Intercessors and a Church being a House of Prayer

The role of intercessors in a church becoming a house of prayer, is not well documented.  Perhaps some of you in the intercessor group would be willing to share your experience. I ask this after reading John Whitsett's Dissertation on Corporate Prayer.  He has a discussion on that dissertation that if you have not read--I could encourage you.  It may stimulate some discussion here.

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  • My greatest struggle as an intercessor is, well, being an intercessor.  Leadership at my church doesn't quite know what to do with me; I don't quite know what to do with me.  I am disheartened when prayer remains focused on "Aunt Gracie's sore toe" and less on seeking God's presence.  I am discouraged when corporate prayer is deemed insignificant because ministries are praying for themselves.  I passionately call others to prayer and watch their eyes glaze over as they try to find something "more important and more exciting." 

    The role of intercessors in a church is not well documented because it is such a hidden work.  The more dissertations and theses written on the ministry of intercession the better.  Dr. Whitsett's dissertation is encouraging on many levels and I have made note of numerous prayer pointers that I am carrying into my prayer closet as I pray for my local church. 

    • Thank you Kimberly for being open.  There is only limited teaching on prayer--and much less on the role of intercessors and intercessory prayer. 

      I would encourage you to look at Cynthia Bezek's article that covers Head praying and Heart praying. Here is the link:

      Many intercessors do pray from their heart, though some primarily from their knowledge and own insight--rather than what their heart tells them--(when our heart is full of God's word, and His love we should be able to listen to it.)  It might help. 

      Also, consider the course here on Pray!Network--'Praying Together'.  It deals with our relationship to the Lord, and then moves into praying together.  Perhaps you might want to teach it in your church.  If you do--please let us know and share your class responses with us. 

      Also--as you find time--study some of the issues we have discussed in the past on this intercessor's group.  Those responses might encourage you.

      One final point--you mentioned that you were reading Dr Whitsett's dissertation on corporate prayer.  I have read that too, and found a key word--Desperation.  A majority of pastors where there was corporate prayer in the church were desperate for the Lord.  That is a question I am asking of my church leaders--how desperate are they for the Lord--if they are desperate--then there is a chance that they will seek the Lord through corporate prayer.  When that happens--a transformation will take place and we might see a local church becoming a house of prayer. 

      I encourage all intercessors who see this to pray for each other in helping us in our intercessory praying that our churches will become houses of prayer.

      Your are not alone in your feelings, and I trust the Lord will help and encourage you here on Pray!Network in your intercessory prayer work.

  • John's "Dissertation on Corporate Prayer can be found here >>>

    • Thanks for posting the link Pastor Phil--that makes it easier for those in this group to see John Whitsett's discussion about 'Corporate Prayer'.  This subject area relates to the scripture found at: Matthew 21:13 (KJV)  "And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer.."  

      Looking forward to some good discussion by intercessors--and even from pastors who are not intercessors, but can share about the impact of intercessors and prayer in their churches.

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