Compartmentalization and Blocks to Prayer

Recently I have seen some good things happen which appeared to be the result of prayer.  However--the progress that I had seen suddenly slowed down.  I sought the Lord as to why, and one thought came to me that may explain what is happening.  ---I would like your thoughts and experience about this item--the item is the tendency to compartmentalize.  People have a tendency to compartmentalize events, emotions, or other issues in their lives, --and that can divert their thinking that because past action seemed adequate that they do not have to be dwelt with further--or they just want to ignore it--there may be other focuses that cause it to be compartmentalized and forgotten.

I invite you to share your thoughts about the above from your perspective.  Do not be afraid to share them.

I will start--From my perspective, it may not be out of place to seek what God wants, and when people are silent, to ask the Lord to rattle their cages in a way that is in accordance with God's Word.  I have seen where people may think a past action is complete or adequate through their perspective, and that thinking has prevented them from fully listening to the Lord.

I will add that if we ask the Lord to do that in others--be prepared for Him to rattle your cage too.  There may be something He wants you to do.

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