Publishing houses, large and small, that produce discipleship resources for disciples, disciplemakers and disciplemaking congregations
Building Church Leaders
TRAINING THEMES Building a Culture of Discipleship Resources to help shape your church into a place of Christian fellowship and transformation. See related Resource Bundle (Discounted Price!) Some people think that "discipleship" is a track for elite Christians. It's not. Discipleship is the calling of every believer, and it is accessible to every person who comes to your church. Help make your congregation a place that nurtures discipleship by using the assessments, studies, and how-to…
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Post a publisher or bookstore that has resources on disciple-making.
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We have just made Disciple Alive! 2015 Textbook available on as well as Please take a look! Published by Alive! Ministries Inc. (a 501 c 3 ministry since 1983).