful. 

    I agree with Anne - please touch America and sanctify the American nation. Bring prevailing peace in the land and unity among all believers in Jesus Christ.

    We pray for the world for salvation and deliverance from evil. Bless Your people wherever they live and work in the world.

    We pray for the president and his wife, family and all who work with them. We pray for complete healing for all who are ill. Please bless the medical staff who carry such heavy responsibilities to help those who suffer from this pandemic all over the world.

    We pray for Your Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of every person on the face of the earth.

    Blessed be the Lord!

    In the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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