• As I have studied the Names of God for the past 5+ years, I am filled with awe of how God cared about us enough to send Jesus to die on the Cross of Calvary--which I have concluded from much study that it is the deed referred to in the Hebrew letter yud which means deed and is used in the spelling of Jehovah TSIDKENU.  Not only was the work of Christ on the Cross of Calvary, but through it, Christ also provided a door whereby we can come to God--that door is through Him.

    Meditating on the meanings of the Names of God, has brought much focus and encouragement to me. 

  • This is an excellent devotion on Jehovah Tsidkenu.

  • Even after working on this group of Names of God, for the last 4 1/2 years, I am still using it daily.  As I review what I have written, often I find areas that need editorial adjustment to be clearer, or less repetitive. 

    There is so much to be learned in taking time to review these names--and it takes quite a while for myself--for the meanings to root  in my heart. So--I have kept them in-front of me daily-->I am part of a prayer group, and we frequently used one of the names to start off our prayer time--giving praise to God focused on a particular name.  That has been a blessing to all in the group, and I have seen the Lord move as we give Him praise based on His Names.

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