Did you know biblical scholars suggest that up to 500 people witnessed Jesus in his resurrected body, firsthand? The very first eyewitnesses of the resurrected Christ were Mary Magdalene and a few other women, then the disciples and eventually hundreds more. The personal account of these witnesses was instrumental in spreading the Good News. Even today, over 2,000 years after the resurrection, witnesses are still sharing their personal experiences of encountering the living God!
Being a witness of God is a theme that is seen throughout the Bible. From the prophets in the Old Testament, to the apostles in the New Testament, God has always been calling his followers to represent himself to others. Today, this is one calling that all Christians throughout the world share; to be a witness of God. Regardless of our age, occupation, education, personality type or even geographical location, we can be witnesses to those around us. Like the first few who encountered the resurrected Jesus, we too can share our experience of how Jesus transformed our own lives, and how we can do this may be simpler than you may think.
Generosity is one of those ways. When we truly experience the hope, freedom and love of Jesus, it naturally shifts the way we live and how we use our time, gifts and resources. The changes in behavior and lifestyle that follow are seen by others. People notice when we are generous with affirmations by encouraging others with sincere complements. They notice when we give grace and forgiveness when others are getting revenge. Even in times when we try to give in secret, such as when we leave a generous tip or go out of our way to serve someone in need, our witness is being noticed by others.
In all of these ways we are being witnesses to our faith, and this can be a powerful influence in how others perceive and experience Jesus too. Through our generosity we are representing a God of love, grace, forgiveness and hope, which is a true reflection of the heart and character of God. Representing God in this way invites others to experience him in their own lives. Let’s not take for granted this impact generosity can have on our witness. Every day we have opportunities to represent Jesus to others in ways that can be truly life changing. Let’s be encouraged to go forward each day, continuing to share the Good News of the resurrected Jesus through our generosity, no matter how big or how small those deeds may be. To send you off, read 2 Corinthians 9:12-13 and ask God to help you:
¹²This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. ¹³Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.