Leadership. Coaching. Faith/Work. Business.

Bobb Biehl has taught me my favorite definition of leadership:

  • Knowing what to do next
  • Knowing why it is important
  • Knowing how to bring the appropriate resources to bear (which is usually the right people)

If you want to grow your leadership – Let’s talk.

MO Leadership which is my calling to ignite more Leadership. Leadership that is motivated with momentum towards excellence and a closer walk with Jesus.

Those tensions in leadership include:

People – We love them, or try to and they are so challenging in many ways.

Profitability – How do we seek a profit and keep our people and when is enough, enough?

Isolation – Where can I be the “real me”? It is lonely at the top.

Time & Life Balance - How do I take care of myself and those I love when I get so much satisfaction at work doing what I am so good at doing?

Integration of Faith – What would Jesus say if he showed up at my office today? I am not a pastor. What should faith at work look like? 

Strategic Planning – How do I work on the business when there are so many current challenges. What is my mission? Does God care about my vision? Do values matter? How do I get unstuck?

There are processes for all these questions and God wants to be with you as you learn about Him as you grow. Faith and work are linked and when they are life is better. 

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