• I attend a church in which the focus is on making disciples. They train church leaders as well. The biggest problem they encounter is a lack of unity among the leadership in those churches. My suggestion is not to start with the method of discipleship but rather start with the leadership in establishing what discipleship is and what it looks like. Two good books to start with are: Real-Life Discipleship: Building Churches That Make Disciples by Jim Putman, and Church is a Team Sport: A Championship Strategy for Doing Ministry Together by Jim Putman

    Discipleship requires transparency. Most leaders would not dare be transparent with people in their church and that is the reason why there is little transparency and maturity. If one cannot be transparent with those you are leading then you need to ask the question why not. Transparency comes with maturity.

    It is my belief that discipleship is not a destination but a lifestyle.

  • Hi, can i respond to this question as well?..........although I most likely dont have all the answers if but few but what reachs me, is when someone cares ,i can over look most all other botched up attemtps to help me see a point to change but i wont move less i feel cared for.

    thats why im still seeking out the christian faith ive already learned just because they own a white collar it doesnt mean they have it all together id rather someone be honest with me  so i can relate to them and not throw up walls.

    i have no clue about love and the spirit and the desire to be...........that over whelmes me.

    i figure if religion is too hard for me to grasp.id just as soon take my chances with hell

    but when im cared for ,i know this because this past summer i voleenteered for a mission group and thats why im still in the christian courts they cared for me.

    now i want to see why

  • Roger,

    My two cents:  First and foremost there has to be 'desire', both at the congregational and leadership level.  There has to be a 'witness' of God's holiness and power. A love for God.  Respect for God's Law and His attitude against sin.  Matthew 5:3, a realization of personal poverty and incompleteness.  Joy in God and His works.  Active living according to God's word with testimony's in abundance.  I think that without strong motivation on the part of a congregation growth will suffer, the Holy Spirit will be grieved, and stagnation will set it.  Some say it all starts at the top, I say it all starts at the bottom.  A fire needs to be lit.

    I will also say that 'guilt' has no place in this attempt.  Rather, fostering desire and fueling what will draw people to God will.


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