I share this as a way Intercessors can pray for a situation that they may face in an organization or a family.
It is easy to focus on one party as wrong. That can be a matter of perception and attitude.
When defensive approaches show their face we do find a number of issues arising.
1. Not listening to others.
2. Not willing to demonstrate humility.
3. Arrogance-Pride
Often problems are swept under the rug by:
* not completely dealing with them.
* by not asking the Lord about others whom the Lord has called to a ministry who are in the church
* by skirting or by-passing an issue.
* by failing to take a real interest in another person.
Actions of sweeping issues under the rug are possible evidence of what some might call a religious spirit trying to take control.
We intercessors are often reflective, and the reason I am taking this approach in sharing this is -- In situations we face:
There appears to be a lack of being genuine on the part of some to listen, and respond in humility. They may or may n0t be in leadership roles. This may also evidence of what might be a controlling spirit trying to gain control.
We should be asking that God will grant a spirit of humility to all parties. There have been offenses - possibly on both sides.
From my experience--I have seen prayer make a major difference.
I hope it helps some of you when faced with various troubling issues. I have a situation that I am facing right now--and would appreciate your prayers.
Some of you might have some other thoughts in praying through difficult situations. Would like to hear those thoughts.