• What a great verse to illustrate this Name of God!

    Malva Birch said:

    Ps 91:4 His huge outstretched arms protect you — under them you’re perfectly safe; His arms fend off all harm. MSG

  • Ps 91:4 His huge outstretched arms protect you — under them you’re perfectly safe; His arms fend off all harm. MSG

  • I have made a change to this discussion base on expansion of the meaning of the Hebrew letter 'shin' discovered through research.  That change did not remove anything, but added something. That addition is the work of the nurturing Love of God.  Consider the following as you think about the nurturing love concept as you meditate on what is written in the discussion.  A mother will pick up her child, or pull her child away from danger, and hold that child close to her to protect the child.  That is a form of what you might call 'protective nurturing'.  When the Spirit of God shows us that we need to turn from old harmful ways, this too is like that mother's action in her protecting her child.  Think about that as you read this discussion. 

    God cares for us and it is an eternal care.

  • Today, I added a note about pulling the meaning of the letters together to finding the possible 'ancient meaning' of Qadosh.  I trust it will help in understanding of this study and what the 'Holy One' has done for us.

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