I had an opportunity to learn of a form of intercessory prayer for others-particularly those \difficult situations. The person who share what he and his wife have seen graciously consented to letting what they shared elsewhere, to be shared here.
I am not the expert on prayer, but that does not stop me praying. But I know that God honours the prayers of those who mean business. I know if I start praising God it changes me. I then can exercise faith, and get out of negative praying. Then I can see reports coming back from those areas I was praying for weeks, months, even years later, that something happened to change things. So I rejoice, and then I realize more were praying than just me, and I praise God again. Actually God might be revealing something through our spirit that makes us first feel the pain, then we address that pain (whatever it is).
I pray what are called dart prayers, short, and to the point. Remembering God does not hear us because of long prayers, but because we start believing that answers will come. If I meet a person on the street and they tell me some sad story, I often ask would you like me to pray, rarely do they ever say no. Then because they are puposeful dart prayers they are thankful for them, and things can even happen in their lives.
So as I said I am no expert, just obedient to God.
-----Perhaps some of you reading this may have experience what has been shared here, and may want to share their experience. Intercessory prayer does not have to be long prayers.