Prayer in the context of the local church is vital to the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Allow me to introduce you to America Prays, a ministry I am privileged to serve as an Advisor. The vision of America Prays is 40,000 churches ... united ... in 24/7 prayer ... for national spiritual awakening. 

The goal of America Prays is to start 24/7 prayer in all 50 states by the end of 2019—25 states in 2018 and 25 states in 2019.

The strategy is simple. Churches select a half or full day of prayer every month. Church members can pray for 15, 30, or 60-minute segments from home, work, school or church. We have 7 major prayer focuses, but churches have the freedom to add specific prayer requests. Communities like Bellingham, Washington and Austin, Texas have been using this simple prayer strategy for 10 years to unite God's people in prayer and transform their communities.

J. Edwin Orr once said, “No great spiritual awakening has begun anywhere in the world apart from united prayer.”
Together, we can see every state in America covered in 24/7 prayer within two years and be a part of a national spiritual awakening that transforms our nation. Prayerfully consider partnering with us to cover your city and state in 24/7 prayer.

Let me introduce you to my friend Brian Alarid, the President of America Prays:
Brian Alarid, President, America Prays
Mobile: 505-934-7646
Please look over the "Pages" and Discussions" ... share this group with pastors and prayer leaders ... add your insights and ideas.
In America as it is in Heaven!
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  • Lord God, 

    We need to pray like never before. We need You now even more than ever.

    Please show us what to pray for 2020 and teach us how to pray according to Your will and purposes. We wait expectantly for Your guidance.

    Please energize and protect each intercessor and our families so that we can bring the work You give us to completion.

    We thank You for Your great faithfulness and patience and deep kindness, in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

  • Over 1700 people from across Chicagoland gathered in historic Moody Church to pray as One Church with One Voice to advance the One Gospel across our 77 neighborhoods and 200+ suburban communities.

    A new website has been established to connect, for example, groups from outside Chicago to partner with Chicago-area congregations by bringing prayer-focused ministry (block-by-block prayerwalking; prayer stations on violent corners)

    Pray for us.

    Pray with us.

  • Reading this?

    How about a 40 second prayer for 40 thousand churches to collaborate on 24/7 "one voice" praying?

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What's UP (united praying) in YOUR city?

The Holy Spirit's prayer movement permeates every aspect of the Body of Christ. Individual intercession Married couples and families Students & Seniors Classes&Committees, Groups&Gathering, Ministries&Meetings, Congregations& Communities America Prays is a call of the Holy Spirit for a "one voice" 24/7 cry from every community in every state. Which is why we ask:       "What's UP in your city?" Reply below with a brief update on united praying in your GPS!

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